1. beeps

I'm trying to discover why windows beeps when I "tab" through fields. It does
not beep when I "arrow" throught fields and in my code there is no (apparent to
me) difference between tabbing and arrowing. Look at this code

procedure keyPressProcessA(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
   integer keyCode, shift

keyCode = arg[1] shift = arg[2]

if keyCode = tab then make tab same as arrows if shift = 0 then keyCode = downArrow else keyCode = upArrow end if end if

keyPressProcessB(self, processId, {keyCode,shift})

end procedure }}}

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2. Re: beeps

Well, putting in some dots to indicate missing code ended up deleting the rest
of my message so I removed them and here it is.

I'm trying to discover why windows beeps when I "tab" through fields. It does
not beep when I "arrow" throught fields and in my code there is no (apparent to
me) difference between tabbing and arrowing. Look at this code

procedure keyPressProcessA(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
   integer keyCode, shift

   keyCode = arg[1]
   shift   = arg[2]

   if keyCode = tab then -- make tab same as arrows
       if shift = 0 then
           keyCode = downArrow
           keyCode = upArrow
       end if
   end if

   keyPressProcessB(self, processId, {keyCode,shift})

end procedure

   setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyPress, routine_id("keyPressProcessB"))
   setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("keyPressProcessA"))

   tmp = setTabCodes(0)

I set the code from tabbing to be the same as arrowing and hitting the arrows
does not beep but tabbing does....any Idea's??
BTW when beeps occurr what does that mean as far as win32? What is windows
trying to tell me? I'm running win32 version 59.1 if that might make any


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3. Re: beeps

Brian Broker wrote:

>George Walters wrote:
>> <>I set the code from tabbing to be the same as arrowing and hitting the
>> arrows does not beep but tabbing does....any Idea's??
>> BTW when beeps occurr what does that mean as far as win32? What is
>> windows trying to tell me? I'm running win32 version 59.1 if that might
>> make any difference.
>> george
First off, it's not a problem with Win32lib.  Though v0.60.1 may have a 
function that delimits the beep noise.  The beep noise is to let ya 
know, that your doing something, that isn't supported for that control.  
If you was to put a Single Line Edit (EditText), type something in, then 
press enter, it'll beep at you, mainly because a Single Line Edit (SLE) 
doesn't allow returns by standard forming.  However, if you was to put 
in a onKeyPress event for the Edit Text, search for the Return Key 
(VK_ENTER or VK_RETURN one of the two), and use returnValue(-1), it'll 
prevent the beeping noise, and actually insert the Return into the SLE 
('\n'), though it will appear as a black box.  Hope this analogy helps 
out.  Cause I'm pretty sure, that it's just the tabbing effect that's 
not being supported by the windows control(s) in question.

>> <>I'd try the latest release and see if that fixes it. I think it does...
>> http://www.users.bigpond.com/ddparnell/euphoria/euphoria.htm
>> -- Brian

No matter what you write in your code, it comes down to being logic, and 
only the computer doing as you instructed it to do in your code.

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4. Re: beeps

Well, that's exactly what I am trying to do. I have a screen full of SLE's
 and get beeps tabbing through even though I have tried putting
 returnValue(-1) when through, as well as other places. I tried 60.1 but it
 broke a lot of my code. What broke (i'm sure what i was doing was not
 proper) was that I use groups to dress up a screen but i never put any 
 objects in the group, all objects were in the main screen. Therefore the
 screen was blank except for the empty group boxes. And 60.1 did not rid
 me of the beeps. I don't want to really use the groups since you can't
 tab across them with windows doing the tabbing. I guess i'm stuck.


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5. Re: beeps

George Walters wrote:
> I'm trying to discover why windows beeps when I "tab" through fields. It does
> not beep
> when I "arrow" throught fields and in my code there is no (apparent to me)
> difference
> between tabbing and arrowing. Look at this code
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#0000FF">procedure </font><font
> color="#330033">keyPressProcessA(</font><font color="#FF00FF">integer
> </font><font color="#330033">self, </font><font color="#FF00FF">integer
> </font><font color="#330033">processId, </font><font color="#FF00FF">sequence
> </font><font color="#330033">arg)</font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">   integer </font><font color="#330033">keyCode,
> shift</font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#330033">   keyCode = arg[1]</font>
> <font color="#330033">   shift   = arg[2]</font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   if </font><font color="#330033">keyCode = tab
> </font><font color="#0000FF">then </font><font color="#FF0055">-- make tab same
> as arrows</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">       if </font><font color="#330033">shift = 0
> </font><font color="#0000FF">then</font>
> <font color="#330033">           keyCode = downArrow</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">       else</font>
> <font color="#330033">           keyCode = upArrow</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">       end if</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   end if</font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#330033">   keyPressProcessB(self, processId, </font><font
> color="#993333">{</font><font color="#330033">keyCode,shift</font><font
> color="#993333">}</font><font color="#330033">)</font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#0000FF">end procedure</font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>

The code snip was nice.  But without the rest of the code I cant test it.
Mind posting a full short example including controls?  I am not currently
familiar with what your calling "arrowing".  I have always used tabs to
change focus.  Arrows for me dont work =) sooo, you are likely talking
about something else than I am thinking of.  I bet however you could
subclass the control to get what you want working.

Don Phillips - aka Graebel
     National Instruments
     mailto: eunexus @ yahoo.com

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6. Re: beeps

My question is:
I can beep in dos. I can beep in windows but, in windows
the speakers must be on. Can I make it beep in windows without the speaker
being on? How?

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7. Re: beeps

George Walters wrote:
> Well, putting in some dots to indicate missing code ended up deleting the rest
> of my
> message so I removed them and here it is.
> I'm trying to discover why windows beeps when I "tab" through fields. It does
> not beep
> when I "arrow" throught fields and in my code there is no (apparent to me)
> difference
> between tabbing and arrowing. Look at this code

[code snipped]

It is beeping because the TAB key is being processed by the Edit field's
default Microsoft process. Normally, win32lib traps the TAB key and tabs
around the display, but because you set tabcodes to zero, Win32lib
is passing the TAB press to the edit file.

I would recommend you do the following...

a) Create a new routine to JUST move the focus depending on the UP/DOWN
direction and the current focus.

b) Set a handler to trap w32HKeyPress and if you get a TAB key, call
returnValue(-1). And that's all that this handler does.

c) Set a handler to trap w32HKeyDown. Have this translate TAN keys into
UP or DOWN depending on the shift key. The if you have an UP or DOWN, call
the focus setting routine.

Here is some sample code:
include win32lib.ew

constant mainwin = create(Window, "main", 0, 0, 0, 200,200,0)
constant AA = create(EditText, "AA", mainwin, 10,  10, 150,20,0)
constant BB = create(EditText, "BB", mainwin, 10,  40, 150,20,0)
constant CC = create(EditText, "CC", mainwin, 10,  70, 150,20,0)
constant DD = create(EditText, "DD", mainwin, 10, 110, 150,20,0)

constant WhereTo = {AA,BB,CC,DD}
procedure MoveCursor(integer self, integer keyCode)
    integer shift

    shift = find(self, WhereTo)
    if keyCode = VK_DOWN then
        shift += 1
        if shift > length(WhereTo) then
            shift = 0
        end if

    elsif keyCode = VK_UP then
        shift -= 1
        if shift < 1 then
            shift = 0
        end if

        shift = 0
    end if

    if shift > 0 then
    end if

end procedure

procedure keyPress(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
    VOID = self
    VOID = processId
    if arg[1] = VK_TAB then
    end if
end procedure

procedure keyDown(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
    integer keyCode, shift
    VOID = processId
    keyCode = arg[1]
    shift   = arg[2]

    if keyCode = VK_TAB then -- make tab same as arrows
       if and_bits(shift,ShiftMask) = 0 then
           keyCode = VK_DOWN
           keyCode = VK_UP
       end if
    end if

    if keyCode = VK_UP or keyCode = VK_DOWN then
        MoveCursor(self, keyCode)
    end if
end procedure
setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("keyDown"))
setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyPress, routine_id("keyPress"))

VOID = setTabCodes(0)
WinMain({mainwin,AA}, Normal)

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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8. Re: beeps

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
Derek, thanks for the help. beep problem is fixed...<br>
Derek Parnell wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid1054365097-1463792382-1090652872 at boing.topica.com"

George Walters wrote:
  <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">
Well, putting in some dots to indicate missing code ended up deleting the rest
of my
message so I removed them and here it is.

I'm trying to discover why windows beeps when I "tab" through fields. It does
not beep
when I "arrow" throught fields and in my code there is no (apparent to me)
between tabbing and arrowing. Look at this code
  <pre wrap=""><!---->
[code snipped]

It is beeping because the TAB key is being processed by the Edit field's
default Microsoft process. Normally, win32lib traps the TAB key and tabs
around the display, but because you set tabcodes to zero, Win32lib
is passing the TAB press to the edit file.

I would recommend you do the following...

a) Create a new routine to JUST move the focus depending on the UP/DOWN
direction and the current focus.
already had one of these<br>
<blockquote cite="mid1054365097-1463792382-1090652872 at boing.topica.com"
  <pre wrap="">
b) Set a handler to trap w32HKeyPress and if you get a TAB key, call
returnValue(-1). And that's all that this handler does.
doing this fixed the beeping... thanks<br>
<blockquote cite="mid1054365097-1463792382-1090652872 at boing.topica.com"
  <pre wrap="">
c) Set a handler to trap w32HKeyDown. Have this translate TAN keys into
UP or DOWN depending on the shift key. The if you have an UP or DOWN, call
the focus setting routine.

moved the tab translate from the keypress to the keydown handler and
all is working fine now...<br>
<blockquote cite="mid1054365097-1463792382-1090652872 at boing.topica.com"
  <pre wrap="">Here is some sample code:
include win32lib.ew

constant mainwin = create(Window, "main", 0, 0, 0, 200,200,0)
constant AA = create(EditText, "AA", mainwin, 10,  10, 150,20,0)
constant BB = create(EditText, "BB", mainwin, 10,  40, 150,20,0)
constant CC = create(EditText, "CC", mainwin, 10,  70, 150,20,0)
constant DD = create(EditText, "DD", mainwin, 10, 110, 150,20,0)

constant WhereTo = {AA,BB,CC,DD}
procedure MoveCursor(integer self, integer keyCode)
    integer shift

    shift = find(self, WhereTo)
    if keyCode = VK_DOWN then
        shift += 1
        if shift &gt; length(WhereTo) then
            shift = 0
        end if

    elsif keyCode = VK_UP then
        shift -= 1
        if shift &lt; 1 then
            shift = 0
        end if

        shift = 0
    end if

    if shift &gt; 0 then
    end if

end procedure

procedure keyPress(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
    VOID = self
    VOID = processId
    if arg[1] = VK_TAB then
    end if
end procedure

procedure keyDown(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
    integer keyCode, shift
    VOID = processId
    keyCode = arg[1]
    shift   = arg[2]

    if keyCode = VK_TAB then -- make tab same as arrows
       if and_bits(shift,ShiftMask) = 0 then
           keyCode = VK_DOWN
           keyCode = VK_UP
       end if
    end if

    if keyCode = VK_UP or keyCode = VK_DOWN then
        MoveCursor(self, keyCode)
    end if
end procedure
setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("keyDown"))
setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyPress, routine_id("keyPress"))

VOID = setTabCodes(0)
WinMain({mainwin,AA}, Normal)


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9. Re: beeps

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
Well Derek, although it stopped the beeping tab key the shift tab still
beeps. How could I solve that?<br>
Derek Parnell wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid1054365097-1463792382-1090652872 at boing.topica.com"

George Walters wrote:
  <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">
Well, putting in some dots to indicate missing code ended up deleting the rest
of my
message so I removed them and here it is.

I'm trying to discover why windows beeps when I "tab" through fields. It does
not beep
when I "arrow" throught fields and in my code there is no (apparent to me)
between tabbing and arrowing. Look at this code
  <pre wrap=""><!---->
[code snipped]

It is beeping because the TAB key is being processed by the Edit field's
default Microsoft process. Normally, win32lib traps the TAB key and tabs
around the display, but because you set tabcodes to zero, Win32lib
is passing the TAB press to the edit file.

I would recommend you do the following...

a) Create a new routine to JUST move the focus depending on the UP/DOWN
direction and the current focus.

b) Set a handler to trap w32HKeyPress and if you get a TAB key, call
returnValue(-1). And that's all that this handler does.

c) Set a handler to trap w32HKeyDown. Have this translate TAN keys into
UP or DOWN depending on the shift key. The if you have an UP or DOWN, call
the focus setting routine.

Here is some sample code:
include win32lib.ew

constant mainwin = create(Window, "main", 0, 0, 0, 200,200,0)
constant AA = create(EditText, "AA", mainwin, 10,  10, 150,20,0)
constant BB = create(EditText, "BB", mainwin, 10,  40, 150,20,0)
constant CC = create(EditText, "CC", mainwin, 10,  70, 150,20,0)
constant DD = create(EditText, "DD", mainwin, 10, 110, 150,20,0)

constant WhereTo = {AA,BB,CC,DD}
procedure MoveCursor(integer self, integer keyCode)
    integer shift

    shift = find(self, WhereTo)
    if keyCode = VK_DOWN then
        shift += 1
        if shift &gt; length(WhereTo) then
            shift = 0
        end if

    elsif keyCode = VK_UP then
        shift -= 1
        if shift &lt; 1 then
            shift = 0
        end if

        shift = 0
    end if

    if shift &gt; 0 then
    end if

end procedure

procedure keyPress(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
    VOID = self
    VOID = processId
    if arg[1] = VK_TAB then
    end if
end procedure

procedure keyDown(integer self, integer processId, sequence arg)
    integer keyCode, shift
    VOID = processId
    keyCode = arg[1]
    shift   = arg[2]

    if keyCode = VK_TAB then -- make tab same as arrows
       if and_bits(shift,ShiftMask) = 0 then
           keyCode = VK_DOWN
           keyCode = VK_UP
       end if
    end if

    if keyCode = VK_UP or keyCode = VK_DOWN then
        MoveCursor(self, keyCode)
    end if
end procedure
setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("keyDown"))
setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyPress, routine_id("keyPress"))

VOID = setTabCodes(0)
WinMain({mainwin,AA}, Normal)


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10. Re: beeps

George Walters wrote:

> Well Derek, although it stopped the beeping tab key the shift tab 
> still beeps. How could I solve that?
> george

You should do the same with shift tab events, as you do with the normal 
tab, and up/down keys.  Remember to check shift or arg[2] for the 
and_bits(shift,ShiftMask).  Also be sure to use returnValue(-1).  It 
tells Win32lib to tell windows it's proccessed the event, and that it 
doesn't need to be bothered with doing anything else with that event.


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11. Re: beeps

If you can beep in DOS without the speakers on, using this might work in

zBeep = registerw32Function(user32, "MessageBeep", {C_INT},C_INT)
..and just call the function to... beep.
..dunno if 'user32' has become 'w32w32w32w32user32'   :(

> I can beep in dos. I can beep in windows but, in windows
> the speakers must be on. Can I make it beep in windows without the speaker
> being on? How?

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