1. unkmar
- Posted by mexzony Oct 01, 2010
Thanks. You have made your point but you could have been a little more polite. I still maintain you could have helped me and scolded me at the same time. After all I am here to learn and this maybe was part of learning. Thanks a lot wonderful programmer. You are the best!
(translated into English by Derek)
2. Re: unkmar
- Posted by irv Oct 01, 2010
Your first post - "wud like to design a game" was a pretty good indication that you hadn't put a lot of effort into this yourself. Otherwise, you would have known to be more specific.
Your second - openGL, SDI, allegro are very easily found by google. Someone so new to computers that they don't know how to use google probably isn't quite ready to write a computer game.
Your third, the reply to Unkmar - well, all I can say is this: if you write your code as carelessly as you write your english, it isn't likely to run.
If you wanted to give the impression that you're too immature and/or impatient to write a game, congratulations. You've done that.
If, on the other hand, you really want some help writing a game, show us what you've done and where you need a hand. You'll get help.
3. Re: unkmar
- Posted by unkmar Oct 02, 2010
Thanks. You have made your point but you could have been a little more polite. I still maintain you could have helped me and scolded me at the same time. After all I am here to learn and this maybe was part of learning. Thanks a lot wonderful programmer. You are the best!
(translated into English by Derek)
Ok, so I was a little harsh. No, I couldn't help you with your problem. I know what SDL and OpenGL are practically no experience with them or allegro. Me trying to help with that would have been like expecting a doctor to fix your car. I know it must have seemed as if I simply kept on attacking. I really shouldn't have posted in Tips of the Week, that was just me venting. Finally, I realized that it should have had a "descriptive subject" of its own, since that was of what I was complaining.
4. Re: unkmar
- Posted by alanjohnoxley Oct 04, 2010
Modern games are VERY graphics intensive. Consider that a game would take a team of professional full time programmers months, and they have the
best hardware and latest software availible! A game is hundreds of megabytes big for a reason.
This forum has seen the occasional person that wants to write a game; very very few have the staying power to do so.
There is tons of math and vectors involved - consider that each pixel/dot on the screen can change colour and intensity depending on factors
like collisions, night/day, horizontal and vertical viewpoint, superimposed objects, nearby explosions, distance etc etc etc. Each pixel needs to be calculated.
Oh, and of course the objects move too, don't they?
Standard libraries would help, but you still have to understand how and where to use each function...
As I said, this forum has seen enthusiastic newbies before and (speaking for myself) I doubt that many succeed.
But hey, please prove me wrong - go ahead and make the next Doom 3D and millions like the Carmack brothers.