1. And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


Selgor here

Yes I am requesting help with the following

Old Dos program ...

include swfuncs.e 
include get.e 
      object a,b,r,w 
      r = 1 
      a = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      b = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      while r > 0 do 
           r = a - b* floor(a/b) 
           if r = 0 then 
           end if 
           a = b 
           b = r 
      end while 
      puts(1,"The Greatest Common Denominator is ") 
      ? b 

and this is my feeble attempt

include win32lib.ew 
without warning 
constant Win = 
     create( Window, "Win", 0, 200, 100, 640,520, 0 ) 
 include swfuncs.e 
include get.e 
      object a,b,r,w 
procedure start_it(integer id, integer event, sequence parms) 
            	wPuts( {Win, 10, 10}, "Input a number") 
            wPuts({Win,10,50},"Input second number ") 
    a = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
  b = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
  --  clear_screen() 
  while r > 0 do 
    r = a - b* floor(a/b) 
   if r = 0 then 
         end if 
      a = b 
      b = r 
     end while 
     ? b 
w= wait_key() 
end procedure 
setHandler(Win, w32HActivate, routine_id("start_it")) 
WinMain( Win, Normal) 

I cannot find an example for prompt_number in win32

The above draws a window
Then all else is dos32

In other words it does not work

How can I get a handle on this conversion stuff ??

Or do I just say ... "stuff it" .. which I do not want to do

I have lots more to convert

Any help appreciated



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2. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Without doing it for you, here is roughly what you need:

Selgor said...
include swfuncs.e 
include get.e 

remove those

Selgor said...
            	wPuts( {Win, 10, 10}, "Input a number") 
            wPuts({Win,10,50},"Input second number ") 

remove those and create two labels instead

Selgor said...
    a = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
  b = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 

remove those and create two input fields instead

Selgor said...
     ? b 
w= wait_key() 

remove those and create an output field instead

Selgor said...
setHandler(Win, w32HActivate, routine_id("start_it")) 

Add an "OK" or "Calculate it" button and use w32HClick on that instead.

You final program should have 7 create() statements

HTH, Pete

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3. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Thanks Pete

for answering my request for help

But, I have no idea what you are writing about.

I think you are telling me to get rid of all my code ??

And I know you are trying to help

But more specific NOT cryptic

Sorry for my ignorance



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4. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Selgor said...


Selgor here

Yes I am requesting help with the following

Old Dos program ...

include swfuncs.e 
include get.e 
      object a,b,r,w 
      r = 1 
      a = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      b = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      while r > 0 do 
           r = a - b* floor(a/b) 
           if r = 0 then 
           end if 
           a = b 
           b = r 
      end while 
      puts(1,"The Greatest Common Denominator is ") 
      ? b 

and this is my feeble attempt


I cannot find an example for prompt_number in win32

The above draws a window
Then all else is dos32

In other words it does not work

How can I get a handle on this conversion stuff ??

Or do I just say ... "stuff it" .. which I do not want to do

I have lots more to convert

Any help appreciated



Actually, this code is not DOS32 specific. It should work on Linux/GNU and BSD and even on Windows using console mode (eui.exe) . There is no need to "convert" anything. (You may want to change get.e to std/get.e for 4.0 but this is optional.)

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5. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


My programme works as an .ex without a problem.

I wrote it in 2004 to learn euphoria with about 50 odd other programmes

Now, I am trying to write it as a .exw programme.

Yes, I am still using 3.1 Euphoria.

Not up to 4.0 yet

Thanks for your interest ..... appreciated.



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6. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Selgor said...

I have no idea what you are writing about.
more specific NOT cryptic

Are there any parts of my post you /DO/ understand?

Can you tell me /exactly/ where you got "include win32lib.ew" from?

Selgor said...

I think you are telling me to get rid of all my code ??

There are five things that need to be replaced.

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7. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Selgor said...


Selgor here

Yes I am requesting help with the following

Old Dos program ...

See please one possible solution:

include dos_rescue.ew --- from the Insolor's package   
                      --- http://www.rapideuphoria.com/dosrescue2.zip 
include swfuncs.e 
include get.e 
      object a,b,r,w 
      r = 1 
      a = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      b = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      while r > 0 do 
           r = a - b* floor(a/b) 
           if r = 0 then 
           end if 
           a = b 
           b = r 
      end while 
      puts(1,"The Greatest Common Denominator is ") 
      ? b 
b = getc(0) --- press Enter instead of wait_key() 

Works for me with eui.exe of 4.0. But Rob's dos_rescue.ew of lw doesn't force it to work with exw.exe of 3.1.1, sorry.

And it runs ok with exw.exe of 3.1.1 without includeing of dos_rescue.ew at all.


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8. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


I always put

include win32lib.ew
without warning

at the start of an .exw programme

I do not know what I am supposed to create 7 times

And a label ... don't know

This .exw programming is not clear to me yet



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9. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


My original pogramme works fine

I am trying to write it as a .exw programme

using win32lib

Thanks for your post



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10. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Hello Selgor,

I just made this up on the fly. It should do what you want.

--  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v0.22.0 Build Dec-16-2006 
constant TheProgramType="exw"  
include Win32Lib.ew 
without warning 
--  Window Window1 
global constant Window1 = createEx( Window, "Window1", 0, Default, Default, 400, 300, 0, 0 ) 
global constant LText4 = createEx( LText, "Type Number 1 and Enter", Window1, 72, 68, 132, 20, 0, 0 ) 
global constant EditText2 = createEx( EditText, "", Window1, 208, 68, 48, 20, 0, 0 ) 
global constant LText5 = createEx( LText, "Type Number 2 and Enter", Window1, 72, 100, 132, 20, 0, 0 ) 
global constant EditText3 = createEx( EditText, "", Window1, 208, 100, 48, 20, 0, 0 ) 
global constant LText7 = createEx( LText, "The Greatest Common Denominator is", Window1, 8, 168, 192, 20, 0, 0 ) 
global constant EditText6 = createEx( EditText, "", Window1, 208, 168, 48, 20, 0, 0 ) 
global constant LText9 = createEx( LText, "Hit Enter to Restart", Window1, 272, 168, 100, 20, 0, 0 ) 
procedure calculate() 
   integer a,b,r 
     if a=0 or b=0 then  
     end if 
      while r > 0 do  
           r = a - b* floor(a/b)  
           if r = 0 then  
           end if  
           a = b  
           b = r  
      end while  
end procedure 
procedure Window1_onActivate (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is ()  
end procedure 
setHandler( Window1, w32HActivate, routine_id("Window1_onActivate")) 
procedure EditText2_onKeyDown (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is ( atom scanCode, atom shift ) 
   if params[1]=13 then 
       if self=EditText2 then 
       elsif self=EditText3 then     
       elsif self=EditText6 then 
       end if 
   end if 
end procedure 
setHandler( {EditText2,EditText3,EditText6}, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("EditText2_onKeyDown")) 
WinMain( Window1,Normal ) 

Don Cole

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11. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Selgor said...


I always put

include win32lib.ew
without warning

at the start of an .exw programme

Can you tell me /exactly/ where you got "include win32lib.ew" from?

You found it somewhere. Nevermind, instead read


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12. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


It works like a charm

Thank you so much

I wish to choose some words for you

so I will leave this post as is for now

BUT........... please read tomorrow

You are ... and always have been ...

So helpful


........................ more to come


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13. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


No ........

I just did not read it somewhere If you want to use win32lib then the include must be there

Or that is what I understand

having read many codes

I am O.K. with dos32 or dos etc

It is the win32 stuff that I cannot find specific examples for

I did not post my attempts at message boxes ... and lots of other stuff

Just graduated to .exw programmes and find them difficult..

At 70 years young I am trying to get all my .ex programmes

up to speed .... the "windows" stuff

And I have about 60 odd programmes to go

Bear with me ??

But I will keep going



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14. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

Selgor said...


No ........

I just did not read it somewhere If you want to use win32lib then the include must be there

Or that is what I understand

having read many codes

I am O.K. with dos32 or dos etc

It is the win32 stuff that I cannot find specific examples for

I did not post my attempts at message boxes ... and lots of other stuff

Just graduated to .exw programmes and find them difficult..

At 70 years young I am trying to get all my .ex programmes

up to speed .... the "windows" stuff

And I have about 60 odd programmes to go

Bear with me ??

But I will keep going




Did you notice that Don Cole's Window's version of your program was developed using the IDE? It would probably be a better starting point for making Windows versions of your programs than trying to hand code them.

You do still have to "think differently" to make Windows programs, but using the IDE should make things quite a bit easier.

Just a suggestion.

Dan M.

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15. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


Thank you for the suggestion

Never really used it

But now under advice

I will add it to my learning curve

BTW ...... Dan

You also have been a tower of strength over many years

as has been Don

Both of you seem to crop up at the exact , precise moment..

Thank you so much



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16. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??

kinz said...
Selgor said...


Selgor here

Yes I am requesting help with the following

Old Dos program ...

See please one possible solution:

include dos_rescue.ew --- from the Insolor's package   
                      --- http://www.rapideuphoria.com/dosrescue2.zip 
include swfuncs.e 
include get.e 
      object a,b,r,w 
      r = 1 
      a = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      b = prompt_number(" Type num ",{}) 
      while r > 0 do 
           r = a - b* floor(a/b) 
           if r = 0 then 
           end if 
           a = b 
           b = r 
      end while 
      puts(1,"The Greatest Common Denominator is ") 
      ? b 
b = getc(0) --- press Enter instead of wait_key() 

Works for me with eui.exe of 4.0. But Rob's dos_rescue.ew of lw doesn't force it to work with exw.exe of 3.1.1, sorry.

And it runs ok with exw.exe of 3.1.1 without includeing of dos_rescue.ew at all.


The correct solution is:

include dos_rescue.ew as dos_rescue --- from the Insolor's package    
                                    --- http://www.rapideuphoria.com/dosrescue2.zip  
include get.e 
if dos_rescue:graphics_mode(18) then -- create GUI window, actually 
end if 
      object a,b,r,w  
      r = 1  
      -- a = prompt_number(" Type num ",{})  
      dos_rescue:puts(1," Type num ") 
      a = value(dos_rescue:gets(0)) 
      a = a[2] 
      -- b = prompt_number(" Type num ",{})  
      dos_rescue:puts(1," Type num ") 
      b = value(dos_rescue:gets(0)) 
      b = b[2] 
      while r > 0 do  
           r = a - b* floor(a/b)  
           if r = 0 then  
           end if  
           a = b  
           b = r  
      end while  
      dos_rescue:puts(1,"The Greatest Common Denominator is ")  
      -- ? b 

It works fine with exw.exe and euiw.exe both.

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17. Re: And I thought it would be easy ?? Dos program to a windows program ??


Thank you for posting

Yes programme works well

I did not know that it existed

But now I do

So with Don's, Kinz's and now Insolor's programmes

(And a bit of my rubbish)

I can get all my dos stuff up to speed

Much appreciated



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