Historical HippoEDIT, Revision 2


From the HippoEDIT home page (http://www.hippoedit.com/):

HippoEDIT is a powerful, fast and easy to use Windows text editor, primarily targeted at power users and programmers. It has modern and lightweight user interface, which supports different interface schemes, Multi Tab environment, seamless web and help browser, File Explorer and Project Explorer, external tools integration and more smart text editor functions.

User Comments

  • jeremy - 2009-07-28 - This seems to be a very nice editor, however it is lacking in macro functionality. I did speak with the author and HippoEDIT 1.5 will have macros, both programmable and recordable. He said that it is a very common request. 1.5 will not be out for another 6 months, but betas will be available sooner than that with the macro support.

Syntax File

You are encouraged to add to it, make corrections, etc... Please maintain a list of corrections:

  • jeremy - 2009-07-28 - Original submission

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="syntax.xslt"?>
	  <FILEINFO author="Jeremy Cowgar" type="LangSpec" />
	  <SYNTAX id="eu" name="Euphoria" inherit="def_source" inherit_url="defsource_spec.xml">
				  <FilePattern mask="*.e;*.ex;*.exw;*.exd;ex.err;*.pro"/>
	  			  <Encoding default="866" />
						<Separator text=":" />
				  <Bars navigation="true"/>
				<Scope open="{" close="}"/>
				<Scope open="(" close=")"/>
				<Scope open="[" close="]"/>
				<Scope open="for" close="end for"/>
				<Scope open="while" close="end while">
					<Middle text="entry" />
				<Scope open="loop" close="end do" />
				<Scope open="function" close="end function" has_name="true" separator="true"/>
				<Scope open="procedure" close="end procedure" has_name="true" separator="true"/>
				<Scope open="type" close="end type" has_name="true" separator="true"/>
				<Scope open="if" close="end if">
					<Middle text="elsif"/>
					<Middle text="else"/>
				<Scope open="ifdef" close="end ifdef">
					<Middle text="elsifdef"/>
					<Middle text="elseifdef"/>
				<Scope open="switch" close="end switch">
					<Middle text="case" />
					<Middle text="case else" />
				  <Label group="Include" match="\sinclude\s+([\w.\/]+)\s?" name="\1" image="15" navigation="false"/>
				  <Label group="Function" match="\s?(function|procedure|type)\s+(\w+)\s*(\([^)]*\))" name="\2" descr="\1 \2 \3" scope="1" image="9"/>
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						  <Keyword text="enum" />
						  <Keyword text="atom" />
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						  <Keyword text="sequence" />
						  <Keyword text="object" />
				<Style name="Scope Modifiers" bold="1" italic="0" underline="0" clr="Keyword3" bkclr="#FFFFFFFFF">
						  <Keyword text="override" />
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						  <Keyword text="public" />
						  <Keyword text="export" />
				<Style id="preprocessor" name="Preprocessor" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="Preprocessor" bkclr="#FFFFFFFFF">
						  <Keyword text="include" />
						  <Keyword text="with" />
						  <Keyword text="without" />
						  <Keyword text="trace" />
						  <Keyword text="ifdef" />
						  <Keyword text="elsdef" />
						  <Keyword text="elsedef" />
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						<Keyword text="case" />
						<Keyword text="constant" />
						<Keyword text="continue" />
						<Keyword text="do" />
						<Keyword text="else" />
						<Keyword text="elsif" />
						<Keyword text="end" />
						<Keyword text="entry" />
						<Keyword text="exit" />
						<Keyword text="for" />
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						<Keyword text="glabel" />
						<Keyword text="goto" />
						<Keyword text="if" />
						<Keyword text="label" />
						<Keyword text="loop" />
						<Keyword text="not" />
						<Keyword text="or" />
						<Keyword text="procedure" />
						<Keyword text="retry" />
						<Keyword text="return" />
						<Keyword text="switch" />
						<Keyword text="then" />
						<Keyword text="to" />
						<Keyword text="type" />
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						<Keyword text="xor" />
				<Style name="Constants" image="7" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="Keyword" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
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						  <Keyword text="WIN32" />
						  <Keyword text="LINUX" />
						  <Keyword text="OSX" />
						  <Keyword text="FREEBSD" />
						  <Keyword text="NETBSD" />
						  <Keyword text="OPENBSD" />
						  <Keyword text="EU4" />
						  <Keyword text="EU40" />
						  <Keyword text="EU400" />
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						  <Open id="comment"/>
						  <Block open="TODO" close="\n"/>
						  <Block open="todo" close="\n"/>


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