1. SQLite
- Posted by RogerL Jan 16, 2010
Can anyone tell me if this is a known problem. Wrote a CRUD program wuth Euphoria 3.1, wxEuphoria and EDB - worked fine - could both bind and convert to C and compile, and all versions of the program performed faultlessly. Then rewrote using euSQLite - again everything worked fine and the bound version worked as well. When I converted to C and compiled (using Borland) with the code unchanged the compiled program starts and exits immediately with no errors or other messages.
2. Re: SQLite
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Jan 16, 2010
Not come across that one, but then I don't usually compile, just bind. or very occasionally compile on Linux
However, I think the standard C compiler is watcom now, so it may just be possible that compiling with Borland introduces some 'incompatabilities' that the sqlite dll doesn't like.
Try updating / downgrading the sqlite dll, and recompiling with Watcom.
BTW, what's CRUD
3. Re: SQLite
- Posted by RogerL Jan 16, 2010
Thanks _ I'll try your suggestions. BTW I had to use the 'old' eusqlite.ew program as the new one would not work for me at all. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete ie a basic database masterfile maintenance type function.
4. Re: SQLite
- Posted by RogerL Jan 16, 2010
Thanks Chris - the answer was to use Watcom (I tried changing the sqlite3.dll first up with no success). Watcom takes up a bit more disk space than BORLAND freeCommandLineTools, but I'll stick to Watcom from now on! By the way I found that the BORLAND compiled version, while it did not function as expected (did not produce wxEuphoria screens etc) must have been running unseen as it consumed enormous resources and slowed everything down. This BORLAND problem only occured when I started using SQLite - but the freeCommandLineTools are suspect now as far as I am concerned. Thanks Again, Roger L