Ticket #287: The WIKIPAGE plugin goes into an endless loop

I need a lot more detail about this issue, including a sample piece of creole text that demonstrates the problem.


Type: Bug Report Severity: Normal Category: Module: Wiki
Assigned To: DerekParnell Status: New Reported Release:
Fixed in SVN #: View VCS: none Milestone:

1. Comment by jeremy Oct 31, 2010

You can see the bug in the euweb project, see format.e See line 173.

case Plugin then 
	lInstance = pParms[4] 
	lParms = keyvalues(pParms[1], -1, -2) 
	lHTMLText = "" 
	switch upper(lParms[1][2]) do 
		case "WIKIPAGE" then 
			--lHTMLText = creole_plugin_wikipage(lParms) 
	end switch 

The creole_plugin_wikipage function is at line 59:

function creole_plugin_wikipage(sequence params) 
    sequence result = "" 
    sequence style = "none" 
    sequence page = "--INVALID-PAGE--" 
    integer toc_heading = 1 
    log:log("creole plugin running") 
    for i = 2 to length(params) do 
        switch params[i][1] do 
            case "style" then 
                style = params[i][2] 
            case "page" then 
                page = params[i][2] 
            case "heading" then 
                if find(params[i][2], { "on", "off", "hide", "0" }) then 
                    toc_heading = 0 
                end if 
        end switch 
    end for 
    if toc_heading then 
        result &= sprintf("<a href=\"/wiki/view/%s.wc\">%s</a>:\n", { 
            page, page }) 
    end if 
    result &= sprintf("<div class=\"wiki %s\">", { style }) 
    object wikipage = wiki_db:get(page) 
    if atom(wikipage) then 
        return "<strong>INVALID PAGE</strong>" 
    end if 
    result &= format_body(wikipage[wiki_db:WIKI_TEXT]) 
    result &= "</div>" 
    return result 
end function 

When the wiki page contains any reference to this plugin the creole_plugin_wikipage is executed endlessly. In the log I get "creole plugin running" forever, well, until I kill the process.

2. Comment by jeremy Oct 31, 2010

After further testing, this exhibits the same endless loop problem:

    case Plugin then 
        lInstance = pParms[4] 
        lParms = keyvalues(pParms[1], -1, -2) 
        lHTMLText = "" 
        switch upper(lParms[1][2]) do 
            case "TEST" then 
                lHTMLText = test_plugin(lParms) 
        end switch 

test_plugin being:

function test_plugin(sequence parms) 
  log:log("test plugin running") 
  return "test plugin" 
end function 


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