Historical AbsoluteBeginners, Revision 9

This page is for those new to programming who want to know what to do when they first come across Euphoria.

I expect that you know what a computer is, that you know what folders, files, and file extensions are, and that you know what a text file is. This howto is also for windows only (although technically there's not a great deal of difference installing onto the wo operating systems)

This page will set you with an editor that has highlighting colouring, and an execute key to load / edit / experiment and run the programs.

It is not the only way to do things, and there will be many opinions of how to do stuff, but as soon as you have done this, you can then go on to find your own way.

I no longer recommend the use of ed.ex, as I believe the editor I have chosen (and there are many to choose from) has all the functionality you need to start programming in Euphoria.

  1. Download and install Euphoria
  2. Download and install the Context text editor from http://www.contexteditor.org/
  3. Download http://cdn.contextstatic.org/downloads/highlighters/Euphoria.chl and put it into the highlighters folder in the context folder.

(break time)


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