Historical CodingConvention, Revision 5

These are coding conventions and requirements for code accepted into Euphoria. These are simple rules right now, but we will expand this document in the future.

The purpose of this document is solely to protect the future of Euphoria. Source code and development without rules only lead to a tangled mess that will soon be abandoned.

  1. global should no longer be used.
  2. Before submitting any new functions, it must contain basic tests proving it at least functions and documentation. The documentation should include a general description, detailed parameter descriptions and detailed return value (if a function). If at all possible, an example is highly recommended. Optional sections include Comments, which are any special notes the user might need to be aware of and also a See Also section.
  3. Before committing code, tests should be run (all tests, not just new functionality tests)
  4. Source files should be indented with a tab character, not spaces.


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