Historical HowToRelease, Revision 1

To follow the instructions in this document you will need

  1. InnoSetup
  2. The latest EUPHORIA package that can translate the sources you want to release
  3. Mercurial
  4. Either
    1. Prebuilt binaries of the tip of EUPHORIA and a prebuilt euphoria.pdf file of the tip of EUPHORIA.
    2. Watcom C and GNU MinGW C and PDFLatex or a prebuilt euphoria.pdf of the tip of EUPHORIA

Let EUDIR be your existing production path of 4.0.0 and CODIR be your checkout trunk path of the 4.0 branch. CODIR must contain no local changes. Use 'hg status' and ensure there is no output. Make sure that 'hg outgoing' produces no output.

  1. Change directory to EUDIR\source and run configure --eubin EUDIR\bin --build ..\build'
  2. Copy EUDIR\bin\*.exe, *.a, *.lib to CODIR\bin. This step gives us the tools we cannot make without other sources.
  3. Run WATCOM 'wmake' in CODIR\source to make new binaries 'wmake all'
  4. Run 'wmake test' to ensure the tests work
  5. Use MinGW Shell to configure again.
  6. Run './configure --eubin EUDIR/bin --build ../build'
  7. Run '{make library}' to create the MinGW library files
  8. Copy CODIR\build\*.exe, *.a and *.lib to CODIR\bin
  9. Change directory to CODIR\packaging\win32 and clone your repository from CODIR to 'cleanbranch' with 'hg clone CODIR cleanbranch'
  10. wmake all htmldocs pdflatex
  11. Run euphoria.iss in CODIR\packaging\win32

This package fixes many of the packaging problems: No local HTML docs, bad shortcut to euphoria.PDF, Translator uses the wrong folder, etc...


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