Euphoria Ticket #992: float32_to_atom needs var declarations, include line

Not the best demo, since it can't be copied and run without a numbers.dat file, but at least the code below would work if the file exists. Previous demo non-functional.

include std/convert.e  
object f = repeat(0, 4)  
integer fn = open("numbers.dat", "rb")   
f[1] = getc(fn) 
f[2] = getc(fn) 
f[3] = getc(fn) 
f[4] = getc(fn) 
atom a = float32_to_atom(f) 


Type: Task Severity: Normal Category: Documentation
Assigned To: euphoric Status: Fixed Reported Release:
Fixed in SVN #: View VCS: none Milestone: 4.1.0


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