1. How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

In a large program, when I use:

getFontSize (WinMain)
setFont (PREVIEW,fontSize,Normal)

After using a few times (no problem), suddenly I get the error message:

Error code 425 LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner is not the current owner.

Sorry for being annoying with many problems. It's because I'm migrating some development programs for the EU403, and many problems are appearing.
I can solve some, but others not, like this one, it is very difficult.

What is causing this? How can I fix?

Thanks a lot


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2. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

Hello, me again....and solution problem...????? smile

I am using "Courier" in the main window.

I also use this font in a secondary window where there is option to change the font size and show the result.

I did a test, using the font "Arial" in the secondary window and the error message no longer appears.

This means that WIN32LIB does not allow to use the same font in different windows with different sizes?

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3. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

sergelli said...

This means that WIN32LIB does not allow to use the same font in different windows with different sizes?

The library does allow that so there must be something else going on. If you've got a minimal sample program that demonstrates the problem I'd appreciate testing it here.

In the meantime, I'll try to reproduce on my system, the problem you describe.

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4. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

DerekParnell said...

If you've got a minimal sample program that demonstrates the problem I'd appreciate testing it here.

In the meantime, I'll try to reproduce on my system, the problem you describe.

Small code sample to isolate the problem?
I tried this.

But when the code is separated into a small program, the problem also appears. But it happens very rarely.

The program that is having this problem is very large, but the error occurs in only a small include.
And the error only appears after about 3 or 4 times with good results

If you wish, I send you the total program. sergio@audiophoto.com.br


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5. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

DerekParnell said...

If you've got a minimal sample program that demonstrates the problem I'd appreciate testing it here.

Sorry, this is the smallest "code" I could do.

He is configured to do the error mentioned

Attention to the lines enveloped between the lines equal to this

code lines 

is where the problem can be solved or created

include Win32lib.ew 
global integer fontSize,hasOptionsChanged 
constant fontsizelist ={20,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20} 
        ,fontname="Courier New"                   -- tem que usar esta fonte  
global constant 
	 MAIN = create( Window, "MAIN Window ", 0, 120, 70, 900, 600, 0) 
	,MLE = create( LText, "", MAIN, 222, 111, 510, 220, 0 )  -- MLE = janela de edicao  
	,OPTIONSWINDOW = create( Window, "Options", MAIN, 20, 370, 600, 400,{ WS_DLGFRAME, WS_SYSMENU}) 
 ,FONTSIZELIST =create( List, "Font Sizes", OPTIONSWINDOW, 280, 20,  45,  75, 0 ) 
procedure writeAnyThing(atom id, atom sz, sequence text)  
	setPenColor( id, 4 ) 
 setFont(id, fontname, sz, Normal) 
-- This below line, solve the problem , but I need the "Courier New" 
-- if id=MLE then setFont(id, "Arial", sz, Normal) end if 
end procedure 
procedure paint_preview() -- entirely re-create preview panel using current values 
	sequence data  
	integer fontwidth, fontheight 
	data = getFontSize(OPTIONSWINDOW)   
	data = getFontSize(MLE)   
	fontwidth = data[1] 
	fontheight = data[2] 
 setPosition(MLE ,0,0) 
 setWindowBackColor(MLE, BrightWhite) 
	writeAnyThing(MLE,fontSize," Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia ") 
	setWindowBackColor( OPTIONSWINDOW, BrightWhite) 
 setPosition(OPTIONSWINDOW ,10,100) 
end procedure 
function get_fontsize() 
	integer junk 
	junk = getIndex(FONTSIZELIST) 
	if not junk then 
		return fontSize 
		return fontsizelist[junk] 
	end if 
	end function 
global procedure showsResultAfterSelectingFont(integer x, integer y, sequence z) 
	fontSize = get_fontsize()           -- get fontSize selected 
	end procedure 
   setHandler(FONTSIZELIST, w32HChange,routine_id("showsResultAfterSelectingFont")) 
global procedure on_open_OPTIONS(integer x, integer y, sequence z) 
	eraseItems ( FONTSIZELIST ) 
	for i = 1 to length(fontsizelist) do 
		addItem( FONTSIZELIST, sprintf("%d", fontsizelist[i]) ) 
	end for 
end procedure 
   setHandler(OPTIONSWINDOW, w32HOpen,routine_id("on_open_OPTIONS")) 
-- here (below) happens the error 
   setHandler(OPTIONSWINDOW, w32HPaint,routine_id("showsResultAfterSelectingFont")) 
-- You can comment the line above, but the window "MLE" do not  
-- will show words when open in the first time  
procedure closeOPTIONSWINDOW(integer x, integer y, sequence z) 
 writeAnyThing(MLE,30,"final do programa ") 
end procedure 
   setHandler(OPTIONSWINDOW, w32HClose,routine_id("closeOPTIONSWINDOW")) 
function OptionsHaveChanged() 
	integer temp 
	openWindow(OPTIONSWINDOW, Normal) 
	while 1 do 
		doEvents(0)                      -- allows other events SetHandler to work 
		if hasOptionsChanged != -1 then  -- otherwise will be in eternal loop 
			temp = hasOptionsChanged 
			hasOptionsChanged = -1 
			return temp 
		end if 
	end while 
end function 
procedure onClickMain(integer x, integer y, sequence z) 
 x=OptionsHaveChanged()     -- stands still here, even the program to return this function 
end procedure 
   setHandler(MAIN, w32HClick,routine_id("onClickMain")) 
procedure onOpenMain(integer x, integer y, sequence z) 
	setWindowBackColor( MLE, BrightWhite) 
 setFont( MAIN, "Courier New", 20, Bold ) 
 setFont( MLE, "Arial", 20, Bold ) 
 writeAnyThing( MAIN, 20, "Click on anywhere gray color of the window" ) 
end procedure 
   setHandler(MAIN, w32HPaint,routine_id("onOpenMain")) 
WinMain( MAIN,Normal ) 
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6. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

sergelli said...
DerekParnell said...

If you've got a minimal sample program that demonstrates the problem I'd appreciate testing it here.

Sorry, this is the smallest "code" I could do.

I haven't run your code or examined it in detail, but I think that you should probably not have that infinite loop in there. Is there a reason for doing that instead of simply handling the event when it needs to be handled?

I'm guessing that you really want the options window to be modal. I'm pretty sure there's a way to do that in Win32Lib (been a while, so I don't recall how off the top of my head).


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7. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

mattlewis said...
sergelli said...
DerekParnell said...

If you've got a minimal sample program that demonstrates the problem I'd appreciate testing it here.

Sorry, this is the smallest "code" I could do.

I haven't run your code or examined it in detail, but I think that you should probably not have that infinite loop in there. Is there a reason for doing that instead of simply handling the event when it needs to be handled?

I'm guessing that you really want the options window to be modal. I'm pretty sure there's a way to do that in Win32Lib (been a while, so I don't recall how off the top of my head).


I'm using this "infinite loop" to keep a semblance of the code (much greater)I'm having problems.

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8. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

You are overwriting 'data' w/o using it and I'm not sure why You're making needless calls and insertions

data = getFontSize(OPTIONSWINDOW) data = getFontSize(MLE)

Regards, Euman

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9. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

Euman_Overman said...

You are overwriting 'data' w/o using it and I'm not sure why You're making needless calls and insertions

The above was done to try to reproduce an environment where we get an error "code 425"
This error can occur in lines that have instructions like these:

getFont ()
setFont ()

This is why I used them more than once.I know it seens stupidity

Please keep in mind that this code is just a small summary of a much larger code,
I summarized it, to facilitate the vision of where the error occurs.
But to generate the error, I need to keep statements that seem unnecessary here.

That's not what Derek request to analyze the error?

Do not think it strange that the error does not occur when using a different font in a MLE window?


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10. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

sergelli said...

Sorry, this is the smallest "code" I could do ...

I have not had a chance to look at it yet but I will test your code tonight, in about 8 hours from now.

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11. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

I think I have a solution. Can you please try this and let me know if it works for you.

You need to change one of the win32lib include files. In the file w32resources.ew, in the procedure called traceObject, find the line ...

        if heldResource[at][ResOwner] = owner then 

and change it to ...

        if heldResource[at][ResOwner] = owner or 
           heldResource[at][ResObjType] = kFontObject 

Also, instead of the "while 1" loop you should consider using openDialog() to open the options window. This will keep focus on the options window until the user closes it.

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12. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

DerekParnell said...

I think I have a solution. Can you please try this and let me know if it works for you.

After modifying the file "w32Resources.ew," according to their instructions, the "error425" no longer occurred

Thank you, to this solving this problem and especially for you heed, my explanations that I do with many faults of language English

DerekParnell said...

Also, instead of the "while 1" loop you should consider using openDialog() to open the options window. This will keep focus on the options window until the user closes it.

I need "a while ..." because I made a dialog box that captures the parameters used in the fonts and some others that are not in function "OpenDialog ().

Do you think "a while ..." is a bad feature?


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13. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

sergelli said...

I need "a while ..." because I made a dialog box that captures the parameters used in the fonts and some others that are not in function "OpenDialog ().

Do you think "a while ..." is a bad feature?

No exactly bad but unnecessary. Here is what your routine could look like ...

function OptionsHaveChanged()  
	integer temp  
	temp = hasOptionsChanged  
	hasOptionsChanged = -1  
	return temp  
end function  
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14. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

sergelli said...
DerekParnell said...

Also, instead of the "while 1" loop you should consider using openDialog() to open the options window. This will keep focus on the options window until the user closes it.

I need "a while ..." because I made a dialog box that captures the parameters used in the fonts and some others that are not in function "OpenDialog ().

Do you think "a while ..." is a bad feature?

In general, yes. Windows provides your program with events that will call back to your program. While waiting for an event, your program basically does nothing. With the while loop, your program will eat up a lot of processor time without really doing anything. Letting Windows handle that job is much more efficient.


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15. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

Derec and Matt, thank you very much, resolved all the issues I posted here.


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16. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

DerekParnell said...

I think I have a solution. Can you please try this and let me know if it works for you.

You need to change one of the win32lib include files. In the file w32resources.ew, in the procedure called traceObject, find the line ...

        if heldResource[at][ResOwner] = owner then 

and change it to ...

        if heldResource[at][ResOwner] = owner or 
           heldResource[at][ResObjType] = kFontObject 

Also, instead of the "while 1" loop you should consider using openDialog() to open the options window. This will keep focus on the options window until the user closes it.

Hello Derek

I had to reinstall the system files Euphoria, and found that the above problem has not been solved.

Does no one else need this feature? :)


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17. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

sergelli said...

I had to reinstall the system files Euphoria, and found that the above problem has not been solved.

But did you also try my suggested fix?

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18. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

DerekParnell said...

But did you also try my suggested fix?

Yes, I used your suggestion and now everything works fine.

Just do not think it is normal to corrupt an original file, for my programs work.

What is wrong with my code?

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19. Re: How to solve LOGIC ERROR: Held resource owner

sergelli said...

What is wrong with my code?

Nothing that I can see. The fault was in my code inside win32lib.ew. Now that you have tried my suggestion and it works, I can permanently fix the library with this tested fix.

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