Llama 0.5 Preview

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[ Llama Preview 0.5 ]

I've sent Robert that latest version of Llama, 0.5 Preview. Features

    - Graphics support
    - Font support
    - Bug fixes

The feature gap between Win32Lib and Llama is rapidly diminishing!

[ Peuphoria ]

I took a look at the latest version of Pete's Peuphoria program - it just
keeps getting better! Now if only I could figure out how to get my C
compiler to work, I could link it into some of those GUI toolkits I've been
talking about...

Has anyone tried compiling Peuphoria for a 68K Macintosh? I've got a copy of
Ardi's Mac emulator (Executor), and I wondered if the code would run on it.
I don't have a Mac C compiler, or I'd just compile it myself.

[ EuOS - Euphoria Operating System ]

I haven't heard anything on the EuOS in quite a long time. Anything to


-- David Cuny

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