1. system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 15, 2008
I'm using system(rmdir.....) in a loop deleting directories but get a black screen flashing each time it executes. Is there another way to loop without flashing the black screen? I would just like it to delete the stuff w/o any screen feedback. How can I do this? thanks for any ideas.
2. Re: system() help
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Aug 15, 2008
I'm using system(rmdir.....) in a loop deleting directories but get a black screen flashing each time it executes. Is there another way to loop without flashing the black screen? I would just like it to delete the stuff w/o any screen feedback. How can I do this? thanks for any ideas.
I guess you are using exw.exe ?
Try system("start /b rmdir ...", 2) - that should avoid a flashing screen.
Why are you using system() for this anyways?
3. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 15, 2008
I'm using system(rmdir.....) in a loop deleting directories but get a black screen flashing each time it executes. Is there another way to loop without flashing the black screen? I would just like it to delete the stuff w/o any screen feedback. How can I do this? thanks for any ideas.
I guess you are using exw.exe ?
Try system("start /b rmdir ...", 2) - that should avoid a flashing screen.
Why are you using system() for this anyways?
It was the only way I could think of. system_exec would not work with rmdir... but it might with your idea of using start. I"ll try it. thanks
4. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 15, 2008
Well, It doesen't work with rmdir. Perhaps because it's an internal command to DOS? Here's the code.
system("start /b rmdir /s /q " & targetRoot & str(i), 2)
5. Re: system() help
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Aug 15, 2008
Well, It doesen't work with rmdir. Perhaps because it's an internal command to DOS? Here's the code.
system("start /b rmdir /s /q " & targetRoot & str(i), 2)
If thats because its an internal command, then this may work:
system("start /b cmd /c rmdir /s /q " & targetRoot & str(i), 2)
6. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 15, 2008
Well, that did not work either. Says something in a black screen too fast to read.
7. Re: system() help
- Posted by gbonvehi Aug 15, 2008
Can you use the Win32 API and it's targeting a win NT based platform? If that's the case, you can use RemoveDirectory ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365488.aspx ).
8. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 15, 2008
Can you use the Win32 API and it's targeting a win NT based platform? If that's the case, you can use RemoveDirectory ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365488.aspx ).
That is over my head, but anyway the directory must be empty and mine are not. I guess I'll just have to put up with the flashing black screens.
9. Re: system() help
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Aug 15, 2008
Well, that did not work either. Says something in a black screen too fast to read.
May need additional options.
Try "start /b /wait /min cmd /c rmdir ..."
The full list of options to start is at:
Failing that, you could try run.exe from the cygwin distribution (mingw might have a version as well) which is suppose to be designed to run programs with the console window hidden.
10. Re: system() help
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Aug 15, 2008
I could not find a link separate from cygwin, the best i could do was this:
Well, that did not work either. Says something in a black screen too fast to read.
May need additional options.
Try "start /b /wait /min cmd /c rmdir ..."
The full list of options to start is at:
Failing that, you could try run.exe from the cygwin distribution (mingw might have a version as well) which is suppose to be designed to run programs with the console window hidden.
11. Re: system() help
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Aug 15, 2008
The solution here SHFileOperation. I noticed it's not in Win32Lib. I'll throw together an example and post it up in a bit.
12. Re: system() help
- Posted by otterdad Aug 15, 2008
i use this code to add and remove directories - uses api calls
-- ************************************************************************** -- CreateDir and RemoveDir based on Jeffrey Fielding's code found in win32fil.zip constant KERNEL32 = open_dll("kernel32") if KERNEL32 = 0 then puts(1,"Couldn't open kernel32.dll.\n") abort(1) end if -- success = CreateDir(tocreate,securityinfo) -- note: always pass "" as second parameter -- success = RemoveDir(toremove) constant pCreateDir = define_c_func(KERNEL32,"CreateDirectoryA",{C_POINTER,C_INT}, C_LONG) constant pRemoveDir = define_c_func(KERNEL32,"RemoveDirectoryA",{C_POINTER},C_LONG) global function CreateDir(sequence tocreate, sequence security) atom a, b object r a = allocate_string(tocreate) b = allocate_string(security) --r = c_func(pCreateDir,{a,b}) -- pass it a null as the security pointer and it works fine r = c_func(pCreateDir,{a,0}) free(a) free(b) return r end function global function RemoveDir(sequence toremove) atom a object r a = allocate_string(toremove) r = c_func(pRemoveDir,{a}) free(a) return r end function -- **************************************************************************
13. Re: system() help
- Posted by gbonvehi Aug 15, 2008
Well, after some hours at work without work (actually 3 days by now, just changed job :/ ), I crafted this.. :)
include machine.e include dll.e constant wKernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") constant wDeleteFile = define_c_func(wKernel32, "DeleteFileA", {C_POINTER}, C_LONG) constant wFindFirstFile = define_c_func(wKernel32, "FindFirstFileA", {C_POINTER, C_POINTER}, C_POINTER) constant wFindNextFile = define_c_func(wKernel32, "FindNextFileA", {C_POINTER, C_POINTER}, C_LONG) constant wFindClose = define_c_func(wKernel32, "FindClose", {C_POINTER}, C_LONG) constant wRemoveDirectory = define_c_func(wKernel32, "RemoveDirectoryA", {C_POINTER}, C_LONG) constant wFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 16 constant wINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 constant sizeOfDWORD = 4 constant wMAX_PATH = 260 function peek_string(atom addr, atom maxbytes) sequence text atom chr maxbytes += addr text = {} if addr > 0 then chr = peek(addr) while chr != 0 and addr < maxbytes do text = text & chr addr += 1 chr = peek(addr) end while end if return text end function function deleteFile(sequence name) atom pname atom ret pname = allocate_string(name) ret = c_func(wDeleteFile,{pname}) free(pname) return ret end function --typedef struct _FILETIME { -- DWORD dwLowDateTime; -- DWORD dwHighDateTime; --} FILETIME, -- *PFILETIME; constant sizeOfFILETIME = sizeOfDWORD * 2 function allocate_FILETIME() atom pFILETIME pFILETIME = allocate(sizeOfFILETIME) return pFILETIME end function --typedef struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA { -- DWORD dwFileAttributes; -- FILETIME ftCreationTime; -- FILETIME ftLastAccessTime; -- FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; -- DWORD nFileSizeHigh; -- DWORD nFileSizeLow; -- DWORD dwReserved0; -- DWORD dwReserved1; -- TCHAR cFileName[MAX_PATH]; -- TCHAR cAlternateFileName[14]; --} WIN32_FIND_DATA, -- *PWIN32_FIND_DATA, -- *LPWIN32_FIND_DATA; constant sizeOfWIN32_FIND_DATA = sizeOfDWORD * 7 + sizeOfFILETIME * 3 + wMAX_PATH + 14 constant WIN32_FIND_DATA_dwFileAttributes = 0 constant WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName = sizeOfFILETIME * 3 + sizeOfDWORD * 5 function allocate_WIN32_FIND_DATA() atom pWIN32FINDDATA pWIN32FINDDATA = allocate(sizeOfWIN32_FIND_DATA) return pWIN32FINDDATA end function function findFirstFile(sequence file, atom pwin32finddata) atom fHandle, pfile pfile = allocate_string(file) fHandle = c_func(wFindFirstFile,{pfile, pwin32finddata}) free(pfile) return fHandle end function function findNextFile(atom handle, atom pwin32finddata) return c_func(wFindNextFile,{handle, pwin32finddata}) end function function findClose(atom handle) return c_func(wFindClose, {handle}) end function global function removeDirectory(sequence name) atom fHandle, pwin32finddata, retval, FileAttributes, pname sequence filename, oriname retval = 0 pwin32finddata = allocate_WIN32_FIND_DATA() if length(name) then if name[$] != '\\' then name = name & "\\" end if oriname = name name = name & "*" fHandle = findFirstFile(name, pwin32finddata) if fHandle != -1 then filename = peek_string(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName, 259) poke(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName,0) if not equal(filename,".") and not equal(filename,"..") then FileAttributes = peek4u(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_dwFileAttributes) FileAttributes = and_bits(FileAttributes, wFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) if FileAttributes != 0 then retval = removeDirectory(oriname & filename) else retval = deleteFile(oriname & filename) end if if not retval then fHandle = wINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE end if end if if fHandle != wINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then while findNextFile(fHandle, pwin32finddata) do filename = peek_string(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName, 259) poke(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName,0) if not equal(filename,".") and not equal(filename,"..") then FileAttributes = peek4u(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_dwFileAttributes) FileAttributes = and_bits(FileAttributes, wFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) if FileAttributes != 0 then retval = removeDirectory(oriname & filename) else retval = deleteFile(oriname & filename) end if if not retval then exit end if end if end while if findClose(fHandle) then end if end if pname = allocate_string(name[1..$-1]) retval = c_func(wRemoveDirectory,{pname}) free(pname) end if free(pwin32finddata) end if return retval end function
I tested it and worked, I hope it does for you too :)
Little test:
include removedirectory.ew procedure listFilesTest() sequence test test = "c:\\temp\\test\\" if removeDirectory(test) then end if while get_key() = -1 do end while end procedure listFilesTest()
14. Re: system() help
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Aug 15, 2008
I just posted my wrapper for SHFileOperation to The Archive.
--shfile.ew include Win32Lib.ew -- SHFileOperation Function -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762164(VS.85).aspx global constant xSHFileOperation = registerw32Function( shell32, "SHFileOperationA", {C_POINTER}, C_INT ) global constant -- possible return values for SHFileOperation DE_SAMEFILE = #71, -- The source and destination files are the same file. DE_MANYSRC1DEST = #72, -- Multiple file paths were specified in the source buffer, but only one destination file path. DE_DIFFDIR = #73, -- Rename operation was specified but the destination path is a different directory. Use the move operation instead. DE_ROOTDIR = #74, -- The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed. DE_OPCANCELLED = #75, -- The operation was cancelled by the user, or silently cancelled if the appropriate flags were supplied to SHFileOperation. DE_DESTSUBTREE = #76, -- The destination is a subtree of the source. DE_ACCESSDENIEDSRC = #78, -- Security settings denied access to the source. DE_PATHTOODEEP = #79, -- The source or destination path exceeded or would exceed MAX_PATH. DE_MANYDEST = #7A, -- The operation involved multiple destination paths, which can fail in the case of a move operation. DE_INVALIDFILES = #7C, -- The path in the source or destination or both was invalid. DE_DESTSAMETREE = #7D, -- The source and destination have the same parent folder. DE_FLDDESTISFILE = #7E, -- The destination path is an existing file. DE_FILEDESTISFLD = #80, -- The destination path is an existing folder. DE_FILENAMETOOLONG = #81, -- The name of the file exceeds MAX_PATH. DE_DEST_IS_CDROM = #82, -- The destination is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. DE_DEST_IS_DVD = #83, -- The destination is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted. DE_DEST_IS_CDRECORD = #84, -- The destination is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. DE_FILE_TOO_LARGE = #85, -- The file involved in the operation is too large for the destination media or file system. DE_SRC_IS_CDROM = #86, -- The source is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. DE_SRC_IS_DVD = #87, -- The source is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted. DE_SRC_IS_CDRECORD = #88, -- The source is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. DE_ERROR_MAX = #B7, -- MAX_PATH was exceeded during the operation. DE_ERROR_UNKNOWN = #402, -- An unknown error occurred. This is typically due to an invalid path in the source or destination. This error does not occur on Windows Vista and later. ERRORONDEST = #10000 -- An unspecified error occurred on the destination. global constant -- SHFILEOPSTRUCT shfo_hwnd = w32allot( Long ), shfo_wFunc = w32allot( Long ), shfo_pFrom = w32allot( Lpsz ), shfo_pTo = w32allot( Lpsz ), shfo_fFlags = w32allot( Long ), shfo_fAnyOperationsAborted = w32allot( Long ), shfo_hNameMappings = w32allot( Ptr ), shfo_lpszProgressTitle = w32allot( Lpsz ), SIZEOF_SHFILEOPSTRUCT = w32allotted_size() global constant -- values for wFunc FO_MOVE = 1, FO_COPY = 2, FO_DELETE = 3, FO_RENAME = 4 global constant -- values for fFlags FOF_MULTIDESTFILES = 1, FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE = 2, FOF_SILENT = 4, FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION = 8, FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = 16, FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE = 32, FOF_ALLOWUNDO = 64, FOF_FILESONLY = 128, FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = 256, FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR = 512, FOF_NOERRORUI = 1024, FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS = 2048, FOF_NO_UI = w32or_all( FOF_SILENT & FOF_NOCONFIRMATION & FOF_NOERRORUI & FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR ) global function SHFileOperation( integer pId, atom wFunc, sequence pFrom, sequence pTo, atom fFlags, sequence szProgressTitle ) -- returns 0 if successful, -1 if the operation was canceled, or (hopefully) one of the DE_ constants above atom mset, hWnd, lpFrom, lpTo, lpszProgressTitle, shfo, ret mset = w32new_memset() if length(pFrom) and pFrom[$] != 0 then pFrom &= 0 end if if length(pTo) and pTo[$] != 0 then pTo &= 0 end if hWnd = NULL if pId then hWnd = getHandle( pId ) end if lpFrom = w32acquire_mem( mset, pFrom & 0 ) lpTo = w32acquire_mem( mset, pTo & 0 ) lpszProgressTitle = w32acquire_mem( mset, szProgressTitle & 0 ) shfo = w32acquire_mem( mset, SIZEOF_SHFILEOPSTRUCT ) w32store( shfo, shfo_hwnd, hWnd ) w32store( shfo, shfo_wFunc, wFunc ) w32store( shfo, shfo_pFrom, lpFrom ) w32store( shfo, shfo_pTo, lpTo ) w32store( shfo, shfo_fFlags, fFlags ) w32store( shfo, shfo_fAnyOperationsAborted, NULL ) w32store( shfo, shfo_hNameMappings, NULL ) w32store( shfo, shfo_lpszProgressTitle, lpszProgressTitle ) ret = w32Func( xSHFileOperation, {shfo} ) if ret = 0 then -- potentially successful, check for abort ret = w32fetch( shfo, shfo_fAnyOperationsAborted ) if ret != 0 then ret = -1 end if end if w32release_mem( mset ) return ret end function
15. Re: system() help
- Posted by gbonvehi Aug 15, 2008
Wow, nice work Greg, I think he should use that wrapper heh :) Mine actually wraps removeDirectory, but also does a recursive file deletion inside it if it's not empty. I could have used euphoria's dir() routine (in case someone is thinking about that), but well, I was wrapping one thing... and I was tempted by another.. heh
I discovered a little bug in my code (ugly actually forgot to allocate FILETIME), I'll post an updated copy just in case. I also added the open_dll test just to make it prettier :) Oh, also two comment lines with the description of the function.
nclude machine.e include dll.e constant wKernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll"), wDeleteFile = define_c_func(wKernel32, "DeleteFileA", {C_POINTER}, C_LONG), wFindFirstFile = define_c_func(wKernel32, "FindFirstFileA", {C_POINTER, C_POINTER}, C_POINTER), wFindNextFile = define_c_func(wKernel32, "FindNextFileA", {C_POINTER, C_POINTER}, C_LONG), wFindClose = define_c_func(wKernel32, "FindClose", {C_POINTER}, C_LONG), wRemoveDirectory = define_c_func(wKernel32, "RemoveDirectoryA", {C_POINTER}, C_LONG), wFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 16, wINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1, sizeOfDWORD = 4, wMAX_PATH = 260 function peek_string(atom addr, atom maxbytes) sequence text atom chr maxbytes += addr text = {} if addr > 0 then chr = peek(addr) while chr != 0 and addr < maxbytes do text = text & chr addr += 1 chr = peek(addr) end while end if return text end function function deleteFile(sequence name) atom pname atom ret pname = allocate_string(name) ret = c_func(wDeleteFile,{pname}) free(pname) return ret end function constant sizeOfFILETIME = sizeOfDWORD * 2 function allocate_FILETIME() atom pFILETIME pFILETIME = allocate(sizeOfFILETIME) return pFILETIME end function constant sizeOfWIN32_FIND_DATA = sizeOfDWORD * 7 + sizeOfFILETIME * 3 + wMAX_PATH + 14, WIN32_FIND_DATA_dwFileAttributes = 0, WIN32_FIND_DATA_ftCreationTime = 4, WIN32_FIND_DATA_ftLastAccessTime = 8, WIN32_FIND_DATA_ftLastWriteTime = 12, WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName = sizeOfFILETIME * 3 + sizeOfDWORD * 5 function allocate_WIN32_FIND_DATA(sequence FILETIMEstructs) atom pWIN32FINDDATA pWIN32FINDDATA = 0 if length(FILETIMEstructs) = 3 then for I = 1 to 3 do if FILETIMEstructs[I] = 0 then return 0 end if end for pWIN32FINDDATA = allocate(sizeOfWIN32_FIND_DATA) poke(pWIN32FINDDATA+WIN32_FIND_DATA_ftCreationTime,FILETIMEstructs[1]) poke(pWIN32FINDDATA+WIN32_FIND_DATA_ftLastAccessTime,FILETIMEstructs[2]) poke(pWIN32FINDDATA+WIN32_FIND_DATA_ftLastWriteTime,FILETIMEstructs[3]) end if return pWIN32FINDDATA end function function findFirstFile(sequence file, atom pwin32finddata) atom fHandle, pfile pfile = allocate_string(file) fHandle = c_func(wFindFirstFile,{pfile, pwin32finddata}) free(pfile) return fHandle end function function findNextFile(atom handle, atom pwin32finddata) return c_func(wFindNextFile,{handle, pwin32finddata}) end function function findClose(atom handle) return c_func(wFindClose, {handle}) end function -- It will stop processing on error returning 0 -- name must be a path global function removeDirectory(sequence name) atom fHandle, pwin32finddata, retval, FileAttributes, pname sequence filename, oriname, FILETIMEstructs retval = 0 FILETIMEstructs = {allocate_FILETIME(),allocate_FILETIME(),allocate_FILETIME()} pwin32finddata = allocate_WIN32_FIND_DATA(FILETIMEstructs) if length(name) and pwin32finddata != 0 then if name[$] != '\\' then name = name & "\\" end if oriname = name name = name & "*" fHandle = findFirstFile(name, pwin32finddata) if fHandle != -1 then filename = peek_string(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName, 259) poke(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName,0) if not equal(filename,".") and not equal(filename,"..") then FileAttributes = peek4u(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_dwFileAttributes) FileAttributes = and_bits(FileAttributes, wFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) if FileAttributes != 0 then retval = removeDirectory(oriname & filename) else retval = deleteFile(oriname & filename) end if if not retval then fHandle = wINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE end if end if if fHandle != wINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then while findNextFile(fHandle, pwin32finddata) do filename = peek_string(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName, 259) poke(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_cFileName,0) if not equal(filename,".") and not equal(filename,"..") then FileAttributes = peek4u(pwin32finddata+WIN32_FIND_DATA_dwFileAttributes) FileAttributes = and_bits(FileAttributes, wFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) if FileAttributes != 0 then retval = removeDirectory(oriname & filename) else retval = deleteFile(oriname & filename) end if if not retval then exit end if end if end while if findClose(fHandle) then end if end if pname = allocate_string(name[1..$-1]) retval = c_func(wRemoveDirectory,{pname}) free(pname) end if for I = 1 to length(FILETIMEstructs) do free(FILETIMEstructs[1]) end for free(pwin32finddata) end if return retval end function if wKernel32 = 0 then puts(1,"Error on open_dll(\"kernel32.dll\")") abort(1) end if
16. Re: system() help
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Aug 15, 2008
If somebody could benchmark all this and determine the best method, that would be great. Thanks.
17. Re: system() help
- Posted by jeremy (admin) Aug 15, 2008
I hate to say this, but maybe you need it for 3.x, but 4.0 standard library has the functions:
- file_exists
- copy_file
- rename_file
- delete_file
- move_file
- create_directory
- remove_directory
- clear_directory -- remove dir recursively
You can look at how they are implemented via the URL:
18. Re: system() help
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Aug 15, 2008
Wow, nice work Greg, I think he should use that wrapper heh :) Mine actually wraps removeDirectory, but also does a recursive file deletion inside it if it's not empty. I could have used euphoria's dir() routine (in case someone is thinking about that), but well, I was wrapping one thing... and I was tempted by another.. heh
The thing about SHFileOperation is that it acts just as if you were performing the operation yourself. So if you FO_DELETE a directory, the whole thing gets deleted automatically. You could also include FOF_ALLOWUNDO to allow the user to reverse your operation, should they be so inclined.
19. Re: system() help
- Posted by gbonvehi Aug 15, 2008
I hate to say this, but maybe you need it for 3.x, but 4.0 standard library has the functions:
- file_exists
- copy_file
- rename_file
- delete_file
- move_file
- create_directory
- remove_directory
- clear_directory -- remove dir recursively
You can look at how they are implemented via the URL:
I'm glad to hear that :) The only problem with remove_directory (WIN32) there, is that it just calls remove directory API function which doesn't delete a directory if it's not empty.
The thing about SHFileOperation is that it acts just as if you were performing the operation yourself. So if you FO_DELETE a directory, the whole thing gets deleted automatically. You could also include FOF_ALLOWUNDO to allow the user to reverse your operation, should they be so inclined.
Even cooler :)
20. Re: system() help
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Aug 15, 2008
I'm glad to hear that :) The only problem with remove_directory (WIN32) there, is that it just calls remove directory API function which doesn't delete a directory if it's not empty.
remove_directory() has that limitation on every platform.
If you want to delete a non-empty directory, use clear_directory()
21. Re: system() help
- Posted by gbonvehi Aug 15, 2008
I swear I didn't see that function when I replied :/ Great to see it already done! So, now, instead of Greg's wrapper or mine, he can convert that code and it's done :)
remove_directory() has that limitation on every platform.
If you want to delete a non-empty directory, use clear_directory()
22. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 16, 2008
Geez, thanks for all the solutions. I'm actually using EU 2.4 and Win32lib 59.1. Quite happy with both of them. Something in the next version of Win32lib broke my code and I haven't had the inclination to redo stuff to upgrade. Maybe I should take another look.
23. Re: system() help
- Posted by CChris Aug 16, 2008
Why do you use a DOS command to delete a file under Windows? Any use of DOS willl spawn a console window.
24. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 16, 2008
Why do you use a DOS command to delete a file under Windows? Any use of DOS willl spawn a console window.
What would you suggest I use with 59.1? Perhaps there's more I need to know?
25. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 17, 2008
Thanks, but I'm stuck in 2.3 and have not needed to upgrade it till now.
26. Re: system() help
- Posted by GeorgeWalters Aug 17, 2008
Well, this one works greate for me. It works with EU 2.3 and Win32Lib 59.1. I get an error (w32allot( long) not declared) using Greg's shfile.e probably because of my old Win32Lib.