1. Converting qbasic to Euphoria?

Can the following qbasic code be easily converted to Euphoria?
Note that I am not looking for an exact translation. My goal is
to be able to use Euphoria to graph some simple algebraic
equations.  Using DOS (as opposed to Linux or Windows) is ok too.

Thanks for any help!

DIM a, b, c, x AS DOUBLE
WINDOW (-8, 6)-(8, -6)
LINE (-8, 0)-(8, 0)   'X axis
LINE (0, 6)-(0, -6)   'Y axis
FOR x = -8 TO 8 STEP .025
    a = x ^ 2
    b = SIN(x)
    c = COS(x)
    PSET (x, a)
    PSET (x, b)
    PSET (x, c)

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2. Re: Converting qbasic to Euphoria?

Ed Davis wrote:
> DIM a, b, c, x AS DOUBLE
> SCREEN (12)
> WINDOW (-8, 6)-(8, -6)
> LINE (-8, 0)-(8, 0)   'X axis
> LINE (0, 6)-(0, -6)   'Y axis
> FOR x = -8 TO 8 STEP .025
>     a = x ^ 2
>     b = SIN(x)
>     c = COS(x)
>     PSET (x, a)
>     PSET (x, b)
>     PSET (x, c)
> NEXT x

The (untested) code below should create a (maximized) window and draw the 3
graphs in different colors:
- bright white background
- black X and Y axis
- red x ^ 2
- blue sin(x)
- green cos(x)

include win32lib.ew

constant win = create(Window, "Graph", 0, 0, 0, 300, 200, 0)

procedure winPaint(integer self, integer event, sequence params)
    sequence rect
    atom a, b, c, delta_x, delta_y, mult_x, mult_y
    integer width, height
    -- get the size of the drawing canvas:
    rect = getClientRect(self)
    width = rect[3]
    height = rect[4]
    -- translate WINDOW (-8, 6) - (8, -6):
    delta_x = 8
    delta_y = 6
    mult_x = width / 16 -- -8 .. 8 = 0 .. 16
    mult_y = height / -12 -- 6 .. -6 = 12 .. 0
    -- clearing the window
    setPenColor(self, BrightWhite)
    drawRectangle(self, w32True, 0, 0, width, height)
    setPenColor(self, Black)
    -- drawing the X and Y axis
    drawLine(self, 0, floor(height/2), width, floor(height/2))
    drawLine(self, floor(width/2), 0, floor(width/2), height)
    for x = -8 to 8 by 0.025 do
        a = x * x
        b = sin(x)
        c = cos(x)
setPixel(self, floor((x + delta_x) * mult_x), floor((a + delta_y) *
        mult_y), BrightRed)
setPixel(self, floor((x + delta_x) * mult_x), floor((b + delta_y) *
        mult_y), BrightBlue)
setPixel(self, floor((x + delta_x) * mult_x), floor((c + delta_y) *
        mult_y), BrightGreen)
    end for
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HPaint, routine_id("winPaint"))

WinMain(win, Maximized)

tommy online: http://users.pandora.be/tommycarlier
Euphoria Message Board: http://uboard.proboards32.com

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3. Re: Converting qbasic to Euphoria?

Ed Davis wrote:
> Can the following qbasic code be easily converted to Euphoria?
> Note that I am not looking for an exact translation. My goal is
> to be able to use Euphoria to graph some simple algebraic
> equations.  Using DOS (as opposed to Linux or Windows) is ok too.
> Thanks for any help!
> DIM a, b, c, x AS DOUBLE
> SCREEN (12)
> WINDOW (-8, 6)-(8, -6)
> LINE (-8, 0)-(8, 0)   'X axis
> LINE (0, 6)-(0, -6)   'Y axis
> FOR x = -8 TO 8 STEP .025
>     a = x ^ 2
>     b = SIN(x)
>     c = COS(x)
>     PSET (x, a)
>     PSET (x, b)
>     PSET (x, c)
> NEXT x

You could do this fairly easily using matheval.  You'll need to update
the grapheval.e file:

The line towards the top (add CONSTANT, VAR):

And graph_init() should look like:
procedure graph_init()
    INVALID = resolve_math_ref( "INVALID" )
    DATA = resolve_math_ref( "DATA" )
    CONSTANT = resolve_math_ref( "CONSTANT" )
    VAR = resolve_math_ref( "VAR") 

    GRAPH = reg_math_func( "GRAPH", routine_id("Graph") )
    CGRAPH = reg_math_func( "CGRAPH", routine_id("CGraph") )
    RANGE = reg_math_func( "RANGE", routine_id("Range") )

end procedure

Then try the following (uses Win32Lib):
without warning
include win32lib.ew
include matheval.e
include grapheval.e

win	= create( Window, "Graph", 0, Default, Default, 500, 420, 0 )

sequence graph, func, colors
integer GRAPH

procedure win_paint( integer self, atom event, sequence params )
	setPenColor( win, BrightWhite )
	drawPolygon( win, 1, { 10, 10, 490, 10, 490, 390, 10, 390 } )
	for i = 1 to 3 do
		drawLines( win, colors[i] & graph[i] )
	end for
	setPenColor( win, Black )
	drawPolygon( win, 0, { 10, 10, 490, 10, 490, 390, 10, 390 } )
	drawLine( win, 250, 10, 250, 390)
	drawLine( win, 10, 200, 490, 200)
end procedure
setHandler( win, w32HPaint, routine_id("win_paint"))

procedure setup()
	sequence g
	GRAPH = resolve_math_ref( "GRAPH" )
	func = {
			Parse( "x^2" ),
			Parse( "sin(x)" ),
			Parse( "cos(x)" )
	colors = {Blue, Green, Red}
	graph = repeat( 0, 3 )
	SetScreen( {480, 380})

	for i = 1 to 3 do
		g = Evaluate({ GRAPH, { func[i], "X"}, {-8, 8, 0.1, -6, 6} })
		g = floor(g[2])
		g[2] = g[1] & g[2]
		graph[i] = g[2..length(g)]
	end for
end procedure

WinMain( win, Normal )

Matt Lewis

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4. Re: Converting qbasic to Euphoria?

Hi Ed,

> From: Ed Davis <guest at RapidEuphoria.com>
> To: EUforum at topica.com
> Subject: Converting qbasic to Euphoria?
> Sent: 28 jul 2004 y. 22:22
> Can the following qbasic code be easily 
> converted to Euphoria?
> Note that I am not looking for an exact 
> translation. My goal is to be able to 
> use Euphoria to graph some simple algebraic
> equations.  
> Using DOS (as opposed to Linux or Windows)
> is ok too.
> Thanks for any help!
> DIM a, b, c, x AS DOUBLE
> SCREEN (12)
> WINDOW (-8, 6)-(8, -6)
> LINE (-8, 0)-(8, 0)   'X axis
> LINE (0, 6)-(0, -6)   'Y axis
> FOR x = -8 TO 8 STEP .025
>     a = x ^ 2
>     b = SIN(x)
>     c = COS(x)
>     PSET (x, a)
>     PSET (x, b)
>     PSET (x, c)
> NEXT x

Try please this DOS32 program,
works for me.

include graphics.e

atom a, b, c
if graphics_mode(18) then end if
-- > WINDOW (-8, 6)-(8, -6) -- there is no 
-- WINDOW in the standard EU, but 
-- there is one lib in The Archive with 
-- that WINDOW feature.
-- So, I just mapped your task into 640x480 screen
draw_line(5,{{0,239},{639,239}}) -- X axis
draw_line(5,{{319,0},{319,479}}) -- Y axis
 for x = -8 to 8 by .025 do
     a = power(x, 2)
     b = sin(x)
     c = cos(x)
     pixel(11,{x * 80 + 319, a * 80 + 239})
     pixel(12,{x * 80 + 319, b * 80 + 239})
     pixel(14,{x * 80 + 319, c * 80 + 239})
 end for

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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