1. Re: Win32Lib/Llama Status

Ooops... I made a booboo in my bind example... the foo function should be
aa().   And, bar should also be visible from the generated routine_id(),
so bar/ab should also be included in the list of names.

> Bind will output something equivalent to:

  procedure aa()  --> this used to be foo()
  -- ..
  end procedure

  function ac(sequence routine) --> this is a generated routine_id()
    sequence names
    sequence ids
    integer id
    -- list of names currently visible
    names = {"foo","bar"}
    -- only bind will know this list of meaningless names
    ids = {"aa","ab"}
    -- lookup the desired routine name
    id = find(routines, names)
    -- is it valid?
    if id > 0 then
       -- return the routine_id of the actual routine
       return routine_id(ids[id])
    end if
    -- unknown routine
    return -1
  end function

  procedure ab()  --> this used to be bar()
    integer id
    id = ac("foo")  --> this used to be routine_id()
  end procedure

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xseal at harborside.com  ICQ:13466657

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