LNX WEE 0.48m --- Kenneth Rhodes

LNX WEE 0.48m 4951K Kenneth Rhodes Feb 7/17

A modified version of Pete Eberlein's WEE full featured GUI editor for Euphoria 4.1 Beta 2, or better, Linux 64-bit. with improved EuGTK Widget HTML context sensitive help, routine written by Irv Mullins. Place cursor on a word containing "Gtk" and press F1. An article will be displayed from the included Gtk.html help docs. Streamlined F1 Key context sensitive help. If *.html help is not available for the current word the view declaration routine is called automatically. Extended color syntax support for most std library "words". Starting Glade tutorial and "Run Glade" option added to Help menu. The User must install Glade using a package manager, but GTK *.html help files are included.



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