1. Popup windows?

Hi all, I was wondering if someone could help me, I'm using the Win32 IDE and just trying to figure out how to make custom windows pop up and close at will. There must be a way to do it, but I don't see it in the IDE. Thanks for any help

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2. Re: Popup windows?

Ruxpin said...

Hi all, I was wondering if someone could help me, I'm using the Win32 IDE and just trying to figure out how to make custom windows pop up and close at will. There must be a way to do it, but I don't see it in the IDE. Thanks for any help

Have you looked through the win32lib docs at the openWindow() and openDialog() calls? The closeWindow() call can close a window.

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3. Re: Popup windows?

Thanks, I thought closeWindow() would kill a window permanently

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4. Re: Popup windows?

I thought any window was only a figment of the software that drew it. You close it, it is gone. You move another window over it, it's gone. It never ever reappears until windows calls on your software to redraw it. You minimize it, it's GONE, you get only the taskbar icon instead.

Yep, scientists spends years training apes to think something still exists if you cover it up, but on Windows, you cover it or close it, and it is really gone until it's rebuilt.


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