1. bigfont version 2 update

Thank you for the newest update, Colin.  The latest version is over 4x
faster than the first, and pretty well as quick on displaying the large and
complex font characters (32 X 32 and up) as I have seen from anyone.  Very
impressed.  Will be implementing this into the main program (in its EU 2.0
state as soon as I can).  Incidently, for those of you wondering what we
are talking about here, this version of BigFont is now holding over 1.7
megs of a single, continuous font file consisting of characters running
from positions (in Hex) 00000 to 1A0106, and having the coding postions of
AA00 to CAFF.  This works perfectly so far, and yet is only holding about
one-third of the eventual characters that are ready to go in right now.

A real computing breakthrough not done ANYWHERE else but here at EU.

Congratulations to yourself Colin Taylor!


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