1. Newbie very confused

Just downloaded Euphoria. I'm familiar with 'C' and PHP. Not a complete beginner.

What2do next (I think) says I can use ex.exe or exw.exe presumably to run the demo's in interpreted mode.

Looked long and hard but can't find either. A 'windows' search doesn't find them either. What have I done wrong. (Using wondows XP home)

Should I just admit failure before the first hurdle?


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2. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

Just downloaded Euphoria. I'm familiar with 'C' and PHP. Not a complete beginner.

What2do next (I think) says I can use ex.exe or exw.exe presumably to run the demo's in interpreted mode.

Looked long and hard but can't find either. A 'windows' search doesn't find them either. What have I done wrong. (Using wondows XP home)

Should I just admit failure before the first hurdle?


Which version did you download version 3.11 or version 4 ?
ver 3.11 is older stable version ver 4.0 is a new alpha version.
If you download the Linux binary it does not contain those
files. ex.exe ( is DOS interpreter ) exw.exe ( is WINDOWS interpreter )

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3. Re: Newbie very confused

Thanks for the reply. The file name was euphoria-src-4.0a3

There was a list of versions but no help as to which I should use.

Where do I get the correct version from please. Regards

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4. Re: Newbie very confused

Here are the descriptions

Filename Description

eu40a3.zip Euphoria for DOS only

euphoria_40a3.exe Euphoria for Windows (includes DOS support)

euphoria-4.0a3.tar.gz Euphoria for Linux

euphoria-osx-4.0a3.tar.gz Euphoria for OS X

euphoria-src-4.0a3.tar.gz Source packaged as .tar.gz

euphoria-src-4.0a3.zip Source packaged as .zip

The "src" versions will be more work to get started.

Downloading version 3 is still a good choice for "just getting started", get it from the RapidEuphoria website (see tab at the top of the page.)

You can even help me out! Download "Think Euphoria" from the RapidEuphoria website. Its only a first draft, but anything you do not understand I will be able to fix.


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5. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

Thanks for the reply. The file name was euphoria-src-4.0a3

There was a list of versions but no help as to which I should use.

Where do I get the correct version from please. Regards

Click on the BUTTON at the top of EUforum called 'RapidEuphoria'
that will take you to download screen.

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6. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

The file name was euphoria-src-4.0a3

There was a list of versions but no help as to which I should use.

Where do I get the correct version from please.

This is the downside to the SF.net file listings. There is no place to state what is what, other than platform and file extension. You have downloaded the source only release which contains no executables, it is for those with an existing Euphoria who want to build 4.0 from source. You should download either the 3.1 from RapidEuphoria or download euphoria_40a3.exe. Now, I am assuming you are on the Windows platform.


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7. Re: Newbie very confused

Dear Tom and Jeremy, Thanks a lot both of you. Have downloaded e31setup.exe and everything now runs. Have looked at David Gray's tutorial. The start defining variables was essential but it then got a bit verbose. Cumbersome in DOS I thought. Am about to download "Think Euphoria"

I am told to download win32lib. Why? where should it go? Which folder? Also required to download a GUI file. Can't remember the name? What does it DO?

You have both been most helpful and I realise I'm asking a lot of you.

I'm afraid that at my age (77!) it's too late to bury myself in a manual and learn the whole systax of Euphoria. I need to start a project and learn what is necessary to achieve my objective. I have in mind a full screen callender with editable date boxes. Is that a bit OTT do you think?

Regards to you both and thanks. alec

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8. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

Dear Tom and Jeremy, Thanks a lot both of you. Have downloaded e31setup.exe and everything now runs. Have looked at David Gray's tutorial. The start defining variables was essential but it then got a bit verbose. Cumbersome in DOS I thought. Am about to download "Think Euphoria"

I am told to download win32lib. Why? where should it go? Which folder? Also required to download a GUI file. Can't remember the name? What does it DO?

You have both been most helpful and I realise I'm asking a lot of you.

I'm afraid that at my age (77!) it's too late to bury myself in a manual and learn the whole systax of Euphoria. I need to start a project and learn what is necessary to achieve my objective. I have in mind a full screen callender with editable date boxes. Is that a bit OTT do you think?

Regards to you both and thanks. alec

Win32Lib is a library of functions and procedures which allow the Euphoria programmer to MUCH more easily write WINDOWS programs, similar to what you have indicated you might like to do.

I think the GUI file you're refereing to is the IDE, which is a visual elaboration or derivation of the Win32Lib library, which allows you to click on various aspects of Windows program features, "controls", and place them directly into a program with very little coding required. In fact, there is in the IDE a CALENDAR control that you can just "put" into a program that will pretty much do what you want right out of the box. That is, controls like that have a built-in functionality without having to write any code to implement that functionality. Put the calandar control into a window in the IDE, run the resulting program created for you by the IDE, and you will see a calendar, with month/year selections, etc, without writing a single line of code!

Pretty spiffy, right?


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9. Re: Newbie very confused

I meant, "I think the GUI file you're referring to is the IDE,", and should have explained that the IDE is an "Integrated Development Environment", ie, kind of a "drag 'n drop" graphical Windows program development tool.

In it there's a "toolbox" of various "controls", like buttons, listBoxes, editBoxes, etc, that you can click on and then click them into a dummy window for positioning (as opposed to writing code to specify exactly where to put the controls in a window).

It then can save and/or run a Euphoria program with the Win32Lib included automatically, with all the code to create the controls you've placed automagically written for you.

There's more, but you'll see when you download & run it, and then continue to ask questions here as you need to.


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10. Re: Newbie very confused


What you should have done (and I believe this should apply to all newcomers of the language) is download


This is on th RDS website, but is more difficult to see than e31setup.exe (or whatever its called). It installs the same euphoria, and win32, and sets then environment variables without the need for a reboot.

Perhaps a request for equal billing to the original setup?


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11. Re: Newbie very confused

ChrisB said...


What you should have done (and I believe this should apply to all newcomers of the language) is download


This is on th RDS website, but is more difficult to see than e31setup.exe (or whatever its called). It installs the same euphoria, and win32, and sets then environment variables without the need for a reboot.

Perhaps a request for equal billing to the original setup?


To get Chris's installer "directly" from the official Rapid Euphoria website:

Click on "Rapid Euphoria" at top of this forum;

at TOP of the resulting RDS Home Page, in the YELLOW boxes, near the RIGHT hand side, click on "Download Euphoria"

on the LEFT had side of page, 2nd paragraph from BOTTOM,
"Chris B. has provided this combined installer of Euphoria 3.1.1, Win32lib and the IDE to save you time. ",

and click on "combined installer".

Or, of course, you could just click on the link he included in his above post smile

But yes, the link should be MUCH more easily findable on MAIN RDS site, right with the main download link, I think.


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12. Re: Newbie very confused

Thanks everyone. I think I shall have to delete everything and start again. I did download win32lib but guessed wrongly where the files should be installed. So I did another download and guessed right. (BIN/INCLUDE) would have been quite nice if someone had said where the files should reside. Tried to find the IDE file. Found a couple of places (including Judith Evan's IDE) but the links are broken.

Surely, it should be just a bit easier for the 'newbie'?

I will start again from scratch. Regards and thanks alec

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13. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

I did download win32lib but guessed wrongly where the files should be installed. So I did another download and guessed right. (BIN/INCLUDE) would have been quite nice if someone had said where the files should reside.

There is no right place for third party applications, such as this one, to reside. They can go anywhere you want the to be. But what you need to do is tell Euphoria where you put it. This is done using the EUINC environment symbol.

Let's say you installed win32lib into c:\eu\apps\win32lib, in which case you would add c:\eu\apps\win32lib\include to your EUINC (or create one if you haven't already done so).

crusty said...

Tried to find the IDE file. Found a couple of places (including Judith Evan's IDE) but the links are broken.

The Judith's IDE is at http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/euvide/IDE1-0-4.zip

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14. Re: Newbie very confused

Sorry about this. MAybe it should be a new thread. Done everything suggested and I'm now 'running'. Well, staggering might be a better description of progress.

PROBLEM. Most of the demo ???.ex files I try to run don't! All I get is a quicl flash of the dos panel on the screen. Frustrated.

I tried this.



puts(1,"More hello world") puts(1, "\n\n") puts(1, "\nPress Enter. (q to quit) ") while TRUE do k = get_key() if k = 'q' then abort(0) elsif k != -1 then exit end if end while

Looked simple enough but dos panel flashes onto the screen and then disappears.

Some examples don't do that but I can't see where the difference lies.

Thanks alec

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15. Re: Newbie very confused

When a program is finished, the window with the results gets "put away". The cure for this is to add

? gets(0)

as the last line of the program. What this does request input ( the gets(0) part), and then displays the result ( the ? part ). You then see your results, and when you type anything on the keyboard, the program finishes.

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16. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

Sorry about this. MAybe it should be a new thread. Done everything suggested and I'm now 'running'. Well, staggering might be a better description of progress.

PROBLEM. Most of the demo ???.ex files I try to run don't! All I get is a quicl flash of the dos panel on the screen. Frustrated.

I tried this. 
-- HELLO1.ex 
puts(1,"More hello world") 
puts(1, "\n\n") 
    puts(1, "\nPress Enter. (q to quit) ") 
    while TRUE do 
	k = get_key() 
	if k = 'q' then 
	elsif k != -1 then 
	end if 
    end while 

Looked simple enough but dos panel flashes onto the screen and then disappears.

Some examples don't do that but I can't see where the difference lies.

Thanks alec

Hi Alec:
What is flashing on your screen is a error message.
Because you are running a DOS program in Windows the interpreter
is flashing an error message up on the screen an closing the window.
If you look in the directory where you are running your
program.You will see a text file called ex.err which contains
the error information.
If you are trouble shooting a DOS program in Windows and
you want to see whats flashing on the screen.
You can place:

if getc(0) then 
-- pause 
end if 

at the end of your program
which will keep the DOS window open until you hit a key.

-- HELLO1.ex 
-- You need a constant because TRUE is not a keyword. 
constant TRUE = 1 
-- You need a variable to hold key.  
integer k 
puts(1,"More hello world") 
puts(1, "\n\n") 
    puts(1, "\nPress Enter. (q to quit) ") 
    while TRUE do 
k = get_key() 
if k = 'q' then 
elsif k != -1 then 
end if 
    end while 


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17. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

Sorry about this. MAybe it should be a new thread. Done everything suggested and I'm now 'running'. Well, staggering might be a better description of progress.

PROBLEM. Most of the demo ???.ex files I try to run don't! All I get is a quicl flash of the dos panel on the screen. Frustrated.

I tried this.



puts(1,"More hello world") puts(1, "\n\n") puts(1, "\nPress Enter. (q to quit) ") while TRUE do k = get_key() if k = 'q' then abort(0) elsif k != -1 then exit end if end while

Looked simple enough but dos panel flashes onto the screen and then disappears.

Some examples don't do that but I can't see where the difference lies.

Thanks alec

The problem there is the elseif, as get_key() returns -1 when no key is pressed, it is exiting the while when it runs.


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18. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

Sorry about this. MAybe it should be a new thread. Done everything suggested and I'm now 'running'. Well, staggering might be a better description of progress.

PROBLEM. Most of the demo ???.ex files I try to run don't! All I get is a quicl flash of the dos panel on the screen. Frustrated. <sniped>

Crusty, this thread is fine.

When you try to run the demos, are you clicking on them? If so, do you have the relevant interpreters associated with the file types to run them? What I mean is, *.ex demos need to be run by ex.exe, and windows *.exw demos need to be run by exw.exe. Both interpreters are found in the bin folder. I'm presuming you know how to associate a program with file types, if not, ask here.


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19. Re: Newbie very confused

Dan thanks,

Some *.ex files run perfectly.

Even the simple 'hello.ex' jsut flashed on the screen and then disapeared until I added ? getc(0) at the end of the file. Then it was fine. Thought that with your help, I'd cracked it!

Tried the buzz.ex and that failed. You are probably familiar with buzz.ex Tried to add ?=getc(0) at the end but no good.

Added include get.e integer k k = 0

at the beginning of the file and

k = wait_key()

at the end of the file... failure.

I must stress that SOME *.ex files work so I assume association is correct.

I'm missing the obvious somewhere but where. Maybe I'm just getting senile.

Thanks alec

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20. Re: Newbie very confused

Did you read my previous reply ?

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21. Re: Newbie very confused

Hail fellow Senior Citizen
A cool thing about running dos under windows is that you can SELECT/COPY all the contents of the dos window and PASTE it into Notepad for further study.
What I do (from memory) Make a TestPgm.bat containing the following 2 statements
exw.exe TestPgm.exw
pause hold dos window open so i can COPY it
THEN manually right-mouse-click on blue bar at top of dos window
on popup menu left-mouse-click on Edit
on next popup menu left-mouse-click on SelectAll
dos window is now Selected
manually right-mouse-click on blue bar at top of dos window
on popup menu lsft-mouse-click on Edit
on next popup menu left-mouse-click on COPY
now PASTE into Notepad

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22. Re: Newbie very confused

I have a question re win32lib vs wxEuphoria.
If I write a pgm using wxEuphoria, it will be crossPlatform.
Whereas if I write a pgm using win32lib it will not be crossPlatform.
Thanks in advance

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23. Re: Newbie very confused

Yes Bernie, I certainly did read your reply. I checked anyway using... Control Panel>Performance and Maintenance>File types. (I'm usingwindpws XP Home edition.)

This works but disappears before the answer is shown on screen.

include get.e integer x, y x = prompt_number( "Enter x: ", {} ) y = prompt_number( "Enter y: ", {} ) ?x+y

It DOES show an answer (x+y) if I add..

? getc(0)

at the end of the file.

Problem is that the example in the demo folder, buzz.ex, just flashes onto the screen however I run it. So do some of th eother demo's but not ALL. Adding ? getc(0) at th end of the file doesn't work

I have looked for the error file. It isn't there.

I know I'm being a pain but... Thanks alec

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24. Re: Newbie very confused

vmars said...

I have a question re win32lib vs wxEuphoria.
If I write a pgm using wxEuphoria, it will be crossPlatform.
Whereas if I write a pgm using win32lib it will not be crossPlatform.

This wasn't a question, but is basically true. There are some issues that you have to look out for, like path separators (Windows uses \, Linux uses /). Some controls may behave slightly differently on different platforms. This is mainly because wxWidgets uses native controls. So they usually behave the way you'd expect, if you know what to expect on the respective platform.


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25. Re: Newbie very confused

crusty said...

Even the simple 'hello.ex' jsut flashed on the screen and then disapeared until I added ? getc(0) at the end of the file. Then it was fine. Thought that with your help, I'd cracked it!

It might be easier if you ran from the command line. It requires some typing, obviously, but shouldn't be too bad. Also you can use exwc.exe, which is the console version of the windows interpreter. It doesn't open a new console, but puts its output (and receives its input) from the same place you started the program.

Easy way to get one: Windows-Key+R, then type cmd into the prompt. From there:

> cd \euphoria\demo 
> exwc hello.ex 

This assumes that you've got euphoria installed to the default place. Also, when running from the command line, you can omit the extension:

> exwc hello 
> exwc buzz 


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26. Re: Newbie very confused

Matt, I have run from the command line. and double click on the file name and clicking on ex.exe and entering the file name when asked to do so and from a dos envirinment. and using the 'run' tab in my editor!

In an effort to be brief I haven't explained myself very well.

When I run a file, say csort.ex, (however I do it!) the dos box flashes on the screen and then closes.

Inspecting the file (say csort.ex) it is clear why this should be. Once the file has executed the dos box closes. There's nothing to prevent it. Some files such as queen.ex do run correctly because they wait for the user to press a key. csort.ex doesn't.

As examples to help the beginner, files such as hello.ex and csort.ex are quite useless.

I can make them halt execution and leave a visible 'box' by adding include get.e at the head of the file and

k= wait_key() at the end of the file.

BUT, it's absurd to find example files (for newbies?) that run but don't leave a dos box visible to the user. SO, I assumed that I must be missing something and hence my cry for help.

sanity.ex DOES work and tells me that PASSED is 100%!

I have downloaded David Gay's tutorial and Refman. Frankly, comparing them with my old 'C' programming manual and a more up to date PHP manual, they aren't very good are they? If Euphoria is to become more popular, then the documentation needs considerable improvement don't you think?

Even the consolidated download of Euphoria, win32lib doesn't put the files in the correct folders! I had to duplicate several of the *.e files because the EX.ERR file tole me they couldn't be found in the expected folders. It could put a begginer off don't you think. Actually, I intend to delete the lot and start again.

If anyone is interested in my opinion, particularly the writer of REFMAN, I'd be happy to put in my two penny's worth.

Thanks everyone. Miserable old Crusty

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27. Re: Newbie very confused

Crusty, we are listening to you.

Euphoria 4.0 is going through a major modernization. This is exactly the time to point out issues with documentation that will help you out.

Did you download "Think Euphoria"? http://rapideuphoria.com/thinkeuphoria.zip Your comments have already helped me consider what I need in the second draft of this work.

You comments will also end up improving the reference manual. So yes, please send us your opionions.


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28. Re: Newbie very confused


Yes I have downloaded Think Euphoria. And I've ploughed through some of it but not all.

I do have comments to make. Lots of them smile Not sure about protocol but the only way I can make my comments is by having direct contact with you. Is that permissible?

When in my 40's and 50's, I did write a few technical 'manuals'. Not I hasten to add on programming but my thoughts may be of some use to you. I've done 'basic', 'C', 'PHP' and even did some machine code. Euphoria is 'easy' isn't it? It sure isn't using the existing tutorials I've got hold of. It's just totally frustrating.

Tom, I have no axe to grind. You are welcome to my thoughts. Regards alec

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29. Re: Newbie very confused

Use tom underscore eu underscore cip@yahoo.com to send me your comments. That will reduce any clutter on the form. Your interaction should greatly improve the documentation.


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