Euphoria Ticket #438: sanity.ex fails with nonsense message translated

translates ok, but the message makes no sense. this has been broken for a while.

Note: \DEMO is not on your PATH. 
Did you forget to reboot (restart) your machine? 


Type: Bug Report Severity: Normal Category: Error Reporting
Assigned To: jeremy Status: Fixed Reported Release: 4264
Fixed in SVN #: 4632, 4636 View VCS: 4632, 4636 Milestone: 4.0.0

1. Comment by jeremy Dec 08, 2010

Sanity.ex had two problems, an invalid test case w/match and it's check for the argv[1] being in the path. This check would not work if ran translated nor would it work if running from a non-standard eui path such as ../source/build/eui.exe sanity.ex

I question if santiy.ex should even exist any more.


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