
-- if you build something with this, 
-- or derive something from this, 
-- i'd like a credit. Kat 
-- I built this from inspiration and code provided by DCuny. 
-- entry is global function diff_seqs() 
include machine.e 
include sort.e 
with trace 
function diff3sort3(sequence result) 
integer bplace1, bplace2 
sequence origresult, newresult 
-- sort the result by the number of "x" in "[,]xx[,]" 
if sequence(result[1]) then 
  origresult = result 
  for loop = 1 to length(result) do 
    bplace1 = find('[',result[loop]) 
    while ( bplace1 != 0 ) do 
      result[loop] = result[loop][1..bplace1-1] & result[loop][find(']',result[loop])+1..length(result[loop])] 
      bplace1 = find('[',result[loop]) 
    end while 
    origresult[loop] = length(result[loop]) & " " & origresult[loop] 
  end for 
  origresult = sort(origresult) 
  newresult = "" 
  -- reverse the sort 
  for loop = length(origresult) to 1 by -1 do 
    newresult = append(newresult,origresult[loop]) 
  end for 
  newresult = result 
end if 
return newresult 
end function -- diff3sort3(sequence result) 
procedure putseq(sequence data) 
 for loop = 1 to length(data) do 
   puts(1,data[loop] & " ") 
 end for 
-- puts(1,"\n") 
end procedure -- putseq(sequence data) 
sequence hugeresult 
global function diff_seqs( sequence s1_orig, sequence s2_orig, integer MinG, integer MaxG, integer recursing, sequence middleresult ) 
sequence  result, compared, tempresult, syncs, s1, s2 
integer min1, min2 
sequence syncs1, syncs2 
puts(1,"recursing = "&sprintf("%d",recursing)&"\n") 
--if recursing = 1 then trace(1) end if 
if length(s1_orig) and not length(s2_orig) then 
  return {{"["} & s1_orig & {"|"} & {"]"}} 
end if 
if not length(s1_orig) and length(s2_orig) then 
  return {{"["} & {"|"} & s2_orig & {"]"}} 
end if 
if not length(s1_orig) and not length(s2_orig) then 
  return "" 
end if 
if equal(s1_orig,s2_orig) then 
 return {{s1_orig}} 
end if 
s1 = s1_orig 
s2 = s2_orig 
if recursing = 0  then hugeresult = {} end if 
result = {} 
tempresult = {} 
syncs1 = {{0,0}} -- haveto preload to avoid Eu crashes later 
syncs2 = {{0,0}} 
syncs = {} 
min1 = 0 
min2 = 0 
for loop = 1 to length(s1) do 
  if find(s1[loop],s2) 
      if length(syncs1) then 
        min1 = syncs1[length(syncs1)][1] 
        min2 = syncs1[length(syncs1)][2] 
      end if 
      if (min1+1 = loop) and (min2+1 = find(s1[loop],s2)) 
        then syncs1[length(syncs1)] = {loop,find(s1[loop],s2)} 
          syncs1 = syncs1 & {{loop,find(s1[loop],s2)}} 
          if length(syncs1) > 1 then 
            if equal(syncs1[1],{0,0}) then 
	      syncs1 = {syncs1[2]} 
	    end if 
	  end if 
          syncs1 = {syncs1[1]} 
      end if 
  --  else 
  --    exit 
  end if 
end for 
for loop = 1 to length(s2) do 
  if find(s2[loop],s1) 
      if length(syncs1) then 
        min1 = syncs2[length(syncs2)][1] 
        min2 = syncs2[length(syncs2)][2] 
      end if 
      if (min1+1 = loop) and (min2+1 = find(s1[loop],s2)) 
        then syncs2[length(syncs2)] = {loop,find(s1[loop],s2)} 
          syncs2 = syncs2 & {{loop,find(s1[loop],s2)}} 
          if length(syncs2) > 1 then 
            if equal(syncs2[1],{0,0}) then 
             syncs2 = {syncs2[2]} 
            end if 
            syncs2 = {syncs2[1]} 
          end if 
      end if 
    --  exit 
  end if 
end for 
syncs = syncs1 
for syncloop = 1 to length(syncs2) do 
  if not find(syncs2[syncloop],syncs) then 
  -- check for the reverse too 
    min1 = syncs2[syncloop][1] 
    min2 = syncs2[syncloop][2] 
    syncs1 = {min2,min1} 
    if not find(syncs1,syncs) then 
      syncs = syncs & {syncs2[syncloop]} 
    end if 
  end if 
end for 
--if recursing = 1 then trace(1) end if 
if equal(syncs,{{0,0}}) then 
 return({"["} & s1 & {"|"} & s2 & {"]"}) 
end if 
for loop = 1 to length(syncs) do 
 s1 = s1_orig 
 s2 = s2_orig 
 puts(1,"syncs[loop] = {"&sprintf("%d",syncs[loop][1])&","&sprintf("%d",syncs[loop][2])&"}\n") 
   if (syncs[loop][1]=1) and (syncs[loop][2]=1) then 
      result = {s1[1]} -- so result[1] = s1[1] 
   elsif (syncs[loop][1]>1) and (syncs[loop][2]>1) then 
      if equal(s1[1..syncs[loop][1]],s2[1..syncs[loop][2]]) 
        then result = s1[1..syncs[loop][1]] 
        else result = {"["} & s1[1..syncs[loop][1]-1] & {"|"} & s2[1..syncs[loop][2]-1] & {"]"} & {s1[syncs[loop][1]]} 
      end if 
   elsif (syncs[loop][1]=1) and (syncs[loop][2]>1) then 
      result = {"["}&{"|"} & s2[1..syncs[loop][2]-1] & {"]"} & {s1[1]} 
   elsif (syncs[loop][1]>1) and (syncs[loop][2]=1) then 
      result = {"["} & s1[1..syncs[loop][1]-1] & {"|"} & {"]"} & {s2[1]} 
   end if 
  --if length(middleresult) 
  --  then 
  --    for addloop = 1 to length(middleresult) do 
  --      middleresult[addloop] &= result 
  --    end for 
  --  else 
  --    middleresult = result 
  --end if 
   s1 = s1[syncs[loop][1]+1..length(s1)] 
   s2 = s2[syncs[loop][2]+1..length(s2)] 
  -- recurse here 
   compared = diff_seqs(s1,s2,MinG,MaxG,recursing+1,result) 
   if not length(hugeresult) then 
     hugeresult &= "" 
   end if 
   for hugeloop = 1 to length(hugeresult) do 
     hugeresult[hugeloop] &= {middleresult & result & compared} 
   end for 
   middleresult = "" 
end for -- loop = 1 to length(syncs) do 
if recursing = 0 
 then return(hugeresult) 
 else return(middleresult) 
end if 
end function 
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