1. Getting atom values with gets()
- Posted by Derek Brown <Cyrusbrown at AOL.COM> Jun 09, 1999
- Last edited Jun 10, 1999
Sorry for the slew of questions lately.. I'm working on a big project. Details will be out in a week or so once more work on it is complete. My question is about the gets() or get() commands. I need to be able to input data as an atom...ie if I type 100 gets() will return 100, not {XX,YY,YY,10}. Or I need to take the latter and convert it to 100. This is probably as easy as tying my shoes, but I'm stumped. I'll probably kick myself when I see how easy it is ; ) Thanks, Derek Brown
2. Re: Getting atom values with gets()
- Posted by JJProg at CYBERBURY.NET Jun 09, 1999
- Last edited Jun 10, 1999
EU> Sorry for the slew of questions lately.. I'm working on a big project. EU>Details will be out in a week or so once more work on it is complete. EU> My question is about the gets() or get() commands. I need to be able to EU>input data as an atom...ie if I type 100 gets() will return 100, not EU>{XX,YY,YY,10}. Or I need to take the latter and convert it to 100. This is EU>probably as easy as tying my shoes, but I'm stumped. I'll probably kick EU>myself when I see how easy it is ; ) EU>Thanks, EU>Derek Brown Use get. Example: include get.e sequence s puts(1,"Enter a number: ") s = get(0) if s[1] != GET_SUCCESS then puts(1,"You were supposed to enter a number!\n") elsif not atom(s[2]) then puts(1,"A number. Not a sequence.\n") else printf(1,"\nThe number you entered was %f\n",s[2]) end if Jeffrey Fielding JJProg at cyberbury.net http://members.tripod.com/~JJProg/
3. Re: Getting atom values with gets()
- Posted by Patrick Quist <quistnet at HOTMAIL.COM> Jun 10, 1999
>From: Derek Brown <Cyrusbrown at AOL.COM> >Reply-To: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU> >To: EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU >Subject: Getting atom values with gets() >Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:23:22 EDT > > Sorry for the slew of questions lately.. I'm working on a big project. >Details will be out in a week or so once more work on it is complete. > My question is about the gets() or get() commands. I need to be able to >input data as an atom...ie if I type 100 gets() will return 100, not >{XX,YY,YY,10}. Or I need to take the latter and convert it to 100. This >is >probably as easy as tying my shoes, but I'm stumped. I'll probably kick >myself when I see how easy it is ; ) > >Thanks, >Derek Brown You could also use gets() instead of get(), you can return a sequence if it's a sequence, and an atom if the sequence is an atom. Use the source beneath... E.g. --------- include seq2int.e object input input=gets(0) -- Get input if isAtom(input) then -- If the sequence is really an atom input=seq2int(input) -- Sequence becomes an atom... end if --------- [SEQ2INT.E] global function isAtom(sequence input) object returnment,tmp tmp=0 for a=1 to length(input) do if input[a]>='0' and input[a]<='9' then tmp+=1 elsif input[a]='.' or input[a]='-' then tmp+=1 end if end for if tmp=length(input) then returnment=0 else returnment=-1 end if return returnment end function -- Works till "9999999999", try "1.5" or "-1.5" it works -- global function seq2int(sequence str) object result,tmp1,tmp2,divide divide=1 tmp1=find('.',str) tmp2=find('-',str) if tmp1 !=0 then divide=power(10,length(str)-tmp1) str=str[1..tmp1-1]&str[tmp1+1..length(str)] end if if tmp2 !=0 then divide*=-1 str=str[1..tmp2-1]&str[tmp2+1..length(str)] end if result=str[length(str)]-48 for a=1 to length(str)-1 do result+=power(10,length(str)-a)*(str[a]-48) end for result/=divide return result end function [EOF] Bye, PQ QC ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
4. Re: Getting atom values with gets()
- Posted by "Carl R. White" <C.R.White at SCM.BRAD.AC.UK> Jun 11, 1999
It's overkill time: :) My entire Euphoria life (up til around late april) is available for download (5 Megs) from: http://www.bigfoot.com/~cyrek/public/euphoria/crweuph.zip My mathematics libraries are still available from my Euphoria page... This being the one that pertains to this thread...: --- basebag.e --- Converts strings of didgits in bases 2 .. 36 into atoms -- ...and back again. type numbase(integer x) return x >= 2 and x <= 36 end type type char(integer ch) return ch >= 0 and ch <= 255 end type function isdigit(char ch) return (ch >= '0' and ch <= '9') end function function isalphanumeric(char ch) return isdigit(ch) or (ch >= 'A' and ch <= 'Z') end function function char2digit(char ch, numbase base) integer out out = -1 if isalphanumeric(ch) then out = ch - '0' - 7 * (ch >= 'A') if out >= base then out = -1 end if end if return out end function function digit2char(integer digit, numbase base) char out out = ' ' if digit >= 0 and digit < base then out = digit + 48 + 7 * (digit > 9) end if return out end function global function seq2atom(sequence s, numbase base) integer sign, digit atom int, frac, multiplier integer fp fp = 0 int = 0 frac = 0 multiplier = 1 sign = 1 digit = -1 for i = 1 to length(s) do digit = char2digit(s[i], base) if s[i] <= 32 or s[i] = ',' then -- do nothing elsif s[i] = '-' and sign != -1 then sign = -1 elsif digit != -1 then if fp then multiplier = multiplier / base frac = frac + multiplier * digit else int = base * int + digit end if elsif s[i] = '.' and not fp then fp = 1 else exit end if end for return sign*(int+frac) end function global function atom2seq(atom a, numbase base) sequence out, front integer digit, maxfpp, fppcount atom int, frac char ch maxfpp = 14 -- max possible without accidentally hitting 15 :) maxfpp = floor(maxfpp/(log(base)/log(10))+.5) fppcount = 0 -- Base precision on the fact that most computers can cope with -- [see first definition of maxfpp] digits after the _decimal_ -- (i.e. base *10*) point. -- This is then scaled to the current base -- e.g. base 10, 12 digits -> base 2, 40 digits -> base 16, 10 digits etc. out = {} front = {} frac = a if a < 0 then front = "-" frac = -a end if int = floor(frac) frac = frac - int if int = 0 then front = front & '0' end if while int > 0 do digit = remainder(int, base) int = floor(int / base) ch = digit2char(digit, base) if ch = 32 then return front & out end if fppcount = fppcount + 1 out = ch & out end while if frac = 0 then return front & out end if out = out & '.' while frac < 1 and fppcount < maxfpp do frac = frac * base digit = floor(frac) frac = frac - digit ch = digit2char(digit,base) if ch = 32 then return front & out end if fppcount = fppcount + 1 out = out & ch end while while out[length(out)] = '0' do out = out[1..length(out)-1] end while return front & out end function global function baseconv(numbase from, numbase to_, sequence x) return atom2seq(seq2atom(x, from), to_) end function global function base27toalpha(sequence a) return a + 47*(a='0') + 16*(a>='1'and a<='9') + 9*(a>='A'and a<='R') end function global function alphatobase27(sequence a) return a - 47*(a='_') - 16*(a>='A'and a<='I') - 9*(a>='J'and a<='Z') end function -- Carl R White -- Final Year Computer Science at the University of Bradford E-mail........: cyrek- at -bigfoot.com -- Remove hyphens. Ta :) URL...........: http://www.bigfoot.com/~cyrek/ Uncrackable...: "19.6A. 25.31.1C 3C."
5. Re: Getting atom values with gets()
- Posted by simulat <simulat at INTERGATE.BC.CA> Jun 11, 1999
Carl I tried to get your library, but your site wouldn't let me in. Bye Martin
6. Re: Getting atom values with gets()
- Posted by "Carl R. White" <C.R.White at SCM.BRAD.AC.UK> Jun 11, 1999
On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, simulat wrote: ] Carl ] I tried to get your library, but your site wouldn't let me in. Which page/link exactly were you having trouble with? I've just had the 5Mb zip down for checking, but it's back up now... Any other links? -- Carl R White -- Final Year Computer Science at the University of Bradford E-mail........: cyrek- at -bigfoot.com -- Remove hyphens. Ta :) URL...........: http://www.bigfoot.com/~cyrek/ Uncrackable...: "19.6A. 25.31.1C 3C."
7. Re: Getting atom values with gets()
- Posted by simulat <simulat at INTERGATE.BC.CA> Jun 11, 1999
Carl I tried the link again and it worked fine. I guess I just happened to hit it while you had the file down. Thanks again Martin ----- Original Message ----- From: Carl R. White <C.R.White at SCM.BRAD.AC.UK> To: <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU> Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 7:44 AM Subject: Re: Getting atom values with gets() > On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, simulat wrote: > > ] Carl > ] I tried to get your library, but your site wouldn't let me in. > > Which page/link exactly were you having trouble with? > > I've just had the 5Mb zip down for checking, but it's back up now... > > Any other links? > > -- > Carl R White -- Final Year Computer Science at the University of Bradford > E-mail........: cyrek- at -bigfoot.com -- Remove hyphens. Ta :) > URL...........: http://www.bigfoot.com/~cyrek/ > Uncrackable...: "19.6A. 25.31.1C 3C." >