1. WebKitGtk & EuGtk Example?

http://www.webkitgtk.org/ & xulrunner(gtkembedmoz)


Are there any plans EuGtk?

Irv, if not difficult to please help me understand.

And are there any plans for EuGtk for Win32,BSD,OsX ?

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2. Re: WebKitGtk & EuGtk Example?

Xulrunner wrapper is also available for wxWidgets.

API looks simple enough to port.

wxWebConnect : http://www.kirix.com/labs/wxwebconnect.html

I believe they are the same people that originally developed
the Advanced User Interface (AUI) for wxWidgets ?

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3. Re: WebKitGtk & EuGtk Example?

I can not use WxEu in Puppy Linux

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4. Re: WebKitGtk & EuGtk Example?

I suppose EuGTK would work on BSD, with perhaps some minor change. I don't know about OsX, don't have that kind of computer, don't want one.

As for Windows - well, the previous version of EuGTK did run on Windows, but people objected to having to install the GTK libraries. So, while the current EuGTK could almost certainly be made to work on Windows, there's very little incentive for me to do that.

As for Webkit - why? What would the advantage be?

Webkit seems to be written in cpp and java, so 'wrapping' calls would likely be harder than wrapping standard c code.

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