1. How do you clear a MleText?

Hello All,

clearWindow(myMleText) dosen't work.

Don Cole

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2. Re: How do you clear a MleText?

This is just like the RichEdit question earlier. You need:

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3. Re: How do you clear a MleText?

Thank you Arthur,

Works fine.

I was thinking of setText(myMleText,repeat(' ',1000)) but I guess that's not necessary.

Don Cole

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4. Re: How do you clear a MleText?

doncole2009 said...

Thank you Arthur,

Works fine.

I was thinking of setText(myMleText,repeat(' ',1000)) but I guess that's not necessary.

Don Cole

Also, as I note, I'd like to point out, that clearWindow is for painting functions on the Window. If you had drawn a bitmap the window and you'd want to clear it, then you'd use clearWindow. Just to clear up any confusion about clearWindow.

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