1. How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

How can I run a Euphoria program FROM a Euphoria program,
when the 2nd program (the one to be run from within the initial Eu program),
requires parameters?

I was trying to "wrap" R. M. Forno's file compare program(s) (diff11.ex, etc) with a Windows GUI,
so I could compare versions of apps without having to type the file names,
as is required with his cmd interface.

So I tried shellExecuteEx, as follows:

     scode = shellExecuteEx ( "open", "ex.exe", 
       {aCompare, FirstFile, SecondFile  }, 0,SW_NORMAL , 0) 

where aCompare was one of selected diff11.ex, diff21.ex, etc, file compare programs,
and FirstFile and SecondFile were the results of getOpenFileName,
intended to be the parameters of the specified file compare program:

  FirstFile = getOpenFileName(Window1,"",{"Euphoria Windows Programs","*.exw", "Euphoria dos","*.ex"}) 
  setText(EditText8, FirstFile) 

and I got the following error: C:\Programming\EUPHORIA\Libraries\Win32Lib_60_5\Include\w32support.e:1228 in function w32acquire_mem() sequence to be poked must only contain atoms

but when I put the (suspect?) "FirstFile" & "SecondFile" into text boxes to see
what they were, they looked like nothing but a sequence of the path/file name.

So, what's wrong with how I'm doing it, and what should I be doing?


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2. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

Dan_M said...

How can I run a Euphoria program FROM a Euphoria program,


     scode = shellExecuteEx ( "open", "ex.exe", 
       sprintf("%s %s %s", {aCompare, FirstFile, SecondFile}), 0,SW_NORMAL , 0) 

The third parameter to shellExecuteEx is a string - it's what you would have otherwise typed on a command line.

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3. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

DerekParnell said...

The third parameter to shellExecuteEx is a string - it's what you would have otherwise typed on a command line.

Looking at the docs now, I can see why you did what you did. The docs are misleading so I'll fix that.

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4. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

DerekParnell said...
DerekParnell said...

The third parameter to shellExecuteEx is a string - it's what you would have otherwise typed on a command line.

Looking at the docs now, I can see why you did what you did. The docs are misleading so I'll fix that.

Thanks Derek! smile

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5. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

DerekParnell said...
Dan_M said...

How can I run a Euphoria program FROM a Euphoria program,


     scode = shellExecuteEx ( "open", "ex.exe", 
       sprintf("%s %s %s", {aCompare, FirstFile, SecondFile}), 0,SW_NORMAL , 0) 

The third parameter to shellExecuteEx is a string - it's what you would have otherwise typed on a command line.

Two more questions: What are the error codes, numerically, for shellExecuteEx,or where are they defined?

and, what if the path/file name includes SPACES in the path, how do I specify that so that a DOS program can handle it?


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6. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

Dan_M said...
DerekParnell said...
DerekParnell said...

The third parameter to shellExecuteEx is a string - it's what you would have otherwise typed on a command line.

Looking at the docs now, I can see why you did what you did. The docs are misleading so I'll fix that.

Thanks Derek! smile

Rev62: uploaded corrected shellExecuteEx() and its docs.

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7. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

Dan_M said...

What are the error codes, numerically, for shellExecuteEx,or where are they defined?

and, what if the path/file name includes SPACES in the path, how do I specify that so that a DOS program can handle it?

  1. The error codes are documented here. However there is a bug in the function. Instead of returning the error code, it returns !0 if it succeeds and 0 if it fails. I'll fix this too.
  2. You should be able to use spaces in the file string without problems ...
res = shellExecuteEx("open", "c:\\program files\\myapps\\special app.exe", ...) 
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8. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

DerekParnell said...

However there is a bug in the function. Instead of returning the error code, it returns !0 if it succeeds and 0 if it fails. I'll fix this too.

Rev63: uploaded corrected shellExecuteEx() and its docs.

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9. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

DerekParnell said...
Dan_M said...

What are the error codes, numerically, for shellExecuteEx,or where are they defined?

and, what if the path/file name includes SPACES in the path, how do I specify that so that a DOS program can handle it?

  1. The error codes are documented here. However there is a bug in the function. Instead of returning the error code, it returns !0 if it succeeds and 0 if it fails. I'll fix this too.
  2. You should be able to use spaces in the file string without problems ...
res = shellExecuteEx("open", "c:\\program files\\myapps\\special app.exe", ...) 

On this machine, I'm running Win32Lib 0.60.5, under Eu 2.5, and when I run my "wrap", I get a return code of 5, and NOTHING seems to happen.

When I put a wait_key() at the end of one of the file compares, in case it was displaying in cmd window too quickly to see, I see NOTHING. That's why I was thinking maybe spaces in path made the file compare not run when executed by shellExecuteEx.

And the "diffxx.ex" file compares are in same folder as the GUI "wrap".

Any suggestions on debug?


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10. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

Dan_M said...

On this machine, I'm running Win32Lib 0.60.5, under Eu 2.5, and when I run my "wrap", I get a return code of 5, and NOTHING seems to happen.

When I put a wait_key() at the end of one of the file compares, in case it was displaying in cmd window too quickly to see, I see NOTHING. That's why I was thinking maybe spaces in path made the file compare not run when executed by shellExecuteEx.

And the "diffxx.ex" file compares are in same folder as the GUI "wrap".

Any suggestions on debug?

I've just done some testing here and its all working just fine.

I'm using Euphoria 4 and win32lib 0.70.16, so I can't directly comment on the results you are getting with old version of the programs.

Here is the programs I used ...

-- Main test program 
include win32lib.ew 
constant win = create(Window, "Shell", 0, 0, 0, 500, 500, 0) 
constant btn = create(Button, "Do It", win, 10, 10, 50, 50, 0) 
constant res = create(EditText, "", win, 10, 100, 250, 30, 0) 
integer cnt = 0 
procedure click_Btn(integer self, integer event, sequence parms) 
    cnt += 1 
	setText( res, sprintf("%02d RC=%d",  
                                    "c:\\program files\\utils\\eui.exe",  
                                    {"c:\\temp\\tests.ex","Q","W R"}, 0, 0, 0) 
end procedure 
setHandler( btn, w32HClick,routine_id("click_Btn")) 
WinMain(win, Normal) 
-- Program that is invoked (tests.ex). 
sequence c = command_line() 
integer fh 
fh = open("c:\\temp\\test.res", "w") 
for i = 1 to length(c) do 
	printf(fh, "%2d '%s'\n", {i, c[i]}) 
end for 


 1 'c:\program files\utils\eui.exe' 
 2 'c:\temp\tests.ex' 
 3 'Q' 
 4 'W R' 

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11. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

ok, I'll try what I was doing on another machine with later version of Win32Lib, 70 something, & see what happens.

Here's what I was doing:

--  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v0.20.1 
include Win32Lib.ew 
without warning 
--  Window Window1 
constant Window1 = createEx( Window, "File Compare Wrap", 0, Default, Default, 587, 356, 0, 0 ) 
constant StatusBar11 = createEx( StatusBar, "StatusBar11", Window1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) 
constant PushButton4 = createEx( PushButton, "Pick First File", Window1, 228, 20, 88, 28, 0, 0 ) 
constant PushButton5 = createEx( PushButton, "Pick Second File", Window1, 360, 20, 88, 28, 0, 0 ) 
constant PushButton6 = createEx( PushButton, "Compare", Window1, 480, 20, 88, 28, 0, 0 ) 
constant LText3 = createEx( CText, "Select a Compare Utility To Use", Window1, 24, 24, 168, 20, 0, 0 ) 
constant List2 = createEx( List, "List2", Window1, 32, 52, 148, 120, 0, 0 ) 
constant LText7 = createEx( LText, "Compare:", Window1, 32, 196, 64, 20, 0, 0 ) 
constant EditText8 = createEx( EditText, "EditText8", Window1, 112, 196, 652, 20, w32or_all({ES_READONLY}), 0 ) 
constant EditText10 = createEx( EditText, "EditText10", Window1, 112, 228, 656, 20, w32or_all({ES_READONLY}), 0 ) 
constant LText9 = createEx( LText, "With:", Window1, 32, 232, 64, 20, 0, 0 ) 
sequence FirstFile, SecondFile 
integer Index 
procedure Window1_onActivate (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () 
  addItem(List2, "diff11.ex") 
  addItem(List2, "diff21.ex") 
  addItem(List2, "diff30.ex") 
  addItem(List2, "diff40.ex") 
  addItem(List2, "diff50.ex") 
end procedure 
setHandler( Window1, w32HActivate, routine_id("Window1_onActivate")) 
procedure PushButton4_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () 
  FirstFile = getOpenFileName(Window1,"",{"Euphoria Windows Programs","*.exw", "Euphoria dos","*.ex"}) 
  setText(EditText8, FirstFile) 
end procedure 
setHandler( PushButton4, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton4_onClick")) 
procedure PushButton5_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () 
   SecondFile = getOpenFileName(Window1,"",{"Euphoria Windows Programs","*.exw", "Euphoria dos","*.ex"}) 
   setText(EditText10, SecondFile) 
end procedure 
setHandler( PushButton5, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton5_onClick")) 
procedure PushButton6_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () 
  integer scode 
  sequence aCompare 
--For versions 1.1 and 5.0, the syntax is as follows: 
--ex diffnn <file1> <file2> [<option>] [<time_limit>] 
--For versions 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0, the syntax is as follows: 
--ex diffnn <file1> <file2> [<option>] 
  if Index = 1 or Index = 5  then 
     aCompare = "diff11.ex" 
  elsif Index = 2 then 
     aCompare = "diff21.ex" 
  elsif Index = 3 then 
     aCompare = "diff30.ex" 
  elsif Index = 4 then 
     aCompare = "diff40.ex" 
  elsif Index = 5 then 
     aCompare = "diff50.ex" 
  end if 
     scode = shellExecuteEx ( "open", "ex.exe", 
       sprintf("%s %s %s", {aCompare, FirstFile, SecondFile}),  0,SW_NORMAL , 0) 
    setText(StatusBar11, sprint(scode)) 
end procedure 
setHandler( PushButton6, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton6_onClick")) 
procedure List2_onChange (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is () 
    Index = getIndex(List2) 
end procedure 
setHandler( List2, w32HChange, routine_id("List2_onChange")) 
WinMain( Window1,Maximize ) 


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12. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

DerekParnell said...
Dan_M said...

On this machine, I'm running Win32Lib 0.60.5, under Eu 2.5, and when I run my "wrap", I get a return code of 5, and NOTHING seems to happen.

When I put a wait_key() at the end of one of the file compares, in case it was displaying in cmd window too quickly to see, I see NOTHING. That's why I was thinking maybe spaces in path made the file compare not run when executed by shellExecuteEx.

And the "diffxx.ex" file compares are in same folder as the GUI "wrap".

Any suggestions on debug?

I've just done some testing here and its all working just fine.

I'm using Euphoria 4 and win32lib 0.70.16, so I can't directly comment on the results you are getting with old version of the programs.

Here is the programs I used ...

-- Main test program 
include win32lib.ew 
constant win = create(Window, "Shell", 0, 0, 0, 500, 500, 0) 
constant btn = create(Button, "Do It", win, 10, 10, 50, 50, 0) 
constant res = create(EditText, "", win, 10, 100, 250, 30, 0) 
integer cnt = 0 
procedure click_Btn(integer self, integer event, sequence parms) 
    cnt += 1 
	setText( res, sprintf("%02d RC=%d",  
                                    "c:\\program files\\utils\\eui.exe",  
                                    {"c:\\temp\\tests.ex","Q","W R"}, 0, 0, 0) 
end procedure 
setHandler( btn, w32HClick,routine_id("click_Btn")) 
WinMain(win, Normal) 
-- Program that is invoked (tests.ex). 
sequence c = command_line() 
integer fh 
fh = open("c:\\temp\\test.res", "w") 
for i = 1 to length(c) do 
	printf(fh, "%2d '%s'\n", {i, c[i]}) 
end for 


 1 'c:\program files\utils\eui.exe' 
 2 'c:\temp\tests.ex' 
 3 'Q' 
 4 'W R' 


I'm pretty sure my problem IS because of spaces in path name, at least when the path/file name used as a parameter is procured from getOpenFileName.

When I make a small test program to be called by shellExecuteEx, with "test" as the first parameter for the TEST program,
and a path/file name returned by getOpenFileName as the second parameter,
here's what I get output by the test pgm:

C:\PROGRA~2\EUPHORIA\BIN\EX.EXE  <-- interpreter 
test.ex                          <-- test program 
test                             <-- first param for test pgm 
C:\Programming\EUPHORIA\Programs <-- ALL is SENT as the second parameter! 
Under                            <-- but separated and TREATED as THREE param 
So I'm sending a sequence variable SecondFile as the second parameter to the test file, not
 "C:\\Programming\\EUPHORIA\\Programs Under Development\\FromIde\\CompareFiles\\cp1a1b.exw" 
even though they should be approx. the same thing.

I know there's a way to make that be taken as "one" item, but I forget what it is.
Looks like it has to do with the DOUBLE slashes,
but like I said, I forget how to "trick" Eu into thinking they're there
if that's what it takes.


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13. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

Dan_M said...

I know there's a way to make that be taken as "one" item, but I forget what it is.

Put the path in quotes.

So something like

x = "\"" & thePath & "\"" 
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14. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

euphoric said...
Dan_M said...

I know there's a way to make that be taken as "one" item, but I forget what it is.

Put the path in quotes.

So something like

x = "\"" & thePath & "\"" 

I'm gonna try it, but won't that just put a slash before and after the path?


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15. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

Dan_M said...
euphoric said...
Dan_M said...

I know there's a way to make that be taken as "one" item, but I forget what it is.

Put the path in quotes.

So something like

x = "\"" & thePath & "\"" 

I'm gonna try it, but won't that just put a slash before and after the path?


argh, should have THOUGHT first, you're absolutly right, sigh.
And thanks!


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16. Re: How to run Eu pgm FROM Eu pgm, with PARAMETERS (for 2nd Eu pgm)

sigh, unfortunately, now that my test pgm works fine, my actual "wrap" still doesn't.

My GUI "wrap" of R.Forno's compare doesn't cause the diff11.ex to RUN. my test.ex pgm runs from the wrap, receives and reports the parameters just fine, and is in the same folder as the wrapped compare pgm, but the diff11.ex just won't run at all.

Guess I'll have to give it some more thought later.


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