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forum Euphoria termometer program =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs_Consuegra?= <jconsuegra at REDESTB.ES> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: QBasic to Euphoria - Reply Joseph Martin <jam at EXIS.NET> Feb 17, 1997
forum Euphoria Windows Editor... PogoWolf <pogowolf at IASTATE.EDU> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: sprites The Reaper <reaper at LOKI.ATCON.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: sprites - Reply The Reaper <reaper at LOKI.ATCON.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: sprites Matt Stancliff <sysop at ATL.MINDSPRING.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: sprites - Reply "BABOR, JIRI" <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: One thing we REALLY need... Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: Beginners Web Page David Alan Gay <moggie at INTERLOG.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: sprites Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: sprites - Reply Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: QBasic to Euphoria - Reply "BABOR, JIRI" <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: QBasic to Euphoria - Reply Ad Rienks <Ad_Rienks at COMPUSERVE.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: One thing we REALLY need... Matthew Green <pogowolf at IASTATE.EDU> Feb 17, 1997
forum Beginners Web Page David Mosley <ampenter at SISNA.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: One thing we REALLY need... Marcel Kollenaar <M.Kollenaar at SLO.NL> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: One thing we REALLY need... Marcel Kollenaar <M.Kollenaar at SLO.NL> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: QBasic to Euphoria - Reply "Lucius L. Hilley III" <luciuslhilleyiii at JUNO.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: One thing we REALLY need... Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Feb 17, 1997
forum Re: Beginners web page David Alan Gay <moggie at INTERLOG.COM> Feb 17, 1997


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