1. Euphoria 4.0 Experimental Documentation

There's a "Euphoria 4.0 Experimental Documentation" in user contributions, which asks for feedback, so:

From a cursory look,

  1. which page is the beginning? the sometimes normal "index.htm" doesn't seem to be the beginning, and "eu400_0001.html" doesn't seem to be the same as the indicated "Home" page, it's rather the Table of Contents?
  2. in the first links section on page "eu400_0001.html", which has "Home, Table of Contents", etc, I think there should be links labeled like the "chapter" labels, which would jump to the same places that scrolling down that page would get you to, so doc user could see at a glance what the actual contents are, instead of having to scroll down to see what's in the doc. ie,

Home | Table of Contents
1 Euphoria Programming Language v4.0
2 Euphoria Reference Manual
3 Mini-Guides
4 Language Reference
5 Release Notes
Next 1 Euphoria Programming Language v4.0
Next Chapter 1 Euphoria Programming Language v4.0 |
RapidEuphoria.com | Another Link

(my eyes move faster than my hands, so I can see/scan the above way faster than I can scroll through the whole page)

  1. similarly, in the "Language Reference" section (either the one on the Table of Contents page, or the one that's jumped to if user clicks on the "Language Reference" TITLE), can the entries be non-expanded, such that instead of having various sub-sections with ALL their sub-sub-sections listed, JUST have the main sub-sections listed, so, again, user can see ALL the sub-sections AT A GLANCE, instead of having to scroll down through them to see where the one that might be of interest would be?

For instance, on the Table of Contents page, could have:

4.1 Console 
4.2 Data type conversion 
4.3 Input Routines 
4.4 Date/Time 
4.5 Dynamic Linking to external code 
4.6 Euphoria Database (EDS) 
4.7 Dynamic Calling 

etc, instead of the more fully expanded listing that's there now. (I know it's been argued that the current full outline form is the "normal" TOC form, but I still find it to be too much content to scan through quickly & comfortably. I'd rather see all main categories , rather than everything, displayed (somewhere), because that's easier for me to search/find what I'm looking for.) And I'm not suggesting that it just be the way I've described, but rather have at least one of the pages (preferable the main one) show the non-expanded listing, so that both styles of presentation are available to the doc reader.

  1. and if you click on the link that is the Chapter 4 "Language Reference", the similar page doesn't indent the first sub-section (4.1.1 is directly under 4.1, shouldn't it be indented, like is under 4.1.1?)

(my attempts at "numbered lists" above messed up, I guess because of the "extra" comments I put into some of them. the second number 1 (starting out, "similarly, in the "Language Reference" section"),intended to be list item number 3, and the third number 1 in the list (starting out, "and if you click on the link that is the Chapter 4"), intended to be list item number 4, but they didn't show up that way after I added additional content to list items.)

I guess that's enough for now smile

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2. Re: Euphoria 4.0 Experimental Documentation

And I should have been courteous enough to say "thank you" to Tom for putting it together for our perusal & nit picking, so, belatedly, thank you Tom.


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3. Re: Euphoria 4.0 Experimental Documentation

I apologize to DanM for a slow response to his posting.

I greatly appreciate your comments and I agree with your observations.

Documentation is created with eudoc.ex and then creolehtml.ex . I will need some guidance from the authors of creolehtml in order to change the style of the documentation.

My delay was due to a death in the family.

In general, I will be slow to respond because I do not have my own internet connection. If you check the weather in Toronto you can guess if I am likely to be on the internet. If (like in the next few days) it will be snowing and the temperature is below -15 degrees, expect long delays. When it it reasonable to travel on 25mm tires, I return to the internet.

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4. Re: Euphoria 4.0 Experimental Documentation

That's funny. Delays happen from me when the weather is nice! If it is Sunny near Patagonia, expect long delays.


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5. Re: Euphoria 4.0 Experimental Documentation

Hi guys, project

I can't make any sense out of this. Somebody please explain.

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6. Re: Euphoria 4.0 Experimental Documentation

Tom said...

I apologize to DanM for a slow response to his posting.

Hardly very slow, particularly considering both your family circumstance and your mode of travel.

Tom said...

I greatly appreciate your comments and I agree with your observations.

I'm really glad someone both understood and agreed!

Tom said...

Documentation is created with eudoc.ex and then creolehtml.ex . I will need some guidance from the authors of creolehtml in order to change the style of the documentation.

Wishing you luck.

Tom said...

My delay was due to a death in the family.

You have my sincere condolances, Tom.

Tom said...

In general, I will be slow to respond because I do not have my own internet connection. If you check the weather in Toronto you can guess if I am likely to be on the internet. If (like in the next few days) it will be snowing and the temperature is below -15 degrees, expect long delays. When it it reasonable to travel on 25mm tires, I return to the internet.

25mm? That's about an inch, which makes your vehicle a...bicycle in the snow, and maybe not even a "mountain" bike? And you're apologizing for not replying "sooner"? No need my friend, take your time & stay safe and warm!


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