1. Executable Name Changes in SVN rev 1709 and 1713.

Euphoria is becoming more cross-platform every day. A while ago we changed the file extension standard (nothing is enforced w/extensions, it's just the standard) to be more cross-platform friendly. Today we changed the executable names. This is also a move from making DOS the primary target of Euphoria to making Windows and Unix variants (Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, SunOS) the primary targets. Here are the changes:

New Name Old Name Meaning
eui.exe exwc.exe Euphoria Interpreter
euiw.exe exw.exe Euphoria Interpreter - Windowed
euid.exe ex.exe Euphoria Interpreter - DOS
euc.exe ecw.exe Euphoria Compiler
eucd.exe ec.exe Euphoira Compiler - DOS
eub.exe backendc.exe Euphoria Backend
eubw.exe backendw.exe Euphoria Backend - Windowed
eubd.exe backendd.exe Euphoria Backend - DOS
eu.lib ecw.lib Euphoria Library
eud.lib ec.lib Euphoria Library - DOS

Unix naming has undergone the same changes:

New Name Old Name Meaning
eui exu Euphoria Interpreter
euc ecu Euphoria Compiler
eub backendu Euphoria Backend
eu.a ecu.a Euphoria Library

Just as a refresher, the extension naming:

Extension Meaning
.ex Euphoria executable source file (i.e. main program)
.exw Euphoria Windowed executable source file
.exd Euphoria DOS-only executable source file
.e Euphoria include file

Do not confuse .exw with Microsoft Windows. .exw is a "Windowed" program, or in other words has Graphical User Interface as opposed to a Console Interface. You can have a .exw file on Linux that uses GTK, wxWidgets, Iup, QT, etc... They are GUI applications on Non-Microsoft OS'es, they should use .exw.

NOTE: If you are building from SVN revisions, when you upgrade to 1709, in order to build, you must rename your existing exwc.exe file to eui.exe.


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2. Re: Executable Name Changes in SVN rev 1709 and 1713.


Ran into trouble testing out the latest builds of eu because of these name changes. Kind of in a flux situation I know, and one day it will settles down, in the meantime, for anyone that doesn't want to upset their associations and paths, then just copy and paste this into a text file, save it as 000_uold.bat, and run it every time tou update the binaries. That way your old programs will still be able to find it.

  1. Batch file to 'update' old style names from new style names
  2. for euphoria 4.xx
  3. do this after installing an update to eu 4.xx from eubins
  4. or possible newer installs

copy eui.exe exwc.exe copy euiw.ew exw.exe copy euid.exe ex.exe copy copy euc.exe ecw.exe copy eub.exe backendc.exe copy eubw.exe backendw.exe copy eubd.exe backendd.exe copy eu.lib ecw.lib copy eud.lib ec.lib


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3. Re: Executable Name Changes in SVN rev 1709 and 1713.

Sorry, here's the previewed readable version

# Batch file to 'update' old style names from new style names 
# for euphoria 4.xx 
# do this after installing an update to eu 4.xx from eubins 
# or possible newer installs 
copy eui.exe exwc.exe 
copy euiw.ew exw.exe 
copy euid.exe ex.exe 
copy euc.exe ecw.exe 
copy eub.exe backendc.exe 	 
copy eubw.exe backendw.exe 	 
copy eubd.exe backendd.exe 	 
copy eu.lib ecw.lib 
copy eud.lib ec.lib  
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