
Sample Source-Code

A sample of an include file formatted using Creole markup.

See the documentation after running eudoc and creole utilities.


-- == Sample 
-- <<LEVELTOC level=2 depth=4 >> 
-- Signature: 
-- <built-in> function command_line() 
-- Description: 
-- returns sequence of strings containing each word entered at the command-line that started your program. 
-- Returns: 
-- # path : to either the Euphoria executable (##eui##, ##eui.exe##, ##euid.exe##, ##euiw.exe##) or to your bound 
--   executable file. 
-- # next word : is either the name of your Euphoria main file o 
-- (again) the path to your bound executable file. 
-- # extra words : typed by the user. You can use these words in your program. 
-- There are as many entries as words, plus the two mentioned above. 
-- The Euphoria interpreter itself does not use any command-line options. You are free to use 
-- any options for your own program. The interpreter does have ##command line switches## though. 
-- The user can put quotes around a series of words to make them into a single argument. 
-- If you convert your program into an executable file, either by binding it, or translationg it to C, 
-- you will find that all command-line arguments remain the same, except for the first two, 
-- even though your user no longer types "eui" on the command-line (see examples below). 
-- Example 1: 
-- <eucode> 
--  -- The user types:  eui myprog myfile.dat 12345 "the end" 
-- cmd = command_line() 
-- -- cmd will be: 
--       {"C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EUI.EXE", 
--        "myprog", 
--        "myfile.dat", 
--        "12345", 
--        "the end"} 
-- </eucode> 
-- See Also: 
-- [[:build_commandline]], [[:option_switches]],  [[:getenv]], [[:cmd_parse]], [[:show_help]] 
-- Description: 
--   displays a prompt to the user and waits for any keypress. 
-- Parameters: 
--   # prompt : Prompt to display, defaults to ##"Press Any Key to continue..."## . 
--   # con : Either ##1## (stdout), or ##2## (stderr). Defaults to ##1## . 
-- Comments: 
-- This wraps ##wait_key## by giving a clue that the user should press a key, and 
-- perhaps do some other things as well. 
-- Example 1: 
-- <eucode> 
--      include std/console.e 
-- any_key() 
-- -- outputs the message: Press Any Key to continue... 
-- -- and waits for a keypress 
-- </eucode> 
-- See Also: 
-- 	[[:wait_key]], [[:maybe_any_key]] 
public procedure any_key(sequence prompt="Press Any Key to continue...", integer con = 1) 
	if not find(con, {1,2}) then 
		con = 1 
	end if 
	puts(con, prompt) 
	puts(con, "\n") 
end procedure 
-- parses a command line string breaking it into a sequence of command line 
-- options. 
-- Parameters: 
--   # cmdline : Command line sequence (string) 
-- Returns: 
--   A **sequence**, of command line options 
-- Example 1: 
-- <eucode> 
-- sequence opts = parse_commandline("-v -f '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'") 
-- -- opts = { "-v", "-f", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" } 
-- </eucode> 
-- See Also: 
--   [[:build_commandline]] 
public function parse_commandline(sequence cmdline) 
	return keyvalues(cmdline, " ", ":=", "\"'`", " \t\r\n", 0) 
end function 
public constant 
    -- This option switch does not have a parameter. 
    -- See Also: 
    -- [[:cmd_parse]] 
public enum 
	-- Additional help routine id. 
    -- See Also: 
    -- [[:cmd_parse]] 
	-- Validate all parameters (default). 
    -- See Also: 
    -- [[:cmd_parse]] 
	-- Do not cause an error for an invalid parameter. 
    -- See Also: 
    -- [[:cmd_parse]] 


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