1. Workaround Euphoria To C Translator 4.0.0

PART #1 Euphoria To C Translator 4.0.0 borland is no longer supported

to test it i now must have open-watcom and so i downloaded "open-watcom-c-win32-1.9RC2.exe"
my 8th c-compiler one more .. so what
i will try Euphoria To C Translator without -bor

to try out by yourself you need to install Ming (swf output) wrapper (alpha04) http://rapideuphoria.com/euming04.zip
libpng13.dll and zlib1.dll

unzip euming04.zip, for example in "D:\euphoria-40b2\euming04\"
to keep your installation clean copy the "ming" Folder to "mingT" Folder
now it looks like

in mingT folder put DTX_JTestC.exw and dtx-makeTDllC.bat
see below

include ming.ew 
include get.e 
with trace 
-- with profile 
global procedure main() 
end procedure 

the drive letter D: has to be changed to your WATCOM installation

@echo off 
euc -dll -keep -emake DTX_JTestC.exw 

open a command Shell window
click-> START - run - cmd
the drive letter D: has to be changed to your euphoria installation

cd \
cd D:\euphoria-40b2\euming04\mingT

to make C Code


Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5  generating 
Writing emake file emake.bat 
8.c files were created. 
To build your project, type emake.bat 
Warning ( translator ): 
    <0216>:: Watcom should have the H and the H\NT includes at the front of the 
INCLUDE variable. 
Warning : 
    <0217>:: Statements have been inserted to trace execution of your program. 

run emake.bat


Compiling with Watcom 
Compiling  6% init-.c 
Compiling 22% DTX_JTestC.c 
Compiling 33% main-.c 
Compiling 44% ming.c 
Compiling 56% dll.c 
Compiling 67% misc.c 
Compiling 78% machine.c 
Compiling 89% get.c 
Linking 100% DTX_JTestC.dll 
You can now use DTX_JTestC.dll 

it looks well

explore just created "DTX_JTestC.dll"

File Header: 
  Machine:                       0x014C (Intel x86) 
  Number of Sections:            5 
  Time Date Stamp:               0x4BB0FDB7 (29.03.2010 20:21:27) 
  Pointer to Symbol Table:       0x00000000 
  Number of Symbols:             0 
  Size of Optional Header:       0x00E0 (224) 
  Characteristics:               0x2182 
    File is executable. 
    Low bytes of machine word are reversed. 
    32 bit word machine. 
    File is a DLL. 
Optional Header: 
  Magic:                         0x010B 
  Linker Version:                2.18 
  Size of Code:                  0x0003FC00 (261120) 
  Size of Initialized Data:      0x00024200 (147968) 
  Size of Uninitialized Data:    0x00000000 (0) 
  Adress of Entry Point:         0x00032D56 
  Base of Code:                  0x00001000 
  Base of Data:                  0x00041000 
  Image Base:                    0x00400000 
  Section Align:                 0x00001000 
  File Align:                    0x00000200 
  Operating System Version:      1.11 
  Image Version:                 0.00 
  Subsystem Version:             4.00 
  Number of Rva and Sizes:       16 
Data Directory: 
  Export directory:               VA: 0x000C9000  Size: 0x00000094 (148) 
  Import directory:               VA: 0x00041000  Size: 0x00000D2B (3371) 
  (unknown directory entry):      VA: 0           Size: 0 
Export Table: 
  Name:                          DTX_JTestC.dll 
  Time Date Stamp:               0x00000000 
  Version:                       0.00 
  Ordinal Base:                  1 
  Number of Functions:           5 
  Number of Names:               5 
  Ordinal   Entry Point   Name 
        1   0x00002210    main 
        4   0x00019C40    regcomp_ 
        2   0x00019B80    regerror_ 
        5   0x00019CF0    regexec_ 
        3   0x00019C30    regfree_ 
Import Table: 
    Import Adress Table:                0x0004124C 
    Import Name Table:                  0x00041050 
    Time Date Stamp:                    0x00000000 
    Index of first forwarder reference: 0x00000000 
    0x0004146C         1   CharUpperA 
    0x0004147A         2   MessageBoxA 
    Import Adress Table:                0x00041258 
    Import Name Table:                  0x0004105C 
    Time Date Stamp:                    0x00000000 
    Index of first forwarder reference: 0x00000000 
    0x00041488         1   AllocConsole 
    0x00041498         2   CloseHandle 
    0x000414A6         3   CreateConsoleScreenBuffer 
	0x00041B80        92   WriteConsoleA 
    0x00041B90        93   WriteConsoleOutputA 
    0x00041BA6        94   WriteConsoleOutputAttribute 
    0x00041BC4        95   WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA 
    0x00041BE4        96   WriteFile 
    Import Adress Table:                0x000413DC 
    Import Name Table:                  0x000411E0 
    Time Date Stamp:                    0x00000000 
    Index of first forwarder reference: 0x00000000 
    0x00041BF0         1   WSACleanup 
    0x00041BFE         2   WSAGetLastError 
    0x00041C10         3   WSAStartup 
    0x00041C1E         4   __WSAFDIsSet 
    0x00041D16        25   shutdown 
    0x00041D22        26   socket 
Section Table: 
  Section Header #1 
    Name:                             AUTO 
    Virtual Size:                     0x0003FB9C (261020) 
	Number of Relocations:            0 
    Number of Line Numbers:           0 
    Characteristics:                  0x42000040 
      Section contains initialized data. 
      Section can be discarded. 
      Section is readable. 

only 5 Entry Points in our "DTX_JTestC.dll" ???
the "DTX_JTestC.dll" made with EUPHORIA 3.1.1
there are about 259 Entry Points ???

Ordinal Entry Point Name
1 0x00002210 main
4 0x00019C40 regcomp_
2 0x00019B80 regerror_
5 0x00019CF0 regexec_
3 0x00019C30 regfree_


if you want to test the "DTX_JTestC.dll" with a calling program

there will be a zip file with all included
also test.wpj a project file for Watcom IDE
let me know is of interest to you.


gen32.c --> to Test.exe 
#include <windows.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <malloc.h> 
#include "gen32.h" 
#include "stddef.h"             /* defines offsetof macro */ 
HINSTANCE       MyInstance; 
static BOOL FirstInstance( HINSTANCE ); 
static BOOL AnyInstance( HINSTANCE, int, LPSTR ); 
HWND hwndH; 
long _EXPORT FAR PASCAL WindowProc( HWND, unsigned, UINT, LONG ); 
int w4; 
typedef void (WINAPI *PFNDLL)( VOID ); 
    HINSTANCE   dllctrl_inst; 
    PFNDLL      idll;	 
dllctrl_inst = LoadLibrary( "DTX_JTestC.dll" ); 
    if( dllctrl_inst != NULL ) { 
     	idll = (PFNDLL)GetProcAddress( dllctrl_inst, "main" ); 
        if( idll != NULL ) { 

copy the new DTX_JTestC.dll to the Folder
inside "test.exe"
run test.exe
oh, oh, oh it crashes

a look at "ctrace-d.out" to see what's happend

DTX_JTestC.exw:14	main()                                                      
DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()                                                 
ming.ew:162	    rc = Ming_init()                                              
ming.ew:84	    SWF_versionNum = get_version()                                 
ming.ew:77	    xSWF_versionNum_a = define_c_var(ming_dll, "SWF_versionNum")   
DTX_JTestC.exw:11	Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)                                
ming.ew:542	    xMing_useSWFVersion = define_c_proc(ming_dll, calltype & "Min 
DTX_JTestC.exw:12	end procedure                                               
DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()                                                 
ming.ew:162	    rc = Ming_init()                                              
ming.ew:147	    ret = -1                                                      
ming.ew:148	    xMing_init = define_c_func(ming_dll, calltype & "Ming_init",  
dll.e:56	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, r 
ming.ew:149	    if xMing_init != -1 then                                      
ming.ew:152	        puts(2, "Fatal: ming.ew: Ming_init error\n")              
ming.ew:153	        abort(1)                                                  
=== THE END ===                                                               

It looks like the code will be executed 2 times
1 x seems automatic and
next time with crash at ming.ew:152

why 2 x init_ming() ?? I call main() only once ???? I dont't know but that is not would I have expected

the code runs automatic when I open the DTX_JTestC.dll
it runs again when I call "_1main()"
Let me try to change this behavior below the both .c Files

// Euphoria To C version 4.0.0 beta 2 (r2670) 
#include "include/euphoria.h" 
#include "main-.h" 
void  __stdcall _1main() 
    int _0, _1, _2; 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()"); 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:11	Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)"); 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:12	end procedure"); 

main-.c  (shortened) 
// Euphoria To C version 4.0.0 beta 2 (r2670) 
#include <time.h> 
#include "include\euphoria.h" 
#include "main-.h" 
int Argc; 
char **Argv; 
unsigned default_heap; 
__declspec(dllimport) unsigned __stdcall GetProcessHeap(void); 
char *stack_base; 
int total_stack_size = 262144; 
int __stdcall _CRT_INIT (int, int, void *); 
void EuInit() 
    Argc = 0; 
    default_heap = GetProcessHeap(); 
    ctrace("machine.e:307	check_calls = 1"); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:16	ming_dll = open_dll(\"libming_eu1.dll\")"); 
    _0 = _3open_dll(_477); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:17	if ming_dll = 0 then"); 
    if (binary_op_a(NOTEQ, _2ming_dll_1087, 0)){ 
        goto L1; // [71] 101 
    ctrace("ming.ew:22	    abort(1)"); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:26	init_rtns = {}                  -- these must be parameterless procedures"); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:32	SWF_versionNum = -1             -- not initialised"); 
    _2SWF_versionNum_1097 = -1; 
    ctrace("ming.ew:88	init_rtns &= rid_get_version	-- call get_version as part of init_ming()"); 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:6	trace(1)"); 
    TraceOn = 1; 
-->>>>  ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:14	main()"); 
-->>>>  _1main(); 
int __stdcall LibMain(int hDLL, int Reason, void *Reserved) 
    if (Reason == 1) 
    return 1; 

look at >>>> in the code above

>>>> at this point it jumps to DTX_JTestC.c and excecutes
ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:10 init_ming()");
ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:11 Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)");
ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:12 end procedure");

returns to main-.c ! this works because it's all done by the
initial code in main-.c before it jumps to DTX_JTestC.c _1main();

for example: done in main-.c
default_heap = GetProcessHeap();
ming_dll = open_dll(\"libming_eu1.dll\")");

in trace mode Watcom IDE (test.exe) after
idll = (PFNDLL)GetProcAddress( dllctrl_inst, "main" );
if( idll != NULL ) {
next step key(F10)
>>>> idll();
that crashes ! thats what i expected.
Because now DTX_JTestC.c "_1main();" will called directly
without calling the inital code in main-.c
but I have no other choice the only entry point in my DLL is "main"
DTX_JTestC.c _1main();

to explain that more in detail
let's add a few code

main-.c before 
int __stdcall LibMain(int hDLL, int Reason, void *Reserved) 
    if (Reason == 1) 
    return 1; 
main-.c with new code 
int __stdcall LibMain(int hDLL, int Reason, void *Reserved) 
    TraceOn = 1; 
    if (Reason > 1) { 
	ctrace("main-.c:148	before Reason call     By Me");} else { 
	ctrace("main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me");} 
    if (Reason == 2) { 
	ctrace("main-.c:151	before Euinit"); 
	ctrace("main-.c:153	after Euinit"); 
    return Reason; 

next Post PART#2

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2. Re: Workaround Euphoria To C Translator 4.0.0

I don't know why the site has not been updated yet, but we are in beta 3 now, not beta 2.

Also, there is an installer which includes openwatcom, so you only have to run one installer to install everything you need for Euphora-to-C.

Could you install http://sourceforge.net/projects/rapideuphoria/files/Rapid%20Euphoria/4.0b3/euphoria-40b3-ow.exe/download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/rapideuphoria/files/ and see if you can reproduce the problem with beta 3?

(There is a combined installer for beta 2 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/rapideuphoria/files/Rapid%20Euphoria/4.0b2/euphoria-40b2-ow.exe/download but this is old and has known bugs that have since been fixed, so please don't use beta 2.)

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3. Re: Workaround Euphoria To C Translator 4.0.0


run emake.bat > put DLL in Folder with Test.exe
run test.exe
> look at ctrace-d.out

main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()                                                 
ming.ew:162	    rc = Ming_init()                                              
ming.ew:147	    ret = -1                                                      
ming.ew:148	    xMing_init = define_c_func(ming_dll, calltype & "Ming_init",  
main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
=== THE END ===                                                               

less Lines but it crashes
NOTICE: 2 times "main-.c:148 before Reason call NOT By Me"
let's add a few code more
main-.c with new "__export" at Line 144 
int __stdcall __export LibMain(int hDLL, int Reason, void *Reserved) 

run emake.bat

explore "DTX_JTestC.dll" 
Export Table: 
  Name:                          DTX_JTestC.dll 
  Time Date Stamp:               0x00000000 
  Version:                       0.00 
  Ordinal Base:                  1 
  Number of Functions:           6 
  Number of Names:               6 
  Ordinal   Entry Point   Name 
        2   0x00002640    _LibMain@12 
        1   0x00002210    main 
        5   0x00019C70    regcomp_ 
        3   0x00019BB0    regerror_ 
        6   0x00019D20    regexec_ 
        4   0x00019C60    regfree_ 

NOTICE: a new Entry Point _LibMain@12
now we must change gen32.c to point to this
typedef void (WINAPI *PFNDLL)( VOID ); 
typedef int (WINAPI *PFNDLL)(HINSTANCE this_inst, int Reason, void *Reserved); 
idll = (PFNDLL)GetProcAddress( dllctrl_inst, "main" ); 
idll = (PFNDLL)GetProcAddress( dllctrl_inst, "_LibMain@12" ); 
w4 = idll(this_inst,3,pp); // Reason=3 

inside Watcom IDE run "make all" to make our new test.exe
run test.exe look at "ctrace-d.out"

main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
=== THE END ===                                                               

now it works no crash Of course, the code is doing nothing
only call "LibMain" with "Reason=3"
and remember Euinit() will only excecuted when Reason=2 look above main-.c

so let's try this and hope it works
change gen32.c from
w4 = idll(this_inst,3,pp); Reason=3
w4 = idll(this_inst,2,pp);

inside Watcom IDE run "make all" to make our new test.exe
run test.exe look at "ctrace-d.out"

main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
main-.c:148	before Reason call     By Me                                      
main-.c:151	before Euinit                                                     
machine.e:156	mem = allocate(4)                                               
machine.e:108	    return machine_func(M_ALLOC, n)                             
machine.e:307	check_calls = 1                                                 
ming.ew:16	ming_dll = open_dll("libming_eu1.dll")                             
dll.e:37	    return machine_func(M_OPEN_DLL, file_name)                       
ming.ew:17	if ming_dll = 0 then                                               
ming.ew:26	init_rtns = {}                  -- these must be parameterless pro 
ming.ew:32	SWF_versionNum = -1             -- not initialised                 
ming.ew:88	init_rtns &= rid_get_version	-- call get_version as part of init_m 
DTX_JTestC.exw:6	trace(1)                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:14	main()                                                      
DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()                                                 
ming.ew:162	    rc = Ming_init()                                              
ming.ew:147	    ret = -1                                                      
ming.ew:148	    xMing_init = define_c_func(ming_dll, calltype & "Ming_init",  
dll.e:56	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, r 
ming.ew:149	    if xMing_init != -1 then                                      
ming.ew:150	        ret = c_func(xMing_init, {})                              
ming.ew:155	    return ret                                                    
ming.ew:163	    if rc then                                                    
ming.ew:167	    for i = 1 to length(init_rtns) do                             
ming.ew:168	        call_proc(init_rtns[i], {})                               
ming.ew:84	    SWF_versionNum = get_version()                                 
ming.ew:77	    xSWF_versionNum_a = define_c_var(ming_dll, "SWF_versionNum")   
dll.e:42	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_VAR, {lib, variable_name})          
ming.ew:78	    version = peek4u(xSWF_versionNum_a)                            
ming.ew:79	    return version                                                 
ming.ew:85	end procedure                                                      
ming.ew:169	    end for                                                       
ming.ew:170	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:11	Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)                                
ming.ew:542	    xMing_useSWFVersion = define_c_proc(ming_dll, calltype & "Min 
dll.e:50	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, 0 
ming.ew:543	    if xMing_useSWFVersion != -1 then                             
ming.ew:544		c_proc(xMing_useSWFVersion, {swf_version})                       
ming.ew:548	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:12	end procedure                                               
main-.c:153	after Euinit                                                      
main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
=== THE END ===                                                               

Everything is ok. Thats what I want "init_ming()" only 1 times

next Post PART#3

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4. Re: Workaround Euphoria To C Translator 4.0.0



a.) change if (Reason == 1) to if (Reason == 2) 
b.) put an _export before LibMain(...)  
c.) call NOT "main" call directly "LibMain"  
    in our case _LibMain@12  

that's it

you can also cleanup your DTX_JTestC.lnk 
at the end of the file delete EXPORT main='_1main@0' 
you can not call '_1main@0' via 'main' 
this will terminate your calling program 
FILE init-.obj 
FILE DTX_JTestC.obj 
FILE main-.obj 
FILE ming.obj 
FILE dll.obj 
FILE misc.obj 
FILE machine.obj 
FILE get.obj 
NAME DTX_JTestC.dll 
EXPORT main='_1main@0' 


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5. Re: Workaround Euphoria To C Translator 4.0.0



Now I downloaded euphoria-40b3-ow.exe

change all my path and environment thats point to my new Folder

copy the euming04 Folder also to D:\euphoria-40b3-ow

open my commad shell
and type

Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5  generating 
Writing emake file emake.bat 
8.c files were created. 
To build your project, type emake.bat 
Warning ( translator ): 
    <0216>:: Watcom should have the H and the H\NT includes at the front of the 
INCLUDE variable. 
Warning : 
    <0217>:: Statements have been inserted to trace execution of your program. 

Compiling with Watcom 
Compiling  6% init-.c 
Compiling 22% DTX_JTestC.c 
Compiling 33% main-.c 
Compiling 44% ming.c 
Compiling 56% dll.c 
Compiling 67% misc.c 
Compiling 78% machine.c 
Compiling 89% get.c 
Linking 100% DTX_JTestC.dll 
You can now use DTX_JTestC.dll 

looking at my C Code
// Euphoria To C version 4.0.0 beta 3 (r3116) 
#include "include/euphoria.h" 
#include "main-.h" 
void  __stdcall _1main() 
    int _0, _1, _2; 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()"); 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:11	Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)"); 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:12	end procedure"); 
// 0x206798A3 

// Euphoria To C version 4.0.0 beta 3 (r3116) 
#include <time.h> 
#include "include/euphoria.h" 
#include "main-.h" 
int Argc; 
char **Argv; 
unsigned default_heap; 
__declspec(dllimport) unsigned __stdcall GetProcessHeap(void); 
unsigned long *peek4_addr; 
unsigned char *poke_addr; 
unsigned short *poke2_addr; 
unsigned long *poke4_addr; 
struct d temp_d; 
double temp_dbl; 
char *stack_base; 
int total_stack_size = 262144; 
int __stdcall _CRT_INIT (int, int, void *); 
void EuInit() 
    s1_ptr _0switch_ptr; 
    int _221 = 0; 
    int _218 = 0; 
    int _0, _1, _2; 
    Argc = 0; 
    default_heap = GetProcessHeap(); 
    _02 = (unsigned char**) malloc( 4 * 7 ); 
    _02[0] = (unsigned char*) malloc( 4 ); 
    _02[0][0] = 6; 
    _02[1] = "\x01\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03"; 
    _02[2] = "\x02\x00\x02\x03\x03\x03\x03"; 
    _02[3] = "\x03\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00"; 
    _02[4] = "\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00"; 
    _02[5] = "\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00"; 
    _02[6] = "\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"; 
    eu_startup(_00, _01, _02, 1, (int)CLOCKS_PER_SEC, (int)CLK_TCK); 
    _0switch_ptr = NewS1( 3 ); 
    _0switch_ptr->base[1] = NewString("-dll"); 
    _0switch_ptr->base[2] = NewString("-emake"); 
    _0switch_ptr->base[3] = NewString("-keep"); 
    _0switches = MAKE_SEQ( _0switch_ptr ); 
    _4PI_HALF_470 = NewDouble(DBL_PTR(_4PI_468)->dbl / DBL_PTR(_177)->dbl); 
    _218 = power(2, 32); 
    if (IS_ATOM_INT(_218)) { 
        _5MAX_ADDR_544 = _218 - 1; 
        if ((long)((unsigned long)_5MAX_ADDR_544 +(unsigned long) HIGH_BITS) >= 0) 
        _5MAX_ADDR_544 = NewDouble((double)_5MAX_ADDR_544); 
    else { 
        _5MAX_ADDR_544 = NewDouble(DBL_PTR(_218)->dbl - (double)1); 
    _218 = NOVALUE; 
    _221 = 1048576; 
    _5LOW_ADDR_547 = 1048575; 
    _221 = NOVALUE; 
    ctrace("machine.e:156	mem = allocate(4)"); 
    _0 = _5allocate(4); 
    _5mem_643 = _0; 
    ctrace("machine.e:307	check_calls = 1"); 
    _5check_calls_752 = 1; 
    Concat((object_ptr)&_6HEX_DIGITS_769, _6DIGITS_767, _298); 
    Concat((object_ptr)&_6START_NUMERIC_772, _6DIGITS_767, _300); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:16	ming_dll = open_dll(\"libming_eu1.dll\")"); 
    _0 = _3open_dll(_477); 
    _2ming_dll_1087 = _0; 
    ctrace("ming.ew:17	if ming_dll = 0 then"); 
    if (binary_op_a(NOTEQ, _2ming_dll_1087, 0)){ 
        goto L1; // [71] 101 
    ctrace("ming.ew:18	    puts(2, \"Error, can't locate libming.dll\\nIf you did not receive libming.dll\")"); 
    EPuts(2, _480); // DJP  
    ctrace("ming.ew:19	    puts(2, \" with this program then please go to http://www.shingles.net.nz/libming\\n\")"); 
    EPuts(2, _481); // DJP  
    ctrace("ming.ew:20	    printf(2, \"\\n!!! This version was coded with libming.dll version %s in mind\\n\", VERSION)"); 
    EPrintf(2, _482, _2VERSION_142); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:21	    puts(2, \"You should get that version of the dll and put it in the folder of this program.\\n\")"); 
    EPuts(2, _483); // DJP  
    ctrace("ming.ew:22	    abort(1)"); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:26	init_rtns = {}                  -- these must be parameterless procedures"); 
    _2init_rtns_1096 = _7; 
    ctrace("ming.ew:32	SWF_versionNum = -1             -- not initialised"); 
    _2SWF_versionNum_1097 = -1; 
    _2rid_get_version_1143 = CRoutineId(72, 2, _502); 
    ctrace("ming.ew:88	init_rtns &= rid_get_version	-- call get_version as part of init_ming()"); 
    Append(&_2init_rtns_1096, _2init_rtns_1096, _2rid_get_version_1143); 
    _2SWFBUTTON_DRAGOVER_2387 = (32 | 128); 
    _2SWFBUTTON_DRAGOUT_2389 = (16 | 256); 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:6	trace(1)"); 
    TraceOn = 1; 
    ctrace("DTX_JTestC.exw:14	main()"); 
int __stdcall LibMain(int hDLL, int Reason, void *Reserved) 
    if (Reason == 1) 
    return 1; 
// GenerateUserRoutines 
// 0x0ACF5375 

Copy the DTX_JTestC.dll into Test.exe Folder
run test.exe
The First Thing it's real good, it don't crash !
looking at ctrace-d.out
and we will see the code is executing twice
DTX_JTestC.exw:14	main()                                                      
DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()                                                 
ming.ew:162	    rc = Ming_init()                                              
ming.ew:147	    ret = -1                                                      
ming.ew:148	    xMing_init = define_c_func(ming_dll, calltype & "Ming_init",  
dll.e:56	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, r 
ming.ew:149	    if xMing_init != -1 then                                      
ming.ew:150	        ret = c_func(xMing_init, {})                              
ming.ew:155	    return ret                                                    
ming.ew:163	    if rc then                                                    
ming.ew:167	    for i = 1 to length(init_rtns) do                             
ming.ew:168	        call_proc(init_rtns[i], {})                               
ming.ew:84	    SWF_versionNum = get_version()                                 
ming.ew:77	    xSWF_versionNum_a = define_c_var(ming_dll, "SWF_versionNum")   
dll.e:42	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_VAR, {lib, variable_name})          
ming.ew:78	    version = peek4u(xSWF_versionNum_a)                            
ming.ew:79	    return version                                                 
ming.ew:85	end procedure                                                      
ming.ew:169	    end for                                                       
ming.ew:170	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:11	Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)                                
ming.ew:542	    xMing_useSWFVersion = define_c_proc(ming_dll, calltype & "Min 
dll.e:50	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, 0 
ming.ew:543	    if xMing_useSWFVersion != -1 then                             
ming.ew:544		c_proc(xMing_useSWFVersion, {swf_version})                       
ming.ew:548	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:12	end procedure                                               
DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()                                                 
ming.ew:162	    rc = Ming_init()                                              
ming.ew:147	    ret = -1                                                      
ming.ew:148	    xMing_init = define_c_func(ming_dll, calltype & "Ming_init",  
dll.e:56	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, r 
ming.ew:149	    if xMing_init != -1 then                                      
ming.ew:150	        ret = c_func(xMing_init, {})                              
ming.ew:155	    return ret                                                    
ming.ew:163	    if rc then                                                    
ming.ew:167	    for i = 1 to length(init_rtns) do                             
ming.ew:168	        call_proc(init_rtns[i], {})                               
ming.ew:84	    SWF_versionNum = get_version()                                 
ming.ew:77	    xSWF_versionNum_a = define_c_var(ming_dll, "SWF_versionNum")   
dll.e:42	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_VAR, {lib, variable_name})          
ming.ew:78	    version = peek4u(xSWF_versionNum_a)                            
ming.ew:79	    return version                                                 
ming.ew:85	end procedure                                                      
ming.ew:169	    end for                                                       
ming.ew:170	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:11	Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)                                
ming.ew:542	    xMing_useSWFVersion = define_c_proc(ming_dll, calltype & "Min 
dll.e:50	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, 0 
ming.ew:543	    if xMing_useSWFVersion != -1 then                             
ming.ew:544		c_proc(xMing_useSWFVersion, {swf_version})                       
ming.ew:548	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:12	end procedure                                               
=== THE END ===                                                               

Change LibMain Method in main-.c

New code in 
int __stdcall __export LibMain(int hDLL, int Reason, void *Reserved) 
        TraceOn = 1; 
    if (Reason > 1) { 
	ctrace("main-.c:148	before Reason call     By Me");} else { 
	ctrace("main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me");} 
    if (Reason == 2) { 
	ctrace("main-.c:151	before Euinit"); 
	ctrace("main-.c:153	after Euinit"); 
    return Reason; 

edit my gen32.c code

dllctrl_inst = LoadLibrary( "DTX_JTestC.dll" ); 
    if( dllctrl_inst != NULL ) { 
        idll = (PFNDLL)GetProcAddress( dllctrl_inst, "_LibMain@12" ); 
        if( idll != NULL ) { 
	 w4 = idll(this_inst,2,pp); // Reason=2 

in the WATCOM IDE > Make ALL to get new test.exe
run Test.exe looking at ctrace-d.out
and we will see the code is executing only one time

main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
main-.c:148	before Reason call     By Me                                      
main-.c:151	before Euinit                                                     
machine.e:156	mem = allocate(4)                                               
machine.e:108	    return machine_func(M_ALLOC, n)                             
machine.e:307	check_calls = 1                                                 
ming.ew:16	ming_dll = open_dll("libming_eu1.dll")                             
dll.e:37	    return machine_func(M_OPEN_DLL, file_name)                       
ming.ew:17	if ming_dll = 0 then                                               
ming.ew:26	init_rtns = {}                  -- these must be parameterless pro 
ming.ew:32	SWF_versionNum = -1             -- not initialised                 
ming.ew:88	init_rtns &= rid_get_version	-- call get_version as part of init_m 
DTX_JTestC.exw:6	trace(1)                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:14	main()                                                      
DTX_JTestC.exw:10	init_ming()                                                 
ming.ew:162	    rc = Ming_init()                                              
ming.ew:147	    ret = -1                                                      
ming.ew:148	    xMing_init = define_c_func(ming_dll, calltype & "Ming_init",  
dll.e:56	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, r 
ming.ew:149	    if xMing_init != -1 then                                      
ming.ew:150	        ret = c_func(xMing_init, {})                              
ming.ew:155	    return ret                                                    
ming.ew:163	    if rc then                                                    
ming.ew:167	    for i = 1 to length(init_rtns) do                             
ming.ew:168	        call_proc(init_rtns[i], {})                               
ming.ew:84	    SWF_versionNum = get_version()                                 
ming.ew:77	    xSWF_versionNum_a = define_c_var(ming_dll, "SWF_versionNum")   
dll.e:42	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_VAR, {lib, variable_name})          
ming.ew:78	    version = peek4u(xSWF_versionNum_a)                            
ming.ew:79	    return version                                                 
ming.ew:85	end procedure                                                      
ming.ew:169	    end for                                                       
ming.ew:170	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:11	Ming_useSWFVersion(VERSION5)                                
ming.ew:542	    xMing_useSWFVersion = define_c_proc(ming_dll, calltype & "Min 
dll.e:50	    return machine_func(M_DEFINE_C, {lib, routine_name, arg_types, 0 
ming.ew:543	    if xMing_useSWFVersion != -1 then                             
ming.ew:544		c_proc(xMing_useSWFVersion, {swf_version})                       
ming.ew:548	end procedure                                                     
DTX_JTestC.exw:12	end procedure                                               
main-.c:153	after Euinit                                                      
main-.c:148	before Reason call NOT By Me                                      
=== THE END ===                                                               


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6. Re: Workaround Euphoria To C Translator 4.0.0

I knew there was a reason i don't compile Eu code.


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