Historical HippoEDIT, Revision 1


Euphoria syntax definition is below. You are encouraged to add to it, make corrections, etc... Please maintain a list of corrections:

  • jeremy - 2009-07-28 - Original submission

Syntax File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="syntax.xslt"?>
	  <FILEINFO author="Jeremy Cowgar" type="LangSpec" />
	  <SYNTAX id="eu" name="Euphoria" inherit="def_source" inherit_url="defsource_spec.xml">
				  <FilePattern mask="*.e;*.ex;*.exw;*.exd;ex.err;*.pro"/>
	  			  <Encoding default="866" />
						<Separator text=":" />
				  <Bars navigation="true"/>
				<Scope open="{" close="}"/>
				<Scope open="(" close=")"/>
				<Scope open="[" close="]"/>
				<Scope open="for" close="end for"/>
				<Scope open="while" close="end while">
					<Middle text="entry" />
				<Scope open="loop" close="end do" />
				<Scope open="function" close="end function" has_name="true" separator="true"/>
				<Scope open="procedure" close="end procedure" has_name="true" separator="true"/>
				<Scope open="type" close="end type" has_name="true" separator="true"/>
				<Scope open="if" close="end if">
					<Middle text="elsif"/>
					<Middle text="else"/>
				<Scope open="ifdef" close="end ifdef">
					<Middle text="elsifdef"/>
					<Middle text="elseifdef"/>
				<Scope open="switch" close="end switch">
					<Middle text="case" />
					<Middle text="case else" />
				  <Label group="Include" match="\sinclude\s+([\w.\/]+)\s?" name="\1" image="15" navigation="false"/>
				  <Label group="Function" match="\s?(function|procedure|type)\s+(\w+)\s*(\([^)]*\))" name="\2" descr="\1 \2 \3" scope="1" image="9"/>
				<Style id="url" extend="true">
						  <Open id="normal" exclude="true"/>
						  <Open id="string"/>
						  <Open id="comment"/>
						  <Open id="char"/>
				<Style id="comment" name="Comments" text="1" bold="0" italic="1" underline="0" clr="#FF0000" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
						  <Block open="--" close="\n" />
						  <Block open="/*" close="*/" />
				<Style id="string" name="Strings" text="1" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="#009900" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
						  <Block open=""" close="""/>
						  <Block open="#$" close="$" />
						  <Block open="#'" close="'" />
						  <Block open="#`" close="`" />
						  <Block open="#~" close="~" />
						  <Block open="#^" close="^" />
						  <Block open="#/" close="/" />
						  <Block open="#|" close="|" />
				<Style id="char" name="Char" text="1" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="#009900" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
						  <Block open="'" close="'"/>
				<Style name="Data Types" image="10" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="Keyword2" bkclr="#FFFFFFFFF">
						  <Keyword text="enum" />
						  <Keyword text="atom" />
						  <Keyword text="integer" />
						  <Keyword text="sequence" />
						  <Keyword text="object" />
				<Style name="Scope Modifiers" bold="1" italic="0" underline="0" clr="Keyword3" bkclr="#FFFFFFFFF">
						  <Keyword text="override" />
						  <Keyword text="global" />
						  <Keyword text="public" />
						  <Keyword text="export" />
				<Style id="preprocessor" name="Preprocessor" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="Preprocessor" bkclr="#FFFFFFFFF">
						  <Keyword text="include" />
						  <Keyword text="with" />
						  <Keyword text="without" />
						  <Keyword text="trace" />
						  <Keyword text="ifdef" />
						  <Keyword text="elsdef" />
						  <Keyword text="elsedef" />
				<Style id="keywords" name="Keywords" image="13" bold="1" italic="0" underline="0" clr="#0000AA" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
						<Keyword text="and" />
						<Keyword text="as" />
						<Keyword text="break" />
						<Keyword text="by" />
						<Keyword text="case" />
						<Keyword text="constant" />
						<Keyword text="continue" />
						<Keyword text="do" />
						<Keyword text="else" />
						<Keyword text="elsif" />
						<Keyword text="end" />
						<Keyword text="entry" />
						<Keyword text="exit" />
						<Keyword text="for" />
						<Keyword text="function" />
						<Keyword text="glabel" />
						<Keyword text="goto" />
						<Keyword text="if" />
						<Keyword text="label" />
						<Keyword text="loop" />
						<Keyword text="not" />
						<Keyword text="or" />
						<Keyword text="procedure" />
						<Keyword text="retry" />
						<Keyword text="return" />
						<Keyword text="switch" />
						<Keyword text="then" />
						<Keyword text="to" />
						<Keyword text="type" />
						<Keyword text="until" />
						<Keyword text="while" />
						<Keyword text="xor" />
				<Style name="Constants" image="7" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="Keyword" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
						  <Keyword text="DOS" />
						  <Keyword text="WIN32" />
						  <Keyword text="LINUX" />
						  <Keyword text="OSX" />
						  <Keyword text="FREEBSD" />
						  <Keyword text="NETBSD" />
						  <Keyword text="OPENBSD" />
						  <Keyword text="EU4" />
						  <Keyword text="EU40" />
						  <Keyword text="EU400" />
				<Style name="TODOs" text="1" bold="1" italic="1" underline="0" clr="TODOs" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
						  <Open id="comment"/>
						  <Block open="TODO" close="\n"/>
						  <Block open="todo" close="\n"/>


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