1. Win32lib Pixmap

Is it possible to get the address of a win32lib Pixmap
so that I can draw straight to the memory with poke(), or machine code?

Or is there a way that I can allocate a block of memory and then draw that
block to the window?

Also, does anyone know how to use directX or where to get some documentation
on it?


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2. Re: Win32lib Pixmap

Mark wrote:

> Is it possible to get the address of a win32lib
> Pixmap so that I can draw straight to the memory
> with poke(), or machine code?

A Pixmap is actually a handle to a Win32 DIB (device independant bitmap). So
you already have the address.

> Or is there a way that I can allocate a block of memory
> and then draw that block to the window?

The function createDIB does exactly that - it creates 2, 16 or 256 bit color
bitmaps from data.

Hope this helps!

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Win32lib Pixmap

>> Or is there a way that I can allocate a block of memory
>> and then draw that block to the window?
>The function createDIB does exactly that - it creates 2, 16 or 256 bit
>bitmaps from data.
>Hope this helps!
>-- David Cuny

I can't figure out where to look for the actual address to write to. Can you
help me out? I assume that I have to use another routine to actualy get the
DIB to show up in the window, is that correct?


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4. Re: Win32lib Pixmap

Mark wrote:

> I can't figure out where to look for the actual address
> to write to.

It would help if you had a good Win32 programming text; I *think* the latest
Petzold book goes into DIBs in mind-numbing detail.

You should also have the Win32 Programmer's Reference, which is available
through a link on the RDS site.

The GetObject function can be used to obtain a filled-in DIBSECTION, which
contains the header information of the DIB. The first chunk of information
is a BITMAP section, which contains a pointer to the bits. You can also use
the GetDIBits/SetDIBits function to get and set bits.

> I assume that I have  to use another routine to actually
> get the DIB to show  up in the window, is that correct?

The Win32Lib function drawBitmap is used, which does a lot of setup, and
then calls BitBlt to display the DIB.

Hope this helps! Coding the bitmap stuff was one of the most difficult parts
of Win32Lib.

-- David Cuny

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