Re: Namespaces

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On 23 Oct 2000, at 3:25, David Cuny wrote:

> How do people prefer namespaces to behave? For example, imagine that you had
> a namespace option in Euphoria like this:
>    import <file> into <namespace>
> that behaved like include does, but the imported code would have to be
> accessed through the namespace prefix. So if you had a file like this:
>    -- test.e
>    global integer number
> and you wrote:
>    import test.e into foo
>    import test.e into bar
> Would you expect 'foo.number' and 'bar.number' to reference the *same*
> variable, or different variables? My thinking is that it would be more along
> the lines of how Euphoria currently behaves to have them refer to the same
> variable. On the other hand, it's awfully convenient for each namespace to
> have it's own local data, like classes.

Unequivocally *different* !!! After all, if i wanted the same data, i'd not use
names to get to it. And if Py or Eu has a method to multitask that we haven't
discovered yet (see my previous post on multitasking,, did anyone try that for
me, or
explain why it would not work?), i would not want namespace conflicts to kill
that off.

Now, as an offshoot of this in variable naming, i have tried to write code that
would get
me the same var *in some circumstances* no matter how i asked for it:

could all be the same, but not this:


Which got into a complicated syntax parsing for the var names, which wasn't my
at the time. But my point here is this, if the programmer knows what she is
and she writes foo.number() in the code, she should not get bar.number(),
especially if
we get threads, and something execs bar(), doing something totally unrelated to
changing a local var there that foo.number's processing is/was based on. You
get some nasty bugs that way too.


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