Euphoria Ticket #480: Sequence routines foldl and foldr

These methods combined a sequence into 1 value based on the output of a user supplied routine. For example:

function subt(integer a, integer b) 
  return a-b 
end function 
? foldl({1,2,3}, routine_id("subt")) --> -4 
? foldr({1,2,3}, routine_id("subt")) -->  0 

This is an ultra simple example. You can imagine more complex ones. foldl took 1 and 2, giving it to subt(), the result of that and 3. foldr would start at the right side, thus 3 and 2 goes to subt(), then the result of it and 1.

For more details: wikipedia:Fold_(higher-order_function)


Type: Feature Request Severity: Normal Category: Library Routine
Assigned To: unknown Status: New Reported Release: 4450
Fixed in SVN #: View VCS: none Milestone: 4.0.2

1. Comment by mattlewis Dec 02, 2010

That's very terse. What about fold_left and fold_right?

2. Comment by jeremy Dec 02, 2010

Doesn't matter to me, I was just taking the names from other languages I've used. Another really common name is reduce, but it doesn't lend itself to left/right very easily.

3. Comment by jimcbrown Dec 02, 2010

Isn't stdseq:apply() the same as fold_left() / foldl() ?

4. Comment by jimcbrown Dec 02, 2010

Uh, nvm, it's not.

5. Comment by DerekParnell Dec 02, 2010

Don't we already have something like this?

And what is the bug you are fixing by adding this functionality to the library?

6. Comment by jeremy Dec 02, 2010

No. Apply does this:

function add_10(integer a) 
  return a + 10 
end function 
? apply({1,2,3}, routine_id("add_10")) 
-- 11, 12, 13 

i.e. it returns a sequence the same size as the source. It does not combined the results of the user routine.

7. Comment by jeremy Dec 02, 2010

Should have been a feature request, and it's slated for 4.1.

If we have it, please tell me where it is. I think we missed it.

8. Comment by DerekParnell Dec 02, 2010

Are there any obvious examples of why someone would need this function?

9. Comment by jimcbrown Dec 02, 2010

function wrapped_or_bits(object x, object y) 
	return eu:or_bits(x, y) 
end function 
function or_all(sequence flags) 
	return fold_left(flags, routine_id("wrapped_or_bits")) 
end function 

10. Comment by mattlewis Dec 02, 2010

It's useful as an iterative application of something like apply(). The left vs right could be useful for non-commutative operations, though identical results could be achieved, I suppose by using reverse() on the sequence first.

11. Comment by jeremy Dec 02, 2010

Some languages do not have foldl/r, they just have fold. In those languages you do just that, use fold(reverse(...), ...)

12. Comment by DerekParnell Dec 02, 2010

Hmmm ... I see your point but I think most people would prefer a bit more speed with such simple tasks. The 'or_all' example above is almost the slowest way of achieving that result.

13. Comment by jeremy Dec 02, 2010

Many times convenience is better than speed. Optimizations later on, esp with things such as seeing a routine_id() is constant, and call_proc/func should just call the func directly would make operations like this just as fast and convienient.

Further, we have map (mapping) and filter. The mainstays of a functional language are map, filter and fold. The other two feel lonely smile

14. Comment by jimcbrown Dec 02, 2010

I guess you could use transform() to do this, sort of, but it's not really ideal:

function or_all(sequence source_data) 
	integer rid = routine_id("do_or_bits") 
	sequence s = transform(source_data, repeat(rid, length(source_data))) 
	return s[1] 
end function 
function do_or_bits(sequence s) 
	s[2] = or_bits(s[2], s[1]) 
	return s[2..$] 
end function 

or more generically

integer call_rid = NO_ROUTINE_ID 
function fold_left(sequence source_data, integer rid) 
	call_rid = rid 
	sequence s = transform(source_data, repeat(helpfold_rid, length(source_data))) 
	return s[1] 
end function 
function helpfold(sequence s) 
	if length(s) < 2 then 
		return s 
	end if 
	s[2] = call_func(call_rid, {s[2], s[1]}) 
	return s[2..$] 
end function 
constant helpfold_rid = routine_id("helpfold") 

Of course, this implementation is much easier

function fold_left(sequence source_data, integer rid) 
	object x 
	if not length(source_data) then 
		return "" 
	end if 
	x = source_data[1] 
	for i = 2 to length(source_data) do 
		x = call_func(rid, {x, source_data[i]}) 
	end for 
	return x 
end function 

15. Comment by jeremy Jan 03, 2011

Assigned to 4.0.1 milestone


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