Re: Namespaces

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On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, David Cuny wrote:
> How do people prefer namespaces to behave? ...

>    import test.e into foo
>    import test.e into bar

Further experimentation shows that this is a much more involved question
than I at first thought. It'll take several posts to explore the possibilities,
but let's start by evaluating the simplest alternative:

As I see it, there could be a couple of reasons a programmer might
do multiple imports if references to foo and bar will point to the SAME variable

1. A mistake.(forgot it was already included)

2. Obfuscation of code. = "Fooman"  = "Barman"
     ? => "Barman"

   Not something I normally do (intentionally). Besides, there's always shroud.

I see no upside to this, therefore if multiple includes are going to point to
the SAME space,  they should be prohibited.

In exploring what happens if multiple includes point to DIFFERENT instances of
the included variables, we need to examine three different areas:
stand-alone variables

I have some experiments in each of these areas which I'll post individually.


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