Euphoria Ticket #520: be_machine.c: minGW missing semicolon ~2925 @strlen(src);

probably not worth a ticket, but so close to release.

add semicolon around line 4925 int slen = strlen(src);


Type: Bug Report Severity: Normal Category: Interpreter
Assigned To: unknown Status: Fixed Reported Release: 4638
Fixed in SVN #: 4638, 4666 View VCS: 4638, 4666 Milestone: 4.0.0

1. Comment by ne1uno Dec 09, 2010

maybe there was more to it, but it looked ok.

--test minGW  putenv(var=) unsetenv seems not to work 
-- should also capitolize env vars when putenv to be safe 
include std/os.e 
? setenv("NAME", "John Doe") 
? getenv("NAME") 
? unsetenv("NAME") 
? getenv("NAME") 

minGW 4638 unsetenv fails 
watcom 4521 works 

2. Comment by jeremy Dec 10, 2010

Confirmed fixed.

3. Comment by jimcbrown Dec 10, 2010

Can you confirm that unsetenv() works from MinGW (or conversely, confirm that it's broken and needs fixing) ?

4. Comment by ne1uno Dec 10, 2010

there are no more commits since I fixed the semicolon? must be a win9x problem.

5. Comment by ne1uno Dec 11, 2010

my reading of append_string(dest, "=", slen + 1) leaves only enough room for the null char, so the '=' was getting dropped.

expanding the buffer by one fixed unsetenv for minGW

6. Comment by SDPringle Feb 07, 2015

See: hg:euphoria/rev/05611ce14ac4

changeset: 6306:05611ce14ac4 branch: 4.0 parent: 6303:ee39d6ab231a user: Shawn Pringle <> date: Sat Feb 07 11:27:42 2015 -0300 files: include/std/utils.e source/common.e source/parser.e tests/t_c_fwd_enum_type.d/control.err description:

  • allow to use arbitrary expressions for enum and enum type assignments ticket 520


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