Re: New encryption thread

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>     function probil (integer key, integer data)
>     .. some processing here..
>     .. return a result unique to the data, though not to the key.
>     .. So, different data-integers with the same key should never ever
>        return the same value
>         return my_integer
>     end function

my first thoughts, a rough draft if you will, based upon my
of what you desire, which, at this point, is not a very strong
understanding as (and, this is *not* anyone's "fault") i'm
having a wee bit of trouble with your phraseology, a cultural,
grammatical, translation difficulty...

i _think_ i know what u want...
for any given X and Y, return Z such that:
   for any X, Z may or may not be the same;
   for any X *and* Y, Z may never be the same.

with that, my first draft is rather fast to process, easy to
implement, and I believe satisfies the desire.

the caveat and the problem I am having is not knowing
just how large Y might be.  If Y is approaching 2^31,
or -2^31, then applying a numerical transformation to
it can become problematic, and may trigger EU to
return an *atom*...

I can get around this with extra processing time, and
since this is likly to be *inside* a loop, I would
like to -avoid- that, like a plague.

A simple algorithm (that may overflow) might be:

func prob(int key, int data)
   return rand(data) + rand(data)
end func

very fast, clean, neat, and I do not believe that for
any given X & Y, that Z could *ever* be the same.

if you limit data to ~2^15 or less, you have your algorithm.
if we add a check inside the func to prevent overflow, it
will slow this down, and that slowdown may propagate.

const max = power(2,15)
func prob(int key, int data)
   if (data > max) then
      data = floor(data/rand(4))
      return rand(data) + rand(data)
   end if
   if (data < -max) then
      data = floor(data/rand(4))
      return rand(data) + rand(data)
   end if
   return rand(data) + rand(data)
end func

this is "more complex" *looking*, but, is short-circuited to
help defeat speed penalties.
the ole' get out while the getting is good...

the largest problem with this algorithm is the use of set_rand,
as, if you have already set the seed, *before*
calling the func prob(), then I destroy that seed,
and since (I WISH!) there is no function that retrieves
the current seed, {no seed = get_rand() command...}
I cannae store the state prior to calling set_rand()...

the next largest problem with the algorithm, is that
it won't work in reverse... ;)

so, we can solve almost all the above with the extremely simple,
(sans the single issue of set_rand) algorithm:

func prob(int k, int d)
   return xor_bits( rand(d), rand(d) )
end func

this, unless i'm very sadly mistaken, which, so far, in dealing
with topics of crypto, i've been very mistaken, often :)
(hi Ad! see? we aren't so far apart...
 trust me, we all go thru growing pains while learning
 new 'topics', and I for one, do hope that your final line:
   >So, maybe in a week or two you will hear
   >from me again, or maybe never again.
 comes to pass as the *first* option...
 someone once said: Never stop questioning.
will *never* produce the same return for different values of d,
(unless d is very small... like 1 or 2... but give it ranges
 from ohhhh 100..2^31 and -100..-2^31, and u got no worries)
but would return the same value if k and d were sent to it twice...
and, it will always process in the same amount of ticks...

    _/  _/   _/_/_/   _/  _/  _/  _/   _/_/_/ _/
   _/  _/   _/  _/   _/  _/  _/ _/    _/
  _/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/  _/  _/_/     _/_/
 _/  _/   _/  _/   _/_/_/  _/ _/    _/
_/  _/   _/  _/   _/_/_/  _/   _/  _/_/_/
({<=-> -=})

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