1. Newbie Win32Lib questions

Dear All,

Re: Win32Lib

Ok, how do I do it. I want to create a simple window and then write text to it.
No font niceties required, just a simple log of the progress of the program
(which in case you wanted to know is pinging a series of addresses and
displaying the address and the average ping time in milliseconds). Basically I'm
after the Windows equivalent of printing to stdout but I want it in a window,
not the console.

Also re: Win32Lib

How do I do a RasHangUp? How do I do a RasDial? How do I do a RasEnumConnections
and how do I make sense of parameters like LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS, LPTSTR,

Thanks for your help.


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2. Re: Newbie Win32Lib questions

Bruce M. Axtens wrote:

> I want to create a simple window and
> then write text to it.

Take a look at ex12.exw - it shows how to place text in the window. Just
stick the text in a sequence, and when you get an paint request, repaint it.
Something like this:

   procedure onPaint( integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2 )

      -- redraw theText in the current window

      integer fontX, fontY, winX, winY, line
      object info

      -- get the font size
      info = getTextSize( MyWindow )
      fontX = info[1]
      fontY = info[2]

      -- get the window size
      info = getWindowSize( MyWindow )
      winX = info[1]
      winY = info[2]

      -- display all the text
      line = 0
      for y = 1 to winY by fontY do

         -- increment the line of text being displayed
         line += 1

         -- past end of text?
         if line > length( theText ) then
            -- leave the loop
         end if

         -- position the cursor at the line
         setPosition( MyWindow, 0, y )

         -- display the text
         wPuts( MyWindow, text[ line ] )

      end for

   end procedure

It's a bit brute force (it ignores the repaint parameters, for example), but
it should get the job done.

Every time that you get update information, update theText and call
repaintWindow( MyWindow ). This forces the entire window to be repainted,
and triggers your onPaint event. The easiest way to handle text scrolling to
*prepend* the new text, so the most current information is at the top of the
screen.   If you want to scroll in the opposite direction, it gets a bit
more complex.

> How do I do a RasHangUp?
> How do I do a RasDial?
> How do I do a RasEnumConnections

I assume you have the Win32 Programmer's Reference help file. If not, it's
at the RDS site.

You will need to link to RASAPI32.DLL; it's not one of the common DLLs that
Win32Lib uses. This is done with:

   constant rasapi32 = linkDLL("RASAPI32.DLL")

or in plain Euphoria:

   constant rasapi32 = open_dll("RASAPI32.DLL")

The only difference between the two is that linkDll (a Win32Lib function)
does some error checking with the result before handing it back.

Then you need to tell Euphoria what the functions look like. For example,
RasHangUp looks like this in C:

   DWORD RasHangUp( HRASCONN hrasconn )

To declare it in Win32Lib, write something like this:

   constant xRasHangUp = linkFunc( rasapi, "RasHangUp", {C_POINTER}, C_LONG

or in plain Euphoria:

   constant xRasHangUp = define_c_func( rasapi, "RasHangUp", {C_POINTER},

Again, the only difference is that the Win32Lib version does some error
checking on the result before handing it back.

To then use the function, you would call using c_func like this:

   result = c_func( xRasHangUp, {hRasConn} )

That's how you can access the routines in Win32Lib. Not having used any of
those functions, I can only refer you to the Win32 help file for more

> and how do I make sense of parameters like

It helps to have some C programming background. The best advice is to find a
good Win32 book that focuses on C programming, like Petzold's text.

The key here is that the function names use something called "Hungarian
notation"; the first few characters are a prefix to the data type. For

  lp = long pointer
  d = double



is a long (double word) pointer data type. I posted a general discussion on
reading and writing C struture yesterday; you might want to take a look at
that. There are a tools in Win32Lib to declare and work with data
structures. As an example, compare the definition of a RECT data structure:

   typedef struct _RECT {    // rc
       LONG left;
       LONG top;
       LONG right;
       LONG bottom;
   } RECT;

and how Win32Lib defines it:

   -- Type RECT
       rectLeft            = allot( Long ),
       rectTop             = allot( Long ),
       rectRight           = allot( Long ),
       rectBottom          = allot( Long ),
       SIZEOF_RECT         = allotted_size()

It looks pretty much the same, doesn't it? In order to create the data
structure, you need to use allocate() to grab memory, and free() to release
it when you are done. In Win32Lib, I use the function allocate_struct(),
which calls allocate(), and then fills the allocated memory with zeros.

You can see an example of a RECT data structure being constructed and filled
in the repaintRect() procedure:

    -- hold address of rect
    atom rect

    -- allocate rectangle
    rect = allocate_struct( SIZEOF_RECT )

    -- store the information
    store( rect, rectLeft,   x1 )
    store( rect, rectTop,    y1 )
    store( rect, rectRight,  x2 )
    store( rect, rectBottom, y2 )

The routine getWindowSize() shows how Win32Lib reads information from a

    -- get points
    left    = fetch( rect, rectLeft )
    top     = fetch( rect, rectTop )
    right   = fetch( rect, rectRight )
    bottom  = fetch( rect, rectBottom )

This should be enough to get you going. Take a look in win32lib.doc under
"Data Structure Tools" for more information.

Hope this helps!

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Newbie Win32Lib questions

I had written:

   constant xRasHangUp = linkFunc( rasapi, "RasHangUp" ... )

instead of:

   constant xRasHangUp = linkFunc( rasapi32, "RasHangUp" ... )


-- David Cuny

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