1. Setup Question
- Posted by tbohon Nov 07, 2010
Just downloaded and installed euphoria-40 and it's installed in the default c:\euphoria-40 directory.
Earlier tonight I tried to download and install both the win32lib and EUIDE systems without success. Although the PATH variable was modified and the EUINC variable was correct the IDE couldn't find anything related to euphoria-40.
So two questions:
1. Do wn32lib and EUIDE work with the latest 4.0 release? If so is there anything else I need to do beyond installing them to allow them to work together?
2. If they do work together what file(s) should I be downloading? I'm wondering if maybe I inadvertently grabbed a 3.0 file or something ... ?
Thanks in advance - appreciate the help as I build up this fascinating language on my system.
2. Re: Setup Question
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Nov 07, 2010
This is a common question, I'll write a tip, but for now to install a fresh installation of eu4 on a clean system, with a fuctioning IDE, you need to do this
1. Install eu4 to the default directory
2. Install win32lib. you can get it from sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex/files/. AFAIK it works with eu4 (there have been some name issues previously). If that doesnt work, get it from http://www.box.net/shared/xpohgpvjli. I'm assuming you put it in c:\euphoria-40\win32lib
3. Install the IDE from http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/euvide/IDE1-0-4.zip
4. Install INTO THE IDE DIRECTORY a pre compiled IDE http://www.rapideuphoria.com/ide_c.zip
You need to do this, as running the ide with eu4 creates the above naming issues, and is painfully slow (lots of forward refs). You need to have the uncompiled IDE installed as it will search for includes and language files in the sub folders.
5. In the euphoria bin directory, copy euiw.exe onto exw.exe. You need to do this because the precompiled IDE looks for exw (it was built to use eu3.xx) If you don't do this you get the LoadProcessHi failed message.
6. You then need to tell eu4 where to look for the win 32lib includes. 2 ways
a : in the folder of the running program add an eu.cfg, with at least one line
-I c:\euphoria-40\win32lib\Include
b : set the environment path (RClick My computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment variables -> add or edit EUINC to include c:\euphoria-40\win32lib\Include You may need to reboot after doing this to set the euinc variable on startup. Sometimes I've had to, and sometimes I haven't.
Note, using both ways is ok too, as your program will only look for the required include once.
3. Re: Setup Question
- Posted by tbohon Nov 07, 2010
WOW, Chris - great clear instructions. I think I see what I was doing wrong (we just won't talk about it, OK? ) but these instructions are incredible!
4. Re: Setup Question
- Posted by tbohon Nov 07, 2010
Well we're almost there I think ...
Installed everything per your checklist/instructions, rebooted my system and tried several non-Win32Lib Euphoria programs. They all work just fine.
However, when I try to run any of the demo programs within the Win32Lib I get the same error message:
-- cut --
c:\euphoria-40=win32lib=Include=win32lib.ew:4-033 <0090>:: found reserved word 'routine' but was expecting a parameter name instead. global procedure setHandler( object id, object htype, object routine) ^
Press Enter
-- cut --
Again these are the demo programs included with Win32Lib, not something I've mashed together and probably screwed up.
Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions?
5. Re: Setup Question
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Nov 07, 2010
Well we're almost there I think ...
However, when I try to run any of the demo programs within the Win32Lib I get the same error message:
Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions?
You could try running it through make40.ex
Something like
eui -p e,ew,ex,exw:make40.ex demo01.exw
Available here: http://rapideuphoria.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/rapideuphoria/trunk/demo/preproc/make40.ex?revision=3926
6. Re: Setup Question
- Posted by ArthurCrump Nov 07, 2010
However, when I try to run any of the demo programs within the Win32Lib I get the same error message:
c:\euphoria-40=win32lib=Include=win32lib.ew:4-033 <0090>:: found reserved word 'routine' but was expecting a parameter name instead. global procedure setHandler( object id, object htype, object routine) ^
Press Enter
The links to win32lib on the Euphoria sites still seem to offer win32lib version 0.70.4a which is now out of date because it uses parameter names which have become reserved words. However, it is only necessary to rename any parameter name which is now a reserved word to get it working on Euphoria version 4. Unfortunately, I found that this loaded very slowly. Then I discovered a version by the forum user 'Mike'. This is a version rearranged into a single file and loads much faster.
To find it search the archive for 'win32lib4'.
Hopefully, you will receive other replies which will point you to an official compatible release of win32lib.
7. Re: Setup Question
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Nov 07, 2010
Well we're almost there I think ...
Installed everything per your checklist/instructions, rebooted my system and tried several non-Win32Lib Euphoria programs. They all work just fine.
However, when I try to run any of the demo programs within the Win32Lib I get the same error message:
-- cut --
c:\euphoria-40=win32lib=Include=win32lib.ew:4-033 <0090>:: found reserved word 'routine' but was expecting a parameter name instead. global procedure setHandler( object id, object htype, object routine) ^
Press Enter
-- cut --
Again these are the demo programs included with Win32Lib, not something I've mashed together and probably screwed up.
Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions?
Hi yes, use the win32lib from box.net, I posted it there for myself to always get a working version. Let me know if probs.
Cheers Chris
8. Re: Setup Question
- Posted by tbohon Nov 07, 2010
Looks like as near as I can tell it's working! Exciting - I can actually do Windows programs in Euphoria (which could easily become my newest favorite language ). Of course I need/want to check it out further to reassure myself all is well in Euphoria-land but I can run .exw programs and actually get them to display windows ... how cool is that?!?!?!
Since I'm attending the Microsoft PASS conference up in Seattle all week this week I'm going to put this aside until next weekend and then do some serious testing but I'm reasonably confident that it's working just fine. If a presentation or two are really, really boring (a couple were last year) I'll have my Netbook with all this loaded so I will work on some test programs then.
Will let y'all know how it goes but right now I need to focus on SQL Server Integration Services, Business Intelligence (is there really any? ) and various other assorted topics to be presented 8+ hours a day through Thursday.
Thanks for all the great assistance - I've 'played' with Euphoria on and off for several years but have decided that now is the time to master the language. The help I've received from everyone here will make that possible.
Have a great week!