Euphoria Ticket #403: ? (print) on strings in docs examples

example from std/filesys.e

include std/filesys.e 
 ? temp_file("/usr/space", "myapp", "tmp") --> /usr/space/myapp736321.tmp 
 ? temp_file() --> /tmp/277382._T_ 

actual output


should the docs be lying about how '?' works on strings?

ex.err too

or is it something you just learn to deal with?


Type: Bug Report Severity: Textual Category: Documentation
Assigned To: DerekParnell Status: Fixed Reported Release: 4127
Fixed in SVN #: 4193, 4451, 4484 View VCS: 4193, 4451, 4484 Milestone: 4.0.0RC2

1. Comment by jimcbrown Nov 17, 2010

The docs should be accurate. In this case, one can just delete the reference to ? altogether and the meaning will remain as intelligible as ever.

2. Comment by ne1uno Nov 17, 2010

other example samples

include std/convert.e 
? to_string("abc",'"')       --> "abc" 
include std/sequence.e 
? pivot( {7, 2, 8.5, 6, 6, -4.8, 6, 6, 3.341, -8, "text"}, 6 ) 
  -- Ans: {{2, -4.8, 3.341, -8}, {6, 6, 6, 6}, {7, 8.5, "text"}} 
include std/sequence.e 
? combine(s)                   --> {"cat","dog","fish","snail","whale","wolf","worm"} 
? combine(s, COMBINE_UNSORTED) --> {"cat","dog","fish","whale","wolf","snail","worm"} 
include std/locale.e 
? money(1020.5) -- returns"$1,020.50" 
? number(1020.5) -- returns "1,020.50" 
include std/datetime.e 
? datetime("Today is a %A",dt:now()) 
include std/stats.e 
? small( {"def", "qwe", "abc", "try"}, 2 )  
  --> Ans: {"def", 1} (The 2nd smallest value) 
? largest( {"just","text"} ) -- Ans: {} 

I think it will be a little strange to only use ? for numeric output, at least in the same set of examples.

include std/map.e 
? pairs(m1)  -- { {"AB", 2}, {"XY", 1} } 
--there are quite a few stack examples. only showing a few here 
include std/stack.e 
? at(sk,-1) -- "abc" 
? peek_top(sk,1)  -- "" 
actually is {} 
? peek_top(sk,2)  -- "abc" 

3. Comment by jimcbrown Nov 18, 2010

These all need to be changed. Showing the real output of ? is not helpful for documentation purposes, though.

4. Comment by DerekParnell Nov 18, 2010

Started working on fixes.

5. Comment by jeremy Dec 03, 2010

Completed and new manual uploaded.


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