Re: Project Leviathan - wxEuphoria 3.1.0 alpha1

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petelomax said...

There would doubtlessly be other issues, but I hope it is worth considering a similar mechanism (extended if/as needed with E_INTEGER and E_OBJECT) for this project.

It has also occurred to me that while this may slow things down, it may also solve some allocate/free issues that you have not yet discovered.

Thanks for the feedback Pete. I had considered writing the wrapper libraries as "pure" implementation using only const char*, int, double, etc. or even trying to appropriate wxC for Euphoria. Ultimately, I returned to Matt's original method* of "speaking" natively with Euphoria objects to and from the C++ library.

I need to mind my P's and Q's with proper dereferencing and once I get Linux builds working I'll have valgrind on my side to help curb memory issues. Do you know of any outstanding memory issues with the original wxEuphoria? Did it work with Phix? Can we make this work?

* Those who remember the earliest days of wxEuphoria may know that Matt's original method was to unmangle and calls directly into the wxWidgets class methods.


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