1. Re: Eu integers [was eternity]

Kat wrote:
> Well, in keeping with the gawdaweful practice of using 32bits for one 7 or
> 8bit
> ascii character, how about useing an entire 32bit memory location for the data
> about the 32bits following it? At least then, a 2^32 integer would be the
> entire
> 2^32. And four 8bit ascii chars would take only two 32bit memory locations
> (and
> fetches) instead of the current four locations and fetches. A 64bit value
> would
> be one type fetch, the following pointer fetch, then the fetch of that
> location
> and the following one. With 32bits of type, you could make huge floating point
> numerals with outrageous significant digits, simply by specifying the number
> of following 32bit fetches needed to fill that type, breaking the
> predetermined
> "640k is enough for anyone" type of bottleneck forever (within some
> predetermined
> reasonableness,, praps 255 32bit (8160 bits) or 64bit (16,320 bits) fetches
> per integer is enough?).
> This approach has another advantage: if you do it this way now, it's easily
> ported to a future 64bit world, in one fetch you have the 32bit type
> representation
> and a 32bit data field already done. I know nothing of *nix, but chances are
> windoze will still limit each application to 2^32 bytes for pointers anyhow.
> Eu can still have a type that includes the following 64bits as additional data
> anyhow.
> Any way i look at it, keeping the data with the type info has cascading
> drawbacks,
> but like you said, it's fast in Eu.


  The whole complication comes down to the fact that Euphoria
  has sequences ( which is the greatest value of Euphoria ).

  Remember at any point in a sequence there can be a pointer
  to another sequence or a 32bit number and there has to be
  someway to tell the difference.


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