update database 2

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the current database, and current table.

Current Database.

Any data operation or table operation assumes there is a current database being defined. You set the current database by opening, creating or selecting a database. Deleting the current database leaves the current database undefined.

Current Table.

All data operations assume there is a current table being defined. You must create, select or rename a table in order to make it current. Deleting the current table leaves the current table undefined.

Accessing Data

Most routines use these current values automatically. You normally start by opening (or creating) a database file, then selecting the table that you want to work with.

You can map a key to a record number using db_find_key. It uses an efficient binary search. Most of the other record-level routines expect the record number as a parameter. You can very quickly access any record, given it's number. You can access all the records by starting at record number one and looping through to the record number returned by db_table_size.

Storage Recycling

When you delete something, such as a record, the space for that item gets put on a free list, for future use. Adjacent free areas are combined into larger free areas. When more space is needed, and no suitable space is found on the free list, the file will grow in size. Currently there is no automatic way that a file will shrink in size, but you can use a db_compress to completely rewrite a database, removing the unused spaces.

Security and Multi-user Access

This release provides a simple way to lock an entire database to prevent unsafe access by other processes.


Internal pointers are 4 bytes. In theory that limits the size of a database file to 4 Gb. In practice, the limit is 2 Gb because of limitations in various C file functions used by Euphoria. Given enough user demand, EDS databases could be expanded well beyond 2 Gb in the future.

The current algorithm allocates four bytes of memory per record in the current table. So you will need at least 4 Mb RAM per million records on disk.

The binary search for keys should work reasonably well for large tables.

Inserts and deletes take slightly longer as a table gets larger.

At the low end of the scale, it's possible to create extremely small databases without incurring much disk space overhead.


More details on using EDS, including complete coverage of the EDS API, can be found at Euphoria Database (EDS).


Do not store valuable data without a backup. RDS will not be responsible for any damage or data loss.

Warning: Use Binary File Mode

.edb files are binary files, not text files. You must use BINARY

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