1. CxImage User Input


I tried searching the code for the old cxImage code that allowed a user to input a graphic file using the cximage, but it isn't showing up. Does anyone have the code for the use of the cximage library? I remember the code being something like this

function createDIBFromCXImage() 
--eu code 
end function 

However that's all I can remember.

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2. Re: CxImage User Input

It's a bit unclear to me what it is you want to do. If you want to display an image on a window there's a function in cximage.ew that generates a HBITMAP for you:

-- atom CXI_MakeBitmap(atom image, atom hdc) 
--	Return a HBITMAP for the image. Useful if you want to draw the image to a window. 
--	'hdc' is the target device context (can be NULL). 
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3. Re: CxImage User Input

Lone_EverGreen_Ranger said...


I tried searching the code for the old cxImage code that allowed a user to input a graphic file using the cximage, but it isn't showing up. Does anyone have the code for the use of the cximage library? I remember the code being something like this

function createDIBFromCXImage() 
--eu code 
end function 

However that's all I can remember.

[03:01] <katsmeow-afk> !eu search CXImage
[03:01] <[Tiggr]> There's 11 files found...
[03:01] <[Tiggr]> Looking for CXImage , I find it in these files: \winprog.5\124 - Emf13.e , \winprog.5\123 - Emf12.e , \winprog.5\122 - Emf11.e , \winprog.5\121 - Emf10.e , \winprog.5\120 - Emf9.e , \winprog.5\119 - Emf8.e , \picview\file_list.ew , \picview\cximage.ew , \picview\PicView.exw , \cximage\test.exw ,
[03:01] <[Tiggr]> \cximage\cximage.ew ,
[03:01] <katsmeow-afk> !eu more
[03:01] <[Tiggr]> there's no more!
[03:01] <katsmeow-afk> thanks, Tiggr
[03:03] <katsmeow-afk> !eu search createDIBFromCXImage
[03:03] <[Tiggr]> Sorry, i don't have that word indexed!
[03:03] <katsmeow-afk> !eu search cxi
[03:03] <[Tiggr]> There's 6 files found...
[03:03] <[Tiggr]> Looking for cxi , I find it in these files: \picview\file_list.ew , \picview\cximage.ew ,
\picview\PicView.exw , \cximage\test.exw , \cximage\cximage.ew , \2d_plots\2D_PLOTS.TXT ,
[03:05] * katsmeow-afk hugs her bot
[03:05] * [Tiggr] hugs katsmeow back B-]


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4. Re: CxImage User Input

Lone_EverGreen_Ranger said...

cxImage code that allowed a user to input a graphic file

Given that statement right there, I think this is what you are looking for:

-- atom CXI_LoadImage(object source, integer imageType, integer bufSize) 
--  Loads an image from 'source', which can be either a sequence specifying 
--  a filename, or an atom specifying a memory location. If loading from 
--  memory you should set 'bufSize' to the size of the memory buffer, otherwise 
--  you can just pass any (integer) value. 'imageType' specifies the kind of 
--  image you want to load (see the list below. CXI_FORMAT_*). If you pass 
--  CXI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN the library will try to detect the image type on its own. 
--  CXI_LoadImage returns a pointer to a CxImage object (for a reference, download 
--  the CxImage sources and look in ximage.h) on success, and 0 otherwise. 


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5. Re: CxImage User Input

OK, However whenever I try to load a image, my program freezes, here's my code.

Hero_WalkGfx_Win = createEx(Window,"",Tab_Hero,460,50,64,64,{WS_CHILD,WS_CLIPSIBLINGS},0) 
object HeroWalk_Gfx 
HeroWalk_Gfx = 0 
procedure Load_HeroWalk_Gfx(integer self, integer event, sequence parm) 
	fName = getOpenFileName(Hero_WalkGfx_Win,file,GraphicType) 
	if length(fName) = 0 then 
	end if 
	HeroWalk_Gfx = CXI_LoadImage(fName,CXI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN,0) 
end procedure 
procedure Paint_HeroWalk_Gfx(integer self, integer event, sequence parm) 
end procedure 

There's more code to obviously, but this is the part that counts, I'm pretty sure. I remember they're being some kinda of code Greg wrote so that user input images would work. What I want is for the user to load a image and then have it displayed in the window. However, when I tried loading an image, my program froze.

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6. Re: CxImage User Input

Are you calling CXI_Init before any other CXI routine?


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7. Re: CxImage User Input

ghaberek said...

Are you calling CXI_Init before any other CXI routine?


OK I did, and now it dosen't freeze anymore, but my image isn't showing up on the window.

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8. Re: CxImage User Input

I don't know what kind of parameters the transBlt procedure takes, but I really doubt that it accepts a pointer to an instance of the CxImage class (which is what CXI_LoadImage returns). If transBlt accepts an HBITMAP, try calling CXI_MakeBitmap on the image you've loaded with CXI_LoadImage.

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9. Re: CxImage User Input

mic_ said...

I don't know what kind of parameters the transBlt procedure takes, but I really doubt that it accepts a pointer to an instance of the CxImage class (which is what CXI_LoadImage returns). If transBlt accepts an HBITMAP, try calling CXI_MakeBitmap on the image you've loaded with CXI_LoadImage.

That didn't work either. I remember somebody had some code written so that it would allow for this. I remember it being something like this.

function createDIBFromCXImage(atom hDib) 
return hDib 
end function 

I don't rememeber all the code in the function, but I remember that is what I had that showed the image in the window. I think Greg wrote it, but I'm not sure.

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10. Re: CxImage User Input

Lone_EverGreen_Ranger said...

That didn't work either. I remember somebody had some code written so that it would allow for this. I remember it being something like this.

function createDIBFromCXImage(atom hDib) 
return hDib 
end function 

I don't rememeber all the code in the function, but I remember that is what I had that showed the image in the window. I think Greg wrote it, but I'm not sure.

I remember now. Yes, I wrote that. I can't seem to find it on my comptuer. I may not have saved it anywhere. Google reveals it's in this thread...

...but that link is broken. sad

openeuphoria.org said...

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


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11. Re: CxImage User Input

ghaberek said...
Lone_EverGreen_Ranger said...

That didn't work either. I remember somebody had some code written so that it would allow for this. I remember it being something like this.

function createDIBFromCXImage(atom hDib) 
return hDib 
end function 

I don't rememeber all the code in the function, but I remember that is what I had that showed the image in the window. I think Greg wrote it, but I'm not sure.

I remember now. Yes, I wrote that. I can't seem to find it on my comptuer. I may not have saved it anywhere. Google reveals it's in this thread...

...but that link is broken. sad

openeuphoria.org said...

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


However, I was able to grab it from google cache, and I have saved them here:




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12. Re: CxImage User Input

jimcbrown said...

However, I was able to grab it from google cache, and I have saved them here:




Excellent, thanks! Here we have it:

global function createDIBFromCXImage( atom image )  
    sequence info, pal  
    integer width, height, bitsPer, colors, headerSize  
    atom mset, memBits, memBitmapInfo, at, hdc, hDIB  
    mset = w32new_memset()  
    -- get the dib info  
    info = CXI_GetDIB( image )  
    memBits = info[1]  
    width   = info[2]  
    height  = info[3]  
    bitsPer = info[4]  
    -- get the palette  
    pal = CXI_GetPalette( image )  
    -- determine number of colors  
    colors = length( pal )  
    -- determine the header size  
    -- allocate memory for DIB  
    memBitmapInfo = w32acquire_mem( mset, headerSize )  
    w32set_memory( memBitmapInfo, ID_BITMAPINFOHEADER,  
        {SIZEOF_BITMAPINFOHEADER, width, height, 1, bitsPer, 0, 0, 0, 0, colors, 0} )  
    -- get the address of the first rgb tuple  
    at = w32address( memBitmapInfo, bmiColors )  
    -- copy the pal to memory  
    for i = 1 to colors do  
        -- store values  
        w32store( at, rgbRed, pal[i][1] )  
        w32store( at, rgbGreen, pal[i][2] )  
        w32store( at, rgbBlue, pal[i][3] )  
        w32store( at, rgbReserved, 0 )  
        -- move to next quad  
        at += SIZEOF_RGBQUAD  
    end for  
    -- Get the screen's device context.  
    hdc = getDC( Screen )  
    -- Create the DIB.  
    hDIB = w32Func( xCreateDIBitmap, {  
            w32address( memBitmapInfo, bmiHeader ),  
            DIB_RGB_COLORS} )  
    -- release the screen dc  
    releaseDC( Screen )  
    -- Free memory  
    w32release_mem( mset )  
    trackObject( {-1,kBitmapObject}, hDIB, ForProgram )  
    return hDIB  
end function  


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13. Re: CxImage User Input

ghaberek said...
jimcbrown said...

However, I was able to grab it from google cache, and I have saved them here:




Excellent, thanks! Here we have it:

global function createDIBFromCXImage( atom image )  
    sequence info, pal  
    integer width, height, bitsPer, colors, headerSize  
    atom mset, memBits, memBitmapInfo, at, hdc, hDIB  
    mset = w32new_memset()  
    -- get the dib info  
    info = CXI_GetDIB( image )  
    memBits = info[1]  
    width   = info[2]  
    height  = info[3]  
    bitsPer = info[4]  
    -- get the palette  
    pal = CXI_GetPalette( image )  
    -- determine number of colors  
    colors = length( pal )  
    -- determine the header size  
    -- allocate memory for DIB  
    memBitmapInfo = w32acquire_mem( mset, headerSize )  
    w32set_memory( memBitmapInfo, ID_BITMAPINFOHEADER,  
        {SIZEOF_BITMAPINFOHEADER, width, height, 1, bitsPer, 0, 0, 0, 0, colors, 0} )  
    -- get the address of the first rgb tuple  
    at = w32address( memBitmapInfo, bmiColors )  
    -- copy the pal to memory  
    for i = 1 to colors do  
        -- store values  
        w32store( at, rgbRed, pal[i][1] )  
        w32store( at, rgbGreen, pal[i][2] )  
        w32store( at, rgbBlue, pal[i][3] )  
        w32store( at, rgbReserved, 0 )  
        -- move to next quad  
        at += SIZEOF_RGBQUAD  
    end for  
    -- Get the screen's device context.  
    hdc = getDC( Screen )  
    -- Create the DIB.  
    hDIB = w32Func( xCreateDIBitmap, {  
            w32address( memBitmapInfo, bmiHeader ),  
            DIB_RGB_COLORS} )  
    -- release the screen dc  
    releaseDC( Screen )  
    -- Free memory  
    w32release_mem( mset )  
    trackObject( {-1,kBitmapObject}, hDIB, ForProgram )  
    return hDIB  
end function  


Thanks, however my image is still now showing. Here is my code.

Hero_WalkGfx_Win = createEx(Window,"",Tab_Hero,460,50,64,64,{WS_CHILD,WS_CLIPSIBLINGS},0) 
global function createDIBFromCXImage( atom image )  
    sequence info, pal  
    integer width, height, bitsPer, colors, headerSize  
    atom mset, memBits, memBitmapInfo, at, hdc, hDIB  
    mset = w32new_memset()  
    -- get the dib info  
    info = CXI_GetDIB( image )  
    memBits = info[1]  
    width   = info[2]  
    height  = info[3]  
    bitsPer = info[4]  
    -- get the palette  
    pal = CXI_GetPalette( image )  
    -- determine number of colors  
    colors = length( pal )  
    -- determine the header size  
    -- allocate memory for DIB  
    memBitmapInfo = w32acquire_mem( mset, headerSize )  
    w32set_memory( memBitmapInfo, ID_BITMAPINFOHEADER,  
        {SIZEOF_BITMAPINFOHEADER, width, height, 1, bitsPer, 0, 0, 0, 0, colors, 0} )  
    -- get the address of the first rgb tuple  
    at = w32address( memBitmapInfo, bmiColors )  
    -- copy the pal to memory  
    for i = 1 to colors do  
        -- store values  
        w32store( at, rgbRed, pal[i][1] )  
        w32store( at, rgbGreen, pal[i][2] )  
        w32store( at, rgbBlue, pal[i][3] )  
        w32store( at, rgbReserved, 0 )  
        -- move to next quad  
        at += SIZEOF_RGBQUAD  
    end for  
    -- Get the screen's device context.  
    hdc = getDC( Screen )  
    -- Create the DIB.  
    hDIB = w32Func( xCreateDIBitmap, {  
            w32address( memBitmapInfo, bmiHeader ),  
            DIB_RGB_COLORS} )  
    -- release the screen dc  
    releaseDC( Screen )  
    -- Free memory  
    w32release_mem( mset )  
    trackObject( {-1,kBitmapObject}, hDIB, ForProgram )  
    return hDIB  
end function  
procedure Load_HeroWalk_Gfx(integer self, integer event, sequence parm) 
	fName = getOpenFileName(Hero_WalkGfx_Win,file,GraphicType) 
	if length(fName) = 0 then 
	end if 
	HeroWalk_Gfx = CXI_LoadImage(fName,CXI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN,0) 
	HeroWalk_Gfx = createDIBFromCXImage(HeroWalk_Gfx) 
end procedure 
procedure Paint_HeroWalk_Gfx(integer self, integer event, sequence parm) 
end procedure 
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14. Re: CxImage User Input

Your child Window is not visible. You'll need to add the WS_VISIBLE flag to have it show up...

Hero_WalkGfx_Win = createEx(Window,"",Tab_Hero,460,50,64,64,{WS_VISIBLE,WS_CHILD,WS_CLIPSIBLINGS},0) 


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15. Re: CxImage User Input

ghaberek said...

Your child Window is not visible. You'll need to add the WS_VISIBLE flag to have it show up...

Hero_WalkGfx_Win = createEx(Window,"",Tab_Hero,460,50,64,64,{WS_VISIBLE,WS_CHILD,WS_CLIPSIBLINGS},0) 


Actually it wasn't that it, it wasn't visible, I forgot to add repaintWindow when I drew the image to the window.

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