Historical eugtk, Revision 20


EuGTK is a Euphoria 4.0 wrapper for the GTK 3 GUI user interface. Euphoria/GTK code is much simpler and easier to understand than similar libraries for other programming languages.


Built on an original concept by Dave Cuny, with help from Mike Sabal, Ron Tarrant, and others. It is currently maintained by Irv Mullins.


EuGTK runs on Linux, Windows, and OSX. The latest version (4.9.4) Apr 7, 2015, makes it very easy to build complex GUI interfaces for your programs. Interface can be hand-coded or designed using Glade.

Latest version can be downloaded from http://sites.google.com/site/euphoriagtk/Home

EuGTK on Linux uses the GTK3 libraries which are installed by default with current Linux distros such as Mint or Ubuntu, etc... or you can always install or update your version using your package manager.

EuGTK on Windows requires the appropriate GTK libraries for Windows, either 32-bit or 64-bit. These are available from http://gtk.org on the downloads page.

EuGTK can run on OSX, by installing the gtk3 package with MacPorts

EuGTK provides the user-interface for Pete Eberlein's cross-platform WEE editor when running on Linux or OSX.


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