1. Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??


Selgor here

Just wondering if anyone has a code to drag'n'drop

I have been to David's Launcher
and also quick launcher
in the archives

Seems all only work with euphoria progs

Maybe I am in error

Anyway .. suggestions please

in anticipation



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2. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

Hello Signor,

You might try , http://www.rapideuphoria.com/cgi-bin/asearch.exu?dos=on&win=on&lnx=on&gen=on&keywords=launch+pad+%28v4.03%29 by Al Getz.

You'll need his WinClass Library,


However I know it does work I've been using it for years.

You can drag anything to it.

Don Cole

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3. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

Selgor here

Don Cole ... please accept my apologies.
I must have missed your reply.

Anyway here we are

Euphoric asked three months ago for code example to drag and drop files.

I was hoping that someone had "sorted" it out.

Obviously no one has.

There is a programme QuickLaunhchPad in the archives

It does not work with present w32Lib.

Can't get Al Getz's example from archives to work.

His programme ... you referred to ... does..

I am trying to get QuickLaunchPad up and going ..

So ....... rock and a hard place..

Thanks again Don ... and ... again .. apologies.


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4. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

Actually, I think I have code that allows me to drag 'n' drop onto a control. I'm sorry, I've forgotten the source, but I would bet it was Derek.

I will look for it on Monday if there's still a need...

Okay, I sneaked a peek. Apparently, the following does it for me for an EditText control:

procedure txt_FileName_onDragAndDrop (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is ( int id, seq FileName ) 
	if length(params[2]) > 0 then 
		setText( txt_FileName, params[2] ) 
	end if 
end procedure 
setHandler( txt_FileName, w32HDragAndDrop, routine_id("txt_FileName_onDragAndDrop")) 
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5. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

I don't want to highjack the thread. My need is similar and yet slightly different. In handcoded HTML with Javascipt, I had a long scrollable list. I could then click on any item to 1. jump to underlying URL 2. Move the actual word to another visible box 3. Move the underlying paragraph to another visible box.

I have not done much programming in Euphria, because of pressing other needs, but I can't seem to get this right in Euphoria. I also can access similar coding in Basic language.

Thanks in anticipation.

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6. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

I just tried Drag'n'Drop, and in Eu3 at any rate you must be careful; params[2] may not be a sequence. The code snippet below works OK in, as I say, Eu 3, whereas the previous example struggled.

procedure Window1_onDragAndDrop (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is ( int id, seq FileName ) 
	if sequence (params[2]) then 
		if length (params[2]) > 0 then 
			setText(filename, params[2])			 
		end if 
	end if 
end procedure 
setHandler( Window1, w32HDragAndDrop, routine_id("Window1_onDragAndDrop")) 

I hope this is useful ....

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7. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

Selgor said...

Can't get Al Getz's example from archives to work.

Al Getz's Launch Pad (V4.03) does work. You have to include his winClass Library not the win32 Library.


Selgor said...

His programme ... you referred to ... does..

I'm confused here. Either it works or dosen't.

Don Cole

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8. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

I forgot to mention to run winClass you have to change your Environmental Variables. And reboot.



Don Cole

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9. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??

Hello Don

Selgor here

Don, I think I have my code working ... Drag"n"Drop.

Yes, Al's works O.K.

So, will post after festive season.

Thank you Don for all your help in the past year with my coding

To you and your family ...

Have a safe and happy Christmas

Happy Christmas to all who read this .



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10. Re: Notice a few topics about Drag'n'Drop Anyone got a code to work ??


Please Check new Post

D'n'D works in WinClass folder


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