1. A new line may give correct printout ?? How ?
- Posted by Selgor Feb 02, 2011
Selgor here
The following programme is to print out after calculation
Pascal's Triangle
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1 etc
But it ain't playing the game as it did in .ex code
I think I need a new line structure which used to be
"\n" embedded in printf statement
Any help accepted
It prints as a triangle the numbers but doesn't show as such in this post ??
The programme :=
---------------------------------- PasTri--------------------- include Win32Lib.ew without warning sequence CoEff CoEff = repeat(0,20) -- Initialise Sequence..20 zeroes CoEff[2] = 1 -- Initialise Triangle Start object number,Request,across ,down global constant Window1 = create(Window,"",0,150,150,610,415,{WS_POPUP,WS_DLGFRAME}) setWindowBackColor(Window1,Parchment) global constant LText1 = createEx( LText, "Type a Number and Enter", Window1, 120, 10, 132, 20, 0, 0 ) global constant EditText1 = createEx( EditText, "", Window1, 250, 10, 88, 20, 0, 0 ) global constant LText4 = createEx( LText, "Press Enter to Restart", Window1, 450, 50, 150, 20, 0, 0 ) procedure draw_it() sequence CoEff object number,Request CoEff = repeat(0,20) -- Initialise Sequence..20 zeroes CoEff[2] = 1 -- Initialise Triangle Start number=getNumber(EditText1) Request = number + 1 -- Avoid Zero across = 300 -- Where 1st row is to start down = 70 for Row = 1 to Request do for i = 0 to across do -- Pseudo Tab Function wPuts({Window1,across,down}," ") end for for Col = Row to 2 by -1 do CoEff[Col] = CoEff[Col] + CoEff[Col-1] wPuts({Window1,across,down},{"%8d",CoEff[Col]}) end for down += 10 -- Move down across -= 20 -- Move left -- puts(1,"\n") -- New line twice spacing triangle -- puts(1,"\n") -- in a readable way end for end procedure procedure EditText1_onKeyDown (integer self, integer event, sequence params) if params[1]=13 then if self=EditText1 then doEvents(0) draw_it() setFocus(EditText1) setText(EditText1,"") end if end if end procedure setHandler( {EditText1}, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("EditText1_onKeyDown")) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Window1_onActivate (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () setVisible(LText4,0) setFocus(EditText1) setPenColor( Window1, Green ) setPenWidth( Window1, 8 ) drawRectangle( Window1, w32False, 2, 50, 602, 408) end procedure setHandler( Window1, w32HActivate, routine_id("Window1_onActivate")) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure CloseApp ( integer self, integer event, sequence parms ) if self = Window1 then closeWindow(Window1) closeApp() end if end procedure setHandler(Window1, w32HClick, routine_id("CloseApp")) WinMain( Window1,Normal )
2. Re: A new line may give correct printout ?? How ?
- Posted by petelomax Feb 02, 2011
Four little changes (marked with --<<) should make you happy:
procedure draw_it() integer x --<< sequence CoEff object number,Request CoEff = repeat(0,20) -- Initialise Sequence..20 zeroes CoEff[2] = 1 -- Initialise Triangle Start number=getNumber(EditText1) Request = number + 1 -- Avoid Zero across = 300 -- Where 1st row is to start down = 70 for Row = 1 to Request do for i = 0 to across do -- Pseudo Tab Function wPuts({Window1,across,down}," ") end for x = 0 --<< for Col = Row to 2 by -1 do CoEff[Col] = CoEff[Col] + CoEff[Col-1] wPuts({Window1,across+x,down},{"%8d",CoEff[Col]}) --<< x += 40 --<< end for down += 10 -- Move down across -= 20 -- Move left -- puts(1,"\n") -- New line twice spacing triangle -- puts(1,"\n") -- in a readable way end for end procedure
3. Re: A new line may give correct printout ?? How ?
- Posted by Selgor Feb 02, 2011
Hello Pete
Thanks for the mend
The added lines work perfectly
So, I just did not give room for the numbers to "move"
Is that correct ??
O.K. on with the next 20 odd .ex to .exw I will go
Oh what "fun"
4. Re: A new line may give correct printout ?? How ?
- Posted by petelomax Feb 03, 2011
Thanks for the mend
The added lines work perfectly
So, I just did not give room for the numbers to "move"
Is that correct ??
Yes. For completeness, some other changes:
--global constant LText4 = createEx( LText, "Press Enter to Restart", Window1, 450, 50, 150, 20, 0, 0 ) procedure draw_it() for Row = 1 to Request do -- for i = 0 to across do -- Pseudo Tab Function -- wPuts({Window1,across,down}," ") -- end for end procedure procedure EditText1_onKeyDown (integer self, integer event, sequence params) if self=EditText1 then repaintWindow(Window1) --<< drawRectangle( Window1, w32False, 2, 50, 602, 408) --<< end procedure procedure Window1_onActivate (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () -- setVisible(LText4,0) end procedure
IE: remove LText4 and the "Pseudo Tab Function", and add a repaint and redraw the rectangle to clear previous contents.
5. Re: A new line may give correct printout ?? How ?
- Posted by Selgor Feb 03, 2011
Hello Pete
Not only a great helper but Pete Lomax is a mind reader Thank you heaps for the added code
When I ran the 1st 4 additional new code
the screen "screwed" up. My initial code NOT yours
I added clearwindow etc to clear old and though still workable "look" wasn't good
So, I was going to post again and then thought I would make do
And now you have done this for me
Well and truly up to .exw standard.
Greatly appreciated
Thank you for time and patience
Look out .. still got 20 odd to go
But it is "fun"