1. Coding Help (EuCom/Internet Explorer Component)
- Posted by Christopher Mar 03, 2009
Hello All,
It is been sometime since I posted.
I am currently using Matt's EuCom/ Internet Explorer code in a project and everything works as expected except one problem. If I load a page that has a javascript error the script debugger window pops up. There is a way to program the browser object to disable the javascript error dialog from popping up, but I cant get it right. I was wondering if anyone wants to take a crack at this?
I have uploaded example code: http://www.nexusradio.com/test.zip
The test file is text.exw
There is an example on how to disable the error dialog here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/261003
OLECMDID_SHOWSCRIPTERROR is declared in Shdocvw.ew but I can't figure out how to implement it.
Thank in advance, C Bouzy
2. Re: Coding Help (EuCom/Internet Explorer Component)
- Posted by Christopher Mar 04, 2009
No takers for this? I will be willing to financially compensate any EU coder who can solve this.
C Bouzy
3. Re: Coding Help (EuCom/Internet Explorer Component)
- Posted by bernie Mar 04, 2009
No takers for this? I will be willing to financially compensate any EU coder who can solve this.
C Bouzy
Did you notice this note
NOTE: This method will not be invoked if the user has cleared the Disable
Script Debugging check box in the Advanced tab under Internet Options.
It sounds like setting this option in Internet Explorer's options
you turn debugging on and off.
PS if it works send no money.
4. Re: Coding Help (EuCom/Internet Explorer Component)
- Posted by Christopher Mar 04, 2009
- Last edited Mar 05, 2009
It sounds like setting this option in Internet Explorer's options you turn debugging on and off.
Hi Bernie,
I am aware of this setting, but unfortunately that solution is not feasible for more needs. I need to be able to override whatever the user default settings are.
C Bouzy
5. Re: Coding Help (EuCom/Internet Explorer Component)
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Mar 04, 2009
- Last edited Mar 05, 2009
Did you notice this note
NOTE: This method will not be invoked if the user has cleared the Disable
Script Debugging check box in the Advanced tab under Internet Options.
It sounds like setting this option in Internet Explorer's options
you turn debugging on and off.
The real solution is to implement the IOleCommandTarget interface and intercept the call to Exec, since it doesn't require the user to change his settings. I've looked at it, and I don't think it should be too difficult, but does require some relatively low level knowledge of COM (and EuCOM).