1. Win32lib?

I was wondering if a new win32lib was ever going to be released again or if a
new wxEuphoria is coming out.

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2. Re: Win32lib?

Andy wrote:
> I was wondering if a new win32lib was ever going to be released again or if
> a new wxEuphoria is coming out.

wxEuphoria v0.10.0 should be out soon (hopefully within the next week or
so).  It's currently in beta:



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3. Re: Win32lib?

Matt Lewis wrote:
> wxEuphoria v0.10.0 should be out soon (hopefully within the next week or
> so).  It's currently in beta:
> Matt

Will it include documentation for wxHTML?

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4. Re: Win32lib?

So I'm guessing win32lib is no longer being worked on the work has focused on
wxEuphoria. 0.10.0 sounds good, I should check the homepage

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5. Re: Win32lib?

Jerry Story wrote:
> Matt Lewis wrote:
> > wxEuphoria v0.10.0 should be out soon (hopefully within the next week or
> > so).  It's currently in beta:
> > Matt
> Will it include documentation for wxHTML?

What sort of documentation are you looking for?  What do you want to do?
The routines are lightly documented, however, they're basically really
thin wrappers for the wxWidgets routines.  I'll try to fill that out a 
bit before release, but I also recommend taking a look at the wxWidgets


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6. Re: Win32lib?

Andy wrote:
> So I'm guessing win32lib is no longer being worked on the work has focused on
> wxEuphoria. 0.10.0 sounds good, I should check the homepage

They're two separate libraries, with different goals and code bases.  If 
you're interested in writing cross platform code, then you should look into
wxEuphoria.  If you're just interested in windows, then win32lib may be
a better choice for you.


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7. Re: Win32lib?

Matt Lewis wrote:
> Jerry Story wrote:
> > 
> > Matt Lewis wrote:
> > > wxEuphoria v0.10.0 should be out soon (hopefully within the next week or
> > > so).  It's currently in beta:
> > > Matt
> > 
> > Will it include documentation for wxHTML?
> What sort of documentation are you looking for?  What do you want to do?
> The routines are lightly documented, however, they're basically really
> thin wrappers for the wxWidgets routines.  I'll try to fill that out a 
> bit before release, but I also recommend taking a look at the wxWidgets
> docs.
> Matt

wxHTML used to be documented. But now it seems to be missing.
A search on 'wxhtml' finds it in the list of files but no documentation.

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8. Re: Win32lib?

Jerry Story wrote:
> wxHTML used to be documented. But now it seems to be missing.
> http://wxeuphoria.sourceforge.net/docs/index.htm</a>
> A search on 'wxhtml' finds it in the list of files but no documentation.

Yes, it will be in the v0.10.0 docs.  The web docs are still v0.9.


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9. Re: Win32lib?

Andy wrote:
> So I'm guessing win32lib is no longer being worked on the work has focused on
> wxEuphoria. 0.10.0 sounds good, I should check the homepage

This statement is plainly wrong.

There has been a pause in the development of win32lib indeed. Last official
version dates back to september 2004. And Derek Parnell, the maintainer, has
been silent for a long time about any further release.

I have started modifying the lib a few months ago. Currently Derek is
also working on it, with even less spare time than I, and merging my (numerous)
mods with his own, which I have no idea of by the way. These modified 
packages have been referred to as "patch #67" on the list, since I dubbed 
this alpha incomplete version "0.60.C".

Working on it right now, still some bugs to fix. Then I'll send this to 
a list of testers, hoping that they'll spot bugs so that they can be removed.
Then Derek will release something soon hopefully, unless he decides to leave
that to someone else by sheer lack of time.


By the way, as Matt already noted, win32lib is Windows only, and a little
aging. wxEuphoria is cross platform, and as a result is a kind of a lesser
common denominator. You'll have much less functionality in wxEumhoria, but
programs will run in linux/Unix environments. Your call, according to your

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10. Re: Win32lib?

Well I was just wondering cause, Win32lib hasn't seen a new verison in a while.
Yeah I know wxEuphoria is better, but it isn't upto the win32lib yet. There
needs to be a little more windows funaclility to wxEuphoria before it is ready
for prime, sort-of-speak. Anyways both libs are good. And like you said it comes
down to your perosnla prefences. I also realize that I sumed up what you said

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11. Re: Win32lib?

Andy wrote:
> Well I was just wondering cause, Win32lib hasn't seen a new verison in a
> while.
> Yeah I know wxEuphoria is better, but it isn't upto the win32lib yet. There
> needs to be a little more windows funaclility to wxEuphoria before it is ready
> for prime, sort-of-speak. Anyways both libs are good. And like you said it
> comes
> down to your perosnla prefences. I also realize that I sumed up what you said
> already.

Could you elaborate on what wxEuphoria is missing for you?


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12. Re: Win32lib?

Well not all of the windows controls are there yet and some of the other stuff
that's in win32lib isn't in wxEuphoria yet as well. Anyways its still a good
library and I know it is being worked and still in development. I'm just waiting
for 0.10.0

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13. Re: Win32lib?

Andy wrote:
> Well not all of the windows controls are there yet and some of the other stuff
> that's in win32lib isn't in wxEuphoria yet as well. Anyways its still a good
> library and I know it is being worked and still in development. I'm just
> waiting
> for 0.10.0

Yeah, I know that all classes aren't wrapped.  However, unless people ask
for specific things, I'll just wrap whatever I want to wrap, and the things
you really want may not get done.

The best way to get the features you want is to ask me directly. :)

Take a look at

...for a pretty comprehensive list of classes available in wxWidgets.


PS v0.10.0 should be released this weekend.

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14. Re: Win32lib?

Thanks for a list of things wrapped, also so I'm guessing 0.10.0 is supposed
to get released tomorrow.

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15. Re: Win32lib?

Andy wrote:
> Thanks for a list of things wrapped, also so I'm guessing 0.10.0 is supposed
> to get released tomorrow.

OK, I think I'm not communicating. :)  The link I posted was a complete list
of things that wxWidgets does, not wxEuphoria.  If there are things on the
wxWidgets list that you need/want, it's possible that they won't be wrapped
unless you ask for them.  I tend to move user requests to high priority,
but if something doesn't look useful or interesting to me, it probably won't
get done.


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16. Re: Win32lib?

Oh sorry, misread what you said, well when I need something I'll ask

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