1. How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

Greetings; Adding a wxrichtext control: I can't find the right keywords to set the Position and Dimensions of the control. I searched google and wxeu docs, this forum etc..

Thanks! ...V

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2. Re: How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

vmars said...

Greetings; Adding a wxrichtext control: I can't find the right keywords to set the Position and Dimensions of the control. I searched google and wxeu docs, this forum etc..

You can do this when you create the control, or use set_size() and move() after you've created it.


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3. Re: How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

Thanks Matt, great help!

At file:///C:/Euphoria/wxEuphoria/wxWidgets-2.8.9/wxWidgets-2.8.10-HTML-zip/docs/mshtml/wx/wx_wxrichtextctrl.html#wxrichtextctrlcreate

I found 'wxRichTextCtrl::Create' bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& value = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxRE_MULTILINE, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxTextCtrlNameStr)

and At file:///C:/Euphoria/wxEuphoria/Docs.3.1/WXSCROLLEDWINDOW.html

I found 'Creation Parameters' atom parent integer id [= -1] integer x [= -1] integer y [= -1] integer cx [= -1] integer cy [= -1] atom style [= wxHSCROL+wxVSCROLL] wxHSCROLL wxVSCROLL

Evidently, '-1' means 'default value'. How/where can I find out what are these default values?. Thanks! ...V

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4. Re: How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

vmars said...

Evidently, '-1' means 'default value'. How/where can I find out what are these default values?. Thanks! ...V

Evidently, '-1' means 'default value'.
How/where can I find out what are these default values?.
Thanks! ...V

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5. Re: How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

vmars said...
vmars said...

Evidently, '-1' means 'default value'. How/where can I find out what are these default values?. Thanks! ...V

Evidently, '-1' means 'default value'.
How/where can I find out what are these default values?.
Thanks! ...V

Probably the only way is to either experiment or look at the wxWidgets source code. If you're interested in something specific, I'd say to make it explicit. If you're just going to let a sizer deal with the size, then just use the default, since the starting size doesn't really matter.


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6. Re: How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

vmars said...

Evidently, '-1' means 'default value'. How/where can I find out what are these default values?. Thanks! ...V

I don't think it means a particular value. I think it means, "Let wxEuphoria determine the size." or "Let the sizers determine the size." or maybe "Make it fit."

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7. Re: How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

Ugh! C and C code, oh HORRORS.

I am wondering if someone has already written a pgm where
when the cursor is over a control,
all available info for that control is displayed.
Is Euphoria able to do that sort of snooping into other pgms thing?
Or would I have to make a Form with all controls known to man
and then do the same type of displaying in the same pgm?
Thanks! ...V

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8. Re: How to set size and pos of wxrichtext control ?

euphoric said...

I don't think it means a particular value. I think it means, "Let wxEuphoria determine the size." or "Let the sizers determine the size." or maybe "Make it fit."

This is correct. And you should be using sizers as often as possible. And by often, I mean always. grin


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